Masochist me/Carriage

From Create Your Own Story

< Masochist me(Difference between revisions)
(Finished walking, now working on sitting.)
(Think I am finished with this page finally...)
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Again, she had us practice, adjusting us as we moved. I was surprised that it made me feel different. A little sexier. A little more confident. I was really starting to enjoy this.
Again, she had us practice, adjusting us as we moved. I was surprised that it made me feel different. A little sexier. A little more confident. I was really starting to enjoy this.
Eventually, she was contented with our current progress. "Always remember too, you must remain close to your companion. Too much distance says you are not interested in him." She got close, closer than I felt was completely appropriate. "See, like this. You should never move further away than this if you are casually walking with your companion. Remember, closeness signals intimacy, which will draw his interests." I thought about that, about personal space in social psychology, and realized that she was correct, and why I felt uncomfortable with having her stand so close. I was not planning to be intimate with her. "Okay, please sit down."
Eventually, she was contented with our current progress. "Always remember too, you must remain close to your companion. Too much distance says you are not interested in him." She got close, closer than I felt was completely appropriate. "See, like this. You should never move further away than this if you are casually walking with your companion. Remember, closeness signals intimacy, which will draw his interests." I thought about that, about personal space in social psychology, and realized that she was correct, and why I felt uncomfortable with having her stand so close. I was not planning to be intimate with her.  
"Next, if you need to bend over, never bend at the waist." She showed us what she meant, and it made me feel a bit...ummm...about it. It was like she was just sticking her ass out there for anyone to watch and touch. I actually had the urge to spank her.
"A true lady always bends at the knees." Again she demonstrated, pretending to pick something up from the ground. Her back remained straight, while her knees bent. "Keep your legs together, your back straight, like you are sliding down a wall. Use your legs, not your back and waist, for your weight."
"What if we need to intentionally show the man our ass," I said.
She glared at me. "What you do with your companion in private is one thing. If he wants you to bend over and show off your butt, then feel free. But in a social setting, remember, not only are you trying to appear to be a woman of self worth for him, but you are also a symbol of who he is. It would do no good to give him a momentary thrill if it only embarrasses him and makes him lose face that his 'date' is putting her posterior up there for everyone to have to see, whether they like it or not. The companion wants you for more than your body. Otherwise, he would just go find some whore."
She had us practice bending over properly for a few minutes, until she was satisfied that none of us planned to waive our asses in the air.
"Okay, please sit down."
We all sat, not noticing how closely she was studying us.
We all sat, not noticing how closely she was studying us.
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"No, no, no. Stand up. What are you, common, low class women? You may only sit if you can sit properly." For the next thirty minutes, we all tried to sit. Each time one of us sat, she would chide us about how poorly we had done it and make us stand again, to think about how to sit and to do it right.
"No, no, no. Stand up. What are you, common, low class women? You may only sit if you can sit properly." For the next thirty minutes, we all tried to sit. Each time one of us sat, she would chide us about how poorly we had done it and make us stand again, to think about how to sit and to do it right.
Finally, she said, "stop." Those of us caught mid-sit stood back up again, unsure what to do.
"First, you need to stand in front of your seat, as close as you can." She stood in front of her chair, her legs almost touching the seat. "You will not need to do as much, and it will be easier. You will also have less risk of showing anyone your panties, or worse, missing the seat completely and falling." She waited until we acknowledged what she said, then went on. "Normally, if your companion is a gentleman, or at least trying to seem like one, he will help push in your chair. You, come push in my chair for me," she said, pointing at the woman on my right. As she did, our instructor sat down.
"Go ahead," she told us.
We tried to sit again, getting next to the chair before sitting. I could not figure out how this was different.
"No, wrong. Stand up."
We stood up again, and I could feel myself getting frustrated.
"Did you see what I did before I sat?" She stood up again, then sat back down. We all stood there, not knowing what to say. "Okay, watch legs and knees." We watched as she put her knees together, her legs pressed against each other. "You, you are wearing black panties. You are wearing pink. And you, white. See, your legs, when they are not together you risk showing everyone your undergarments. With your knees together," she pointed at her knees, "and your legs aligned properly," she showed her her legs were together, "not misaligned," this time she showed one leg slightly ahead of the other, "you will sit down like a proper lady. Go ahead."
With that, we tried to mirror her.
"No, no, stand up. It is better. You are putting everything together, but did you see how this woman bent forward, twisted her torso slightly? This is wrong."
Again, she stood, this time mentioning each thing as she sat down in slow motion. "See, I hold my body upright, just like I would if I was standing." Shekept her chest out, her shoulders back, her back arched. "I bend down at the knees. I do not drop, but instead just smoothly bend the knees so I descend at an even pace." She showed us again a couple times, then asked us to do it a few times. It felt a little off. I was used to leaning forward, which I think many of us are. I had to put my hand out for balance.
"No, no, no. Up. Your hands. You need to keep your arms straight down or bent slightly at the elbow, but should not need to use them to sit. Your thighs should be doing the work as you sit. Continue." She had us sit, then stand, then sit again. After a few minutes of this, I could feel my thighs burning, similar to how it felt doing squats.
"Now, you and you. I notice you are wearing skirts. When wearing skirts, you should run your hand along it as you sit, smoothing it. Then it will not pull up when you sit, and it will not become rumpled." Again she demonstrated, and had the one woman wearing jeans pretend, as she had us do it over and over again.
"Better. You may stop for now. We will practice all of this more later, so you can do it naturally, without thinking. You need to get in the habit of always doing this, so it becomes your normal way to stand, to walk, to sit. Then, you will not make a mistake or slip back into bad habits again."
"Now, when you sit, you also need to sit properly. Otherwise, you will not be as attractive. First, your posture." She motioned down each side of her torso. "You must sit up straight. Just like when standing, keep your shoulders back, your back arched. This will keep your breasts pushed out, so you will not lose the appeal you gained while walking and standing still. Remember, you want to keep his attention, and a slip can ruin the entire image. Your companion does not want to be with some woman who is lazy and unattractive. He is looking for something that maybe he could not dream of finding in his normal life. That is why you are there."
"When you sit, you should not lean back." She leaned back, demonstrating. "From here, you tell your companion that you want to be away from him. You also tell him that you are uninterested in him. He will not want to spend more time with you. Make sure your back never contacts the back of the chair. Instead, sit in the middle of the chair. This lets you keep your posture, look attentive, and it is easier to lean in slightly, as if you were confiding in him, or being more intimate with him."
She had us try, shifting us when we sat too far back or too far forward.
"And don't slouch!" She loudly said to one of the other women. "It is unattractive, makes you look lazy and slovenly, and will not attract a man. If a man wanted to be with another man, he would not be with you. You are women, not men. Never, ever slouch."
"Next, your hands. You want to use small gestures, slower movements. Your hands should still make friendly contact, since you want to show intimacy, but you do not wish to crowd them. You do not wish to scare them away. Many will be nervous the first time, as you will be. Once you're comfortable together you can make faster, more animated gestures. When your hands are idle, place them folded in your lap. If this would place them out of view, then place them folded on the edge of the table." She demonstrated, exaggerating her movements, then showing more subdued movements. I thought she went a little overboard, but understood what she was trying to say. "Remember, you must control your emotions. Even when excited, you must be professional."
She paused until she was sure we were moving appropriately, then moved on. "Also, it is good to use your hands to draw his eyes to certain features. For example, lightly running your finger across your lips highlights them for him, showing a level of attraction. Even if he is not aware, it will arouse his feelings, helping you to better capture him. You also need to make sure you are aware of him. If attracted, the man will do the same, trying to highlight his own features. However, if he is doing things like putting his hands in his pockets, well, you might have other problems."
She had us run through a series of exercises, having us draw attention to our hair, our eyes, our ears, our lips, our neck, and our chest. Simple things. A slight swipe across our bottom lip with the index finger. Hooking our hair behind our ears, the fingers curled around but not touching the ear. Running our fingers down the neck slowly. Turning our hands palm up, rather than palm down, exposing the inside of our wrists. She even worked with us on how to make more suggestive motions, such as sucking on something, without it being seen as an overt sexual gesture.
"Remember, you must practice, practice, practice. This will be hard. You must think about your actions and make sure you are sending the right signals. But you must do this naturally, without thought. Most of you already do this to some degree or another, but you must know how to do this like a true professional."
After more practice, she moved on.
"Your legs. Placement of the legs can depend if you are wearing a skirt or dress, or if you are wearing jeans or capris. Yes, it will even be important if you are wearing shorts or skorts, depending on the length of them. After all, you do not want to flash your undergarments while sitting in loose or short shorts."
"For sitting, you have options with your legs. First, you may place them together, putting your feet together also. Make sure your legs are lined up, straight with each other. Make sure your feet are also pressed together. This will give you a sharper, more attentive look."
She had us practice. It was actually not that comfortable for me. I kept finding my legs parting slightly, my knees not wanting to remain in contact. In fact, I didn't feel relaxed at all, and saw she was growing frustrated that I could not maintain that sitting position and a relaxed posture.
"I see some of you are not really used to this. See, this is the difference between a lady and a tramp. Lets move on to other ways you might be more comfortable with."
"Next, you may cross your ankles. Simple, see?" She showed us. I wanted to roll my eyes, it was so obvious. I refrained, realizing that I had learned something, so could bear with this. "When you cross your ankles, make sure they are firmly together. There should be no space. Also, make sure that your knees remain together." I almost sighed. Not so simple I guess. My knees still kept separating.
"So, if you are having problems with keeping your knees together, you can always cross your legs at the knee. Then, they will not try to separate, and you will not be showing your companion anything you shouldn't." Now I just wanted to laugh. An escort, being afraid of 'showing something she wasn't supposed to'. It was a strange idea.
"Place one knee over the other, and press your calves tightly together. If you are flexible enough, you can even cross your legs a second time by wrapping your foot around the back of your ankle. It will look more elegant, and show your companion that your body is...bendable." I found myself giggle a bit at that, against my will, as an image of some strange yoga position popped into my head. "Sorry," I mumbled as she stared at me. An extra second, then she continued.
"Remember, crossing your legs like this is much less modest. It will emphasize your legs and raise your skirt hemline. In pants or longer shorts, it will not matter as much, but becomes less desirable when you are short skirts. Too short, and you will not be able to cross your legs at all without exposing something. But ladies will not wear that short of skirts." She looked as if the idea of short skirts absolutely appalled her.
"You will want to switch legs time to time. Now, you must be careful. Spreading your legs, even when adjusting in your seat, is unladylike. Also, even with your hands in your lap to weigh down your dress or skirt, spreading your legs runs the risk of momentarily exposing your underwear. In pants, it will make less difference, but you still do not want to spread your legs, especially not like some man, or some whore. However, if he spreads his legs, it is a good sign. This implies an invitation of sorts, and it’s considered a primal move that men tend to do subconsciously."
"To switch legs, like the right leg to the left, you begin by raising your thigh slightly. Place your right calf in front of your left while making sure your thighs stay together. It is also good to keep your hands in your lap to prevent the skirt or dress from lifting and exposing your panties."
She showed the first half of the switch, then continued.
"Now, you will put your right calf over the left. Your right knee should be directly on top of the left knee and your calves should be tight together."
More practice, and then she moved on. "Now, the final way you can sit. Instead of crossing your legs or leaving them straight, you can angle them. Here, like if straight, you need to make sure your thighs and feet are pressed together. Your knees will not properly align, but the lower one should still be pressed against your leg, slightly below the other knee. This is actually a good position to make you look less stiff, more feminine. Remember to switch them time to time, and to make sure your legs are pointing towards the person you are speaking to."
"Now, there are a couple of points to make about your feet. You should always try to have them pointed towards your companion. First, this is a subconscious trigger. This will tell your companion that things are going well. You can also check his feet. Men will also do this. Second, when your legs are crossed, it will highlight the shape of your legs and draw attention to their length."
She showed us, first pointing her toes down, gesturing to her legs, then pointing them at us. It was a subtle difference, but after she did it a few times I finally saw it.
Now that all the basics had been reviewed, she set us to practicing. Having us sit, stand, walk, talk, gesture, touch. Over and over and over again. It was late by the time we finally finished, the sun already having gone down. I was so sore from the day that I could barely walk straight.
She left us with one last comment.
"Remember, if you go beyond a purely social environment, then it is up to you how you act. But, when you are in public with any companion, unless he has said he wants something different, I expect you all to be ladies. In public, you are a reflection of him. You need to be refined enough that he is willing to show you off to his business clients, charming and ladylike so he would feel happy to show you off to his parents. And you will meed some of your companions parents. Now, remember, practice practice practice, and I had better never see you in public acting like anything but a lady."
We left, her words of warning in the backs of our heads, and thoughts of how I could actually manage to do all of this without looking like a complete fool uppermost in my mind.
How to sit down:
:[[Masochist me/Clothes|Class: How to dress appropriately]]
:[[Masochist me/Contact|Class: How to maintain eye and physical contact]]
1. Stand in front of your seat as close as you can. By starting out close to the chair, you will have less work to do and are much less likely to expose yourself or miss your mark and fall.
:[[Masochist me/Conversation|Class: How to keep the clients interest]]
:[[Masochist me/Website|Class: How to maintain your records]]
2. Put your knees together. Make sure both your knees and most of your legs are lined up and squeezed next to each other. One leg should not be in front of the other. By sitting down with your legs together, you will keep your undergarments from showing, no matter how short your skirt may be.
:[[Masochist me/Additional|Class: Additional services, and how to handle them]]
:[[Masochist me/Safety|Class: How to keep yourself safe]]
3. Ease down gently. Do not bend forward; make sure to keep your torso straight. Keeping your knees together, sit down smoothly by bending your knees. Your calves will naturally tilt forward, which is a position you will want to hold.
Try not to use your hands for balance. Keep your arms either straight down or slightly bent at the elbow.
4. Smooth your skirt under you. If you are wearing a skirt or dress, it may have become rumpled while you sat down. Sitting will also have raised its hemline. If you don't want your skirt looking rumpled or shorter than it actually is, smooth it down gently with your hands.
How to sit:
<blockquote>Don’t assume an unattractive pose. That means that men should not pretend to a macho style where they strut about and assume a truculence as a way of looking strong. Women should not seem aloof. It comes across as snobbery. Neither should either men or women pretend sophistication. I think even those who have been around the world a few times and know a great deal about a great number of things should not present themselves that way if possible. It is intimidating rather than appealing.
5. Decide how to place your feet. You have two main options for your feet: flat on the ground or crossed at the ankles. If you are short enough that your feet don't touch the floor, be sure to go with the ankle-cross. When crossing your ankles, be sure to do so with your knees still together. There should be no space between your ankles.
6. Angle your legs. If your legs are long or you've chosen not to cross your ankles, you will likely need to angle your knees to either your left or right. Such placement will make you look less stiff and more feminine. You do not need to maintain this angle for the duration of the event. In fact, it is polite to shift your knees towards the person you are speaking to.
7. Sit up straight. Do not lean back into your chair. For formal occasions, it's most appropriate to sit in the center of the seat with your back not in contact with the chair.
Likewise, do not lean forward and slouch in your chair.
8. Place your hands in your lap. When not in use, keep your hands folded or holding a clutch. Rest them just above your thigh. However, if you are attending a formal dinner in France, be sure to place your hands on the table on either side of the plate instead. There, it is considered rude to place your hands underneath the table on your lap.
1. Ease into your chair with your knees together. Keep your torso straight without leaning forward. While you will eventually cross your legs, the act of sitting down is identical to the one used for maintaining traditional ladylike posture.
Keep in mind that crossing your legs at the knee is much less modest than keeping your legs parallel. It will both emphasize your legs while raising your skirt's hemline.
2. Place your hands in your lap. Once you are seated, fold your hands and place them on your lap between your legs. Maintain this placement when your hands are not in use. This position will also weigh your skirt down, preventing you from flashing your undergarments while crossing your legs.
3. Move your right leg to the left. Begin by raising your right thigh slightly. Then, place your right calf in front of your left. Be sure to keep your thighs together. Spreading your legs, even when adjusting in your seat, is traditionally considered unladylike. Also, even with your hands in your lap, spreading your legs runs the risk of momentarily exposing your underwear.
4. Position your right calf over your left. Your right knee should now be directly on top of your left knee. Your calves should be tight together, forming a diagonal with your feet pointing towards either your right or your left. You will not be able to have a straight up-and-down leg placement with both feet on the floor in this position.
5. Maintain a straight line with both legs. Your right and left calves should remain as parallel and as closely lined up to each other as possible. Be sure that your legs remain firmly together while you sit. Keep your toes pointed downward.
Remember to always sit up with your torso straight.
6. Switch legs gracefully if necessary. At some point while sitting, you may want to switch positions so that the opposite leg crosses over the other. This can be done if you are quick and graceful enough but should be avoided if you are wearing a particularly short skirt. Simply uncross your legs so that they are in the same position they were in right after you first sat down. Then, simply move the chosen leg over the other to return to a crossed position.
Remember to make sure your hands are in your lap while uncrossing and recrossing your legs.
When you’re sitting down, you should cross your legs at the knees, especially if you’re wearing a skirt or a dress. If you’re flexible enough, then you should cross your legs a second time by wrapping your foot around the back of your ankle. It’ll make you look elegant while showing your man just how much you can bend your body.
This one isn’t just for men with foot fetishes. It will appeal to any guy who loves a lady with gorgeous legs. All you have to do is point your toes out when you’re sitting cross-legged. It sounds like a silly little thing to do, but it can actually highlight the shape of your legs and draw attention to the length of them.
7. Pointed Toes in Your Direction: It may seem like a minor gesture, but if a person (particularly a man) is pointing his toes and/or body in your direction on a date, things are going well. Males generally point their bodies in the direction of the women they like to let them know they’re attracted to them. This is a particularly helpful tip if you’re in a group setting and the man is generally always facing in your direction. It may imply he’s trying to single you out in a crowd with his attention.
If you want your man to really look at your legs, then you can dangle your shoe from your foot while you sit. To do this, you simply need to pop the heel of your foot out of your shoe and let it dangle from the edge of your foot by your toes.
If you’re worried about getting spider veins from sitting with your legs crossed all day, you can sit with your legs pressed together. Just make sure that you keep your feet together and your hands on top of your knees.</blockquote>
Mimicry reference:
[[Masochist me/My first|Nevermind the training, just take me to the first date.]]
This means that mimicry is a good thing to look out for when you're on a date with someone. This might be them subtly crossing their legs after you do or if they put their hand to their chin after you. The New York Times breaks it down like so:
“When you’re being mimicked in a good way, it communicates a kind of pleasure, a social high you’re getting from the other person, and I suspect it activates the areas of the brain involved in sensing reward,” [neuroscientist Dr. Jean Decety] said.
Of course, it's a thin line between a charming mimic and purposeful persuasion. Don't go overboard trying to mimic the person you're on a date with or watching to see if they mimic you. Doing so will probably make you come across as a creepy mime.</blockquote>
Other things:
<blockquote>In the context of a first date, it's also important to keep your body language relaxed and comforting. In a report published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, it's suggested that you keep your movements subdued at first. Remember that the person across from you is essentially a stranger, so use small gestures, slower movements, and don't crowd them. Once you're comfortable together (and you're no longer seen as a threat) you can make faster, more animated gestures. Basically, show interest in what your date's saying and doing, but don't go all Kramer on them.
4. A Whispered Tone: If your date’s personal lowdown comes in the form of a softly-spoken tone, that’s a good sign. When a man talks in a low voice, he’s likely indicating that his words are for you only, said Greg Hartley, former Army Special Forces interrogator and author of I Can Read You Like a Book: How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language. Hartley spoke to regarding men’s sure-fire signals that prove they’re interested. “If he’s telling you something private or secret, it’s a good thing—guys don’t do that to women they’re not into,” he said. And women take note; this is the kind of move that works both ways.
5. Spread Legs: This implies an invitation of sorts, and it’s considered a primal move that men tend to do subconsciously. says men do this to make themselves appear taller, hotter, and more attractive. It can be done sitting or standing, so if those legs are slightly ajar, it’s likely in your favor.
9. Highlighting the Best Attributes: If your date isn’t touching you, she may be touching, er, herself. Whether a woman is running her hands through her hair or a man is flexing his muscles, we all tend to inadvertently highlight our best attributes in front of someone we’re into. If she’s drawing attention to her lips, it’s a solid sign of attraction; if he’s got his thumbs tucked into his pants pockets … well, you get the drift.</blockquote>
[[Category:Masochist me|Carriage]]
[[Category:Masochist me|Carriage]]

Current revision as of 06:08, 23 March 2017

I sat down in the room, between the two other women who were training to be escorts.

The woman who walked in forced me to do a double take. She was elegant, refined. She walked at a stately pace and held herself in a way that radiated both strength and femininity. And, she had a look about her that almost shouted 'harsh school mistress'.

"Today, you will learn how to carry yourself. How to present yourself, and how to pay attention to your partner's body language." Even her tone brooked no nonsense.

With that, she had us stand up and walk in front of her.

"No, no, no. You must walk like ladies. You must stand like ladies. Not like young girls. Not like some common, slovenly housewife. Like proper ladies." With that, she demonstrated. I had to admit to myself that she did look very elegant, and her walk did have a certain...something...that made her appear more attractive than I thought possible.

"You, come stand here," she said, point at me.

With that, she started pulling me here, pushing me there, adjusting me like I was some sort of mannequin for her to pose.

"Note how her shoulders are rolled back and her back is arched," she said, drawing a circle in the air around my shoulders. "Please note how they show off her breasts." This time she pointed unabashedly at my breasts. "Note how here, her hip is off center to her shoulders, how her body forms itself into an S." She followed the contours of my body, drawing an S over it through the air in front of me. "This allows you to show off your shape. Notice how the hip is prominent here," she added, pointing at the hip. "Note how the profile of the breast is not hidden by her arms, since her arms are away from her body." She adjusted me slightly, running a hand near the side of my left breast, showing how at that profile, and with my shoulders rolled back, you could see it more prominently. "Note how the very stance itself, called the S-Curve, makes her body appear to have more curves, rather than a square stance."

With that, she had us all practice the pose for a few minutes, adjusting us when we over Sed or under Sed. "For long standing, you may adjust your weight from one foot to another. Reversing the pose helps accentuate the other side. Then your body is shown off, rather than subdued."

She grabbed one of the other women by the waist to demonstrate. "Pop your hip, drawing attention to it. Wide hips are a sign of fertility, and draw men's natural, primal attraction out. Men will notice the hips, the breasts, and the face. Your hips width subconsciously tell a man how good of a breeding partner you are. Your breasts tell how good you will be for feeding offspring. So, you need to make sure that he takes note of this."

She set us off to a series of more practice on our pose, on switching legs and how to help emphasize our curves.

"So, arch your back and roll your shoulders back to help emphasize the top. S-Curve stance to help show off both the top and the bottom." Once she felt comfortable with our stances, she stood us in front of the mirror one by one, and asked us to repeat while both facing the mirror and standing profile. I had to admit to myself, it did work. My breasts, while no different than they were before, seemed like they were...larger? Maybe. More prominent. Easier to notice. Standing in the S-Curve, I had to admit my hips were also more prominent. I was not sure if I really believed this would help men notice more, because I really didn't believe the whole wide hips thing, but I had to admit that it did help highlight them as she had said.

"Okay, okay, I think you are good on that. We will practice more in a few minutes. First, I notice there is still stiffness in you." She again pointed at the signs. The hands were rigid at our sides. While our arms were bent, they still looked stiff. Our legs were tight.

"You need to relax as you hold your position. More delicate. Easier going." She wrestled a bit more with us, then demonstrated again out of frustration.

"See, I imagine myself as being held up by a string. My body is loose. My hands, my arms, my neck, they all are loose, relaxed."

It was difficult to try to match that. We tightened up as we tried to maintain the S-Curve, keep our backs arched, keep our shoulders rolled back. We lost these when we tried to relax our posture. It took over an hour before we were able to manage it all at the same time.

And this is just standing... I thought to myself, wondering how long it would take to learn whatever else this instructor planned to teach us.

"Now, you need to learn how to walk." She said.

"But, I know how to walk," I told her.

"Show me," was all she said, motioning with impatience.

Knowing I would be judged for it, I did my best sexy walk. "Stop, stop. You look like you are trying way to hard. All women, we know how to walk to attract a man's interest. It is part of us. But, some, like you, try too hard. Others, they stop trying, or only bother when their hormones kick in. You are a companion. You need to walk properly at all times, not when your body tells you it is time to." I found it strange that she used the word companion. The rest of the instructors used escort. I wondered if this woman knew why she was teaching us.

"To properly walk, your head is up, shoulders are back, and you lead with your breasts. Your arms swing loosely back and forth while your hips swivel from side-to-side. Your weight is more in your heels." With this, she did a demonstration. It was similar to what I had done, but there were a few differences, seemly minor, that made it very different. It was actually rather difficult to figure out what was different, but the effect was. Subconsciously, me, and I imagine the other two women, felt the draw to this instructor. Her body seemed more voluptuous. She seemed more in control. It was like watching someone who knew who they were, and was confident in who they were. Like seeing a woman who could be anything they want, yet was still attractive, feminine, desirable.

"This is something that happens to all women when they are off of their peak fertility time. It tells a man that you are fertile, therefore desirable, even when you are not. But also be mindful. When you are fertile, you will tend to stiffen up when you are ovulating. But, as a companion, you must pay attention to your body and how you move it. Your companion does not care if you are fertile. He only cares if he finds himself attracted to you. So, you must always maintain your walk, even when your body says not to." I decided that she must know we were training to be escorts. Maybe she just didn't like saying escort, so kept saying companion?

"Just like the standing pose, this will help call attention to your hips, to your breasts. Men will be in love with you." We nodded, me a little more hesitantly than the others. Then again, I could see how it made me feel, so imagined she must know what she was talking about, and not just saying mystical, consulting mumbo jumbo.

Again, she had us practice, adjusting us as we moved. I was surprised that it made me feel different. A little sexier. A little more confident. I was really starting to enjoy this.

Eventually, she was contented with our current progress. "Always remember too, you must remain close to your companion. Too much distance says you are not interested in him." She got close, closer than I felt was completely appropriate. "See, like this. You should never move further away than this if you are casually walking with your companion. Remember, closeness signals intimacy, which will draw his interests." I thought about that, about personal space in social psychology, and realized that she was correct, and why I felt uncomfortable with having her stand so close. I was not planning to be intimate with her.

"Next, if you need to bend over, never bend at the waist." She showed us what she meant, and it made me feel a bit...ummm...about it. It was like she was just sticking her ass out there for anyone to watch and touch. I actually had the urge to spank her.

"A true lady always bends at the knees." Again she demonstrated, pretending to pick something up from the ground. Her back remained straight, while her knees bent. "Keep your legs together, your back straight, like you are sliding down a wall. Use your legs, not your back and waist, for your weight."

"What if we need to intentionally show the man our ass," I said.

She glared at me. "What you do with your companion in private is one thing. If he wants you to bend over and show off your butt, then feel free. But in a social setting, remember, not only are you trying to appear to be a woman of self worth for him, but you are also a symbol of who he is. It would do no good to give him a momentary thrill if it only embarrasses him and makes him lose face that his 'date' is putting her posterior up there for everyone to have to see, whether they like it or not. The companion wants you for more than your body. Otherwise, he would just go find some whore."

She had us practice bending over properly for a few minutes, until she was satisfied that none of us planned to waive our asses in the air.

"Okay, please sit down."

We all sat, not noticing how closely she was studying us.

"No, no, no. Stand up. What are you, common, low class women? You may only sit if you can sit properly." For the next thirty minutes, we all tried to sit. Each time one of us sat, she would chide us about how poorly we had done it and make us stand again, to think about how to sit and to do it right.

Finally, she said, "stop." Those of us caught mid-sit stood back up again, unsure what to do.

"First, you need to stand in front of your seat, as close as you can." She stood in front of her chair, her legs almost touching the seat. "You will not need to do as much, and it will be easier. You will also have less risk of showing anyone your panties, or worse, missing the seat completely and falling." She waited until we acknowledged what she said, then went on. "Normally, if your companion is a gentleman, or at least trying to seem like one, he will help push in your chair. You, come push in my chair for me," she said, pointing at the woman on my right. As she did, our instructor sat down.

"Go ahead," she told us.

We tried to sit again, getting next to the chair before sitting. I could not figure out how this was different.

"No, wrong. Stand up."

We stood up again, and I could feel myself getting frustrated.

"Did you see what I did before I sat?" She stood up again, then sat back down. We all stood there, not knowing what to say. "Okay, watch legs and knees." We watched as she put her knees together, her legs pressed against each other. "You, you are wearing black panties. You are wearing pink. And you, white. See, your legs, when they are not together you risk showing everyone your undergarments. With your knees together," she pointed at her knees, "and your legs aligned properly," she showed her her legs were together, "not misaligned," this time she showed one leg slightly ahead of the other, "you will sit down like a proper lady. Go ahead."

With that, we tried to mirror her.

"No, no, stand up. It is better. You are putting everything together, but did you see how this woman bent forward, twisted her torso slightly? This is wrong."

Again, she stood, this time mentioning each thing as she sat down in slow motion. "See, I hold my body upright, just like I would if I was standing." Shekept her chest out, her shoulders back, her back arched. "I bend down at the knees. I do not drop, but instead just smoothly bend the knees so I descend at an even pace." She showed us again a couple times, then asked us to do it a few times. It felt a little off. I was used to leaning forward, which I think many of us are. I had to put my hand out for balance.

"No, no, no. Up. Your hands. You need to keep your arms straight down or bent slightly at the elbow, but should not need to use them to sit. Your thighs should be doing the work as you sit. Continue." She had us sit, then stand, then sit again. After a few minutes of this, I could feel my thighs burning, similar to how it felt doing squats.

"Now, you and you. I notice you are wearing skirts. When wearing skirts, you should run your hand along it as you sit, smoothing it. Then it will not pull up when you sit, and it will not become rumpled." Again she demonstrated, and had the one woman wearing jeans pretend, as she had us do it over and over again.

"Better. You may stop for now. We will practice all of this more later, so you can do it naturally, without thinking. You need to get in the habit of always doing this, so it becomes your normal way to stand, to walk, to sit. Then, you will not make a mistake or slip back into bad habits again."

"Now, when you sit, you also need to sit properly. Otherwise, you will not be as attractive. First, your posture." She motioned down each side of her torso. "You must sit up straight. Just like when standing, keep your shoulders back, your back arched. This will keep your breasts pushed out, so you will not lose the appeal you gained while walking and standing still. Remember, you want to keep his attention, and a slip can ruin the entire image. Your companion does not want to be with some woman who is lazy and unattractive. He is looking for something that maybe he could not dream of finding in his normal life. That is why you are there."

"When you sit, you should not lean back." She leaned back, demonstrating. "From here, you tell your companion that you want to be away from him. You also tell him that you are uninterested in him. He will not want to spend more time with you. Make sure your back never contacts the back of the chair. Instead, sit in the middle of the chair. This lets you keep your posture, look attentive, and it is easier to lean in slightly, as if you were confiding in him, or being more intimate with him."

She had us try, shifting us when we sat too far back or too far forward.

"And don't slouch!" She loudly said to one of the other women. "It is unattractive, makes you look lazy and slovenly, and will not attract a man. If a man wanted to be with another man, he would not be with you. You are women, not men. Never, ever slouch."

"Next, your hands. You want to use small gestures, slower movements. Your hands should still make friendly contact, since you want to show intimacy, but you do not wish to crowd them. You do not wish to scare them away. Many will be nervous the first time, as you will be. Once you're comfortable together you can make faster, more animated gestures. When your hands are idle, place them folded in your lap. If this would place them out of view, then place them folded on the edge of the table." She demonstrated, exaggerating her movements, then showing more subdued movements. I thought she went a little overboard, but understood what she was trying to say. "Remember, you must control your emotions. Even when excited, you must be professional."

She paused until she was sure we were moving appropriately, then moved on. "Also, it is good to use your hands to draw his eyes to certain features. For example, lightly running your finger across your lips highlights them for him, showing a level of attraction. Even if he is not aware, it will arouse his feelings, helping you to better capture him. You also need to make sure you are aware of him. If attracted, the man will do the same, trying to highlight his own features. However, if he is doing things like putting his hands in his pockets, well, you might have other problems."

She had us run through a series of exercises, having us draw attention to our hair, our eyes, our ears, our lips, our neck, and our chest. Simple things. A slight swipe across our bottom lip with the index finger. Hooking our hair behind our ears, the fingers curled around but not touching the ear. Running our fingers down the neck slowly. Turning our hands palm up, rather than palm down, exposing the inside of our wrists. She even worked with us on how to make more suggestive motions, such as sucking on something, without it being seen as an overt sexual gesture.

"Remember, you must practice, practice, practice. This will be hard. You must think about your actions and make sure you are sending the right signals. But you must do this naturally, without thought. Most of you already do this to some degree or another, but you must know how to do this like a true professional."

After more practice, she moved on.

"Your legs. Placement of the legs can depend if you are wearing a skirt or dress, or if you are wearing jeans or capris. Yes, it will even be important if you are wearing shorts or skorts, depending on the length of them. After all, you do not want to flash your undergarments while sitting in loose or short shorts."

"For sitting, you have options with your legs. First, you may place them together, putting your feet together also. Make sure your legs are lined up, straight with each other. Make sure your feet are also pressed together. This will give you a sharper, more attentive look."

She had us practice. It was actually not that comfortable for me. I kept finding my legs parting slightly, my knees not wanting to remain in contact. In fact, I didn't feel relaxed at all, and saw she was growing frustrated that I could not maintain that sitting position and a relaxed posture.

"I see some of you are not really used to this. See, this is the difference between a lady and a tramp. Lets move on to other ways you might be more comfortable with."

"Next, you may cross your ankles. Simple, see?" She showed us. I wanted to roll my eyes, it was so obvious. I refrained, realizing that I had learned something, so could bear with this. "When you cross your ankles, make sure they are firmly together. There should be no space. Also, make sure that your knees remain together." I almost sighed. Not so simple I guess. My knees still kept separating.

"So, if you are having problems with keeping your knees together, you can always cross your legs at the knee. Then, they will not try to separate, and you will not be showing your companion anything you shouldn't." Now I just wanted to laugh. An escort, being afraid of 'showing something she wasn't supposed to'. It was a strange idea.

"Place one knee over the other, and press your calves tightly together. If you are flexible enough, you can even cross your legs a second time by wrapping your foot around the back of your ankle. It will look more elegant, and show your companion that your body is...bendable." I found myself giggle a bit at that, against my will, as an image of some strange yoga position popped into my head. "Sorry," I mumbled as she stared at me. An extra second, then she continued.

"Remember, crossing your legs like this is much less modest. It will emphasize your legs and raise your skirt hemline. In pants or longer shorts, it will not matter as much, but becomes less desirable when you are short skirts. Too short, and you will not be able to cross your legs at all without exposing something. But ladies will not wear that short of skirts." She looked as if the idea of short skirts absolutely appalled her.

"You will want to switch legs time to time. Now, you must be careful. Spreading your legs, even when adjusting in your seat, is unladylike. Also, even with your hands in your lap to weigh down your dress or skirt, spreading your legs runs the risk of momentarily exposing your underwear. In pants, it will make less difference, but you still do not want to spread your legs, especially not like some man, or some whore. However, if he spreads his legs, it is a good sign. This implies an invitation of sorts, and it’s considered a primal move that men tend to do subconsciously."

"To switch legs, like the right leg to the left, you begin by raising your thigh slightly. Place your right calf in front of your left while making sure your thighs stay together. It is also good to keep your hands in your lap to prevent the skirt or dress from lifting and exposing your panties."

She showed the first half of the switch, then continued.

"Now, you will put your right calf over the left. Your right knee should be directly on top of the left knee and your calves should be tight together."

More practice, and then she moved on. "Now, the final way you can sit. Instead of crossing your legs or leaving them straight, you can angle them. Here, like if straight, you need to make sure your thighs and feet are pressed together. Your knees will not properly align, but the lower one should still be pressed against your leg, slightly below the other knee. This is actually a good position to make you look less stiff, more feminine. Remember to switch them time to time, and to make sure your legs are pointing towards the person you are speaking to."

"Now, there are a couple of points to make about your feet. You should always try to have them pointed towards your companion. First, this is a subconscious trigger. This will tell your companion that things are going well. You can also check his feet. Men will also do this. Second, when your legs are crossed, it will highlight the shape of your legs and draw attention to their length."

She showed us, first pointing her toes down, gesturing to her legs, then pointing them at us. It was a subtle difference, but after she did it a few times I finally saw it.

Now that all the basics had been reviewed, she set us to practicing. Having us sit, stand, walk, talk, gesture, touch. Over and over and over again. It was late by the time we finally finished, the sun already having gone down. I was so sore from the day that I could barely walk straight.

She left us with one last comment.

"Remember, if you go beyond a purely social environment, then it is up to you how you act. But, when you are in public with any companion, unless he has said he wants something different, I expect you all to be ladies. In public, you are a reflection of him. You need to be refined enough that he is willing to show you off to his business clients, charming and ladylike so he would feel happy to show you off to his parents. And you will meed some of your companions parents. Now, remember, practice practice practice, and I had better never see you in public acting like anything but a lady."

We left, her words of warning in the backs of our heads, and thoughts of how I could actually manage to do all of this without looking like a complete fool uppermost in my mind.

Class: How to dress appropriately
Class: How to maintain eye and physical contact
Class: How to keep the clients interest
Class: How to maintain your records
Class: Additional services, and how to handle them
Class: How to keep yourself safe

Nevermind the training, just take me to the first date.

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