Jump and rape Jun'ko Zane

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You are dead. Better luck next time.
You are dead. Better luck next time.
[[Category: Freelancer: The Universe of Possibility]]

Current revision as of 13:14, 14 January 2008

In Liberty, murdering a military officer is a capital offense. Raping one is worse. As you rip her jumpsuit off, the patrons of the bar, consisting of the Liberty Navy, LPI, LSF, Cryer Pharmaceuticals reps, ALG reps and Ageria Technologies reps, draw their laser pistols, while the Liberty Navy people draw their laser rifles (The Agiera Technologies rep takes out a prototype antimatter rifle and a electro-blade, Jun'ko draws her own Liberty Military Organizations Ship Destroying Prototype Laser Cannon Alpha-7-18-69) and proceed to shoot/slash you to death.

You are dead. Better luck next time.

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