
From Charas Project

Revision as of 18:41, 18 June 2007 by Fortet (Talk | contribs)
Join Date December 2004
Status .hack Obsessed Member
Position Member
Charas-Project Official Magazine New Team Lead
Birthday December 31
Gender Male
Link to Profile



Fortet is a very easy to miss member. He has not made any contributions to the Generators or anything of interest to the Complete Resources.

He may very well hold the record for most unfinished game projects, right now being nine.

His current project, .hack//Refresh, is a type hugely unaccepted and normally ignored - a fan game. Contrary to this, though, it has been watched by a few members including Meiscool.

Real Life

Fortet is a Freshman in high school. He lives in Louisiana with his sister, mom, and dad. He is in the gifted program and takes a college class once a week to help him decide what he would enjoy doing with his life. He plays 2nd Tenor Sax in the Wind Ensemble and enjoys it very much.

Other Forums

Fortet goes to various forums, most on the same subject. This is a complete list of the forums he visits:


  • Fortet never created a 'Hello' thread
  • Fortet's first post was actually a request - a big no-no on the forums.
  • Fortet used to do heavy spriting, but quit due to lack of interest.
  • Fortet actually started a small signature fad - sloganizer sigs.
  • While Fortet does have a specific character, he never uses it as his forum avatar. It is displayed here, though.


Project Name .hack//Refresh
Status Early Developement
Features Character Customization
Hacking System
Custom Field
Date Started Mid-June 2006
Expected Release Date TBA
Link to Game Thread

.hack//Refresh is Fortet's current RM2K3 Project. It includes various features, such as a Character Customization System, and will be divided into three parts:

  • Vol. 1//Behind Closed Eyes
  • Vol. 2//The Hunt Begins
  • Vol. 3//The End


Who is Aura?
Why were you chosen?
Is there more to "The World" than meets the eye?

Immerse yourself into a vast simulated MMORPG as you solve the mystery of Aura, and learn the real problem with "The World." Discover missing fields, strange enemies, and complex puzzles as you adventure online and offline. Can you solve the mystery that is "The World"?

Demo Release

A short demo was released on February 3rd, 2007. It consisted of your first log in, but nothing else. A second demo is planned to release on September 9, 2007.

Release Notes

  • The boards are still inactive for the new demo
  • All classes will be completed (including the battle characters, so battles will come).
  • The hacking system will also be available as a preview, but you must find the codes in various places.
  • A new title screen is in the works, as well as an opening movie.
  • The demo will lead up right before you can access Theta due to mapping issues.
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