
From Charas Project

Revision as of 05:19, 17 July 2008 by Archem (Talk | contribs)
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Join Date July 2005
Status Totally on the ball. I mean, I'm winning at everything, all the time. Even when I'm losing.
Position Senior Member
Birthday September 19, 1989
Gender Male
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Archem2, more commonly referred to as simply Archem, is a fairly new member who arrived in mid 2005. Although never properly introduced, he has quickly risen in popularity and has added a noticable amount of character and honest opinion to the forum. Other popular members who joined during the 2005 timeframe include Meiscool, ZeroKirbyX, Dragonium, and Bluhman. Archem is most noticably known for his Pac-Man styled ghost avatar and characteristic humor (or lack of, depending on who you ask).

The Meiscool Conflict

Early on, Archem was a fairly noobish member who often used run-on sentences or excessive commas, and tried to create humorous situations from some original and some over-used comedic stylings. Because of this, another well-known member, Meiscool, began to argue with Archem about the quality of his posts, often using child-like insults and pointing out various flaws. Archem countered with similarly immature posts. The overall attitude displayed in these back-and-forth flames were noted by several members, and before action was taken, Meiscool apologized for his hostility via personal message. Since then, Archem and Meiscool have been seen on a more positive note and have even taken similar sides in other developing arguments and debates.


The popular comic Epic Adventures [1], created by Moosetroop11, is one prime example of fanship showed by Archem, and because of his constant attention and constructive criticism payed to the development of the comic, Archem has received two to four (depending on how you count them) guest cameos in the comic.


Archem can be attributed to the creation of the .::Proud Owner::. [2] fad that has begun to take form in the signatures of several forumites. The fad originally started with the simple animated image that proudly showed ownership of a Nintendo DS, along with a dancing DS. Today, it spans everything from consoles to people.


[In response to Warxe's admitting to his crimes] "You are eternally a dick, and you have another dick's dick in your dick hole. Dick Richard."

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