Character Sets

From Charas Project

Revision as of 09:14, 22 April 2007 by Kilyle (Talk | contribs)

A charset is a set of sprites for characters (both player characters and NPCs). A charset is also used for any object that moves from one spot to another, for animated objects in general (although a tileset can handle three 16 x 16 animated objects), and for objects slightly larger than a 16 x 16 square).


The File

A charset file is 288 x 256 pixels and holds 96 frames divided into eight sets of twelve frames. Each frame is 24 x 32 pixels, allowing for a character twice as tall as a 16 x 16 tile and slightly wider (4 pixels on either side).

Basic Character Walk Animation

If you use a basic walk animation for a character (player character or NPC), RPG Maker will properly determine which animation to use based on the direction the character is facing, and will automatically animate the character's walk. The most general form of a charset, therefore, contains eight distinct characters (or sometimes just eight recolors of the same character), each with four walk animations (one for each direction).

For a basic walk animation, the topmost animation is the back of the character (walking up or away), the second is the character walking right, the third is the front of the character (walking down or toward the player), and the lowest is the character walking left. Each animation has three frames, which RPG Maker animates in B-A-B-C sequence. Usually, the walk animation is symmetrical, and the center frame doubles as the character's standing still sprite.

Paired Animations

A similar format covers only four characters, giving each a walk animation and a second animation, usually running, jumping, climbing, or swimming. The programmer must determine when to switch sprites (switch to running sprite while the run button is held down, switch to swimming sprite while in the water, etc.), but RPG Maker again handles the animation by itself.

The Active Character

A charset can be used to cover two characters, each with four animations, or only one character, with up to eight animations. This can allow you to use a character who can walk, run, jump, climb, fall, swim, shoot, and dance, all from a single charset file. The programmer again must determine when the character changes sprites, but RPG Maker will handle the animation.

Generally, when a charset is used for a single character with multiple movements, any unused animations are left blank (instead of filled in with another character). This makes it easier to keep track of where the animations are.

The Expressive Character

A charset does not need to stick to the format of a single four-directional movement. A more complex charset can be developed for a character, covering the animations of movements that do not need to have four directions, or even three frames. This style of expressive character was used in Final Fantasy VI, where characters nodded and shook their heads, waved, sighed, looked surprised, and so on. Each animated expression took only one to three frames, and most were used in one direction only (generally the front of the character).

This style of charset cannot be largely controlled by the computer, but must be specifically indicated by the programmer at each step. The programmer indicates when to switch frames and which frame to switch to. Care must be taken to make sure that the character is not allowed to walk around while wearing an irregular set of frames (step! he's sitting down; step! he looks surprised; step! he's sobbing; step! he's dancing).

While commonly used in cut scenes or for NPCs, this style of animation can be used to add some flavor to the player character. A common usage is the animation of impatience: If you don't move for, say, fifteen seconds, the character starts tapping his foot, or looks back at you with annoyance, or sits down and eats a rice ball.

Characters as Wallpaper

When NPCs are more like decorations than living, moving beings, they may need far less than twelve frames of animation--perhaps only one or two frames total. This can crop up when a merchant never moves from his counter, or when a cheering crowd watches a horse race, or when a caged bird merely hops around now and again (or just sings). In such cases, a single charset might contain 96 one-frame characters, 48 two-frame characters, 32 three-frame characters, 24 four-frame characters, or any mix thereof. The programmer must designate for a character which frames are used and when to switch frames.

Charsets for RPG Maker XP

RPG Maker XP allows much larger characters with a much wider range of colors. Instead of a file that holds eight character animations, a single character animation for XP is a single file by itself, and holds only the four directions of movement. ((Someone verify this information? I haven't yet used the program, but read it somewhere.))


Four-Frame Animation

While RPG Maker takes care of three-frame animation on its own, a four-frame animation effect can easily be produced by spinning a character around (front, left, back, right, front, left, back, right).

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