New members on Charas

From Charas Project

Revision as of 03:10, 6 February 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

A common term in Charas. One that refers to a member with little or no knowledge of the forum. It is also a widespread computer term meaning the same thing.

Every so often, Charas gets a few and they always get the hint and leave (if not, we've got Meiscool).

N00b and newb: the common misconception

As stated before, a n00b is one without knowledge of a forum. However, some members join claiming themselves "n00bs" off the bat. This is wrong in the fact that Newb stands for something entirely different. A Newb is a new member of a forum.

To further clarify, one can have been a member for a year, yet still be n00b in the fact that they repeatably post spam and other nonsense.

Reasons for being a n00b

The following are common ways members can be considered n00bs:

1. They post without THOROUGHLY understanding the rules, expecting to know them already.

2. They claim superiority over those who clearly are superior of them.

3. In comic threads, they plead for cameos, despite only being a member for 2 weeks.

4. Usually n00bs try to be cool by imitating other members or mentioning something that's always talked about. One example would be having Sephiroth in their name and/or having Cloud in their avatar and/or signature. (Sephiroth Rocks being a notable exception)

Mistreatment of Newbies

Although this article may lead you to believe all those labeled as "n00bs" are free game and should be insulted at every opportunity, this is hardly the case. The only group of people larger than "n00bs" are the people who hate them and feel it's their responsibility to insult these people to either shape them up or, ideally, make them leave.

In the minority, however, are people who believe that all new people should be treated with just as much respect as older members. They see the flaming of these people as cruel and unnecessary. The idea is this: At one point in everyone's life, they were inexperienced with the internet. They didn't know the proper way to act online and simply wanted to have fun on the internet. Instead of driving potential users away, these few people believe that newbies should be pointed towards the rules and encouraged to shape up, rather than berated for their mistake.

Sadly, the number of people dedicated to helping newcomers to the website is too small to combat the excessively large amount of people who think their ridicule is acceptable.

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