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Music Selections and making for RM2k / 3 (Not specifically for RMXP but alot of stuff still applies) One of the, more important RPG Maker Resources is Music:

                               MUSIC IS 1/3 OF WHAT WE SEE...
                              - George Johnson (Movie Producer)

Choosing Or Making Music

Most people don't realize that Music sets the mood and make people feel exactly how the composer wants them to feel. It is no Different when talking about RPG Maker

When choosing Music, or making music to put into your Project there are a few important things to consider. Lots of existing Games that have been made unfortunatly just throw whatever they find without giving it much thought.

Below will be the "Rules" of Music, but when I say rules, It just mean some guidlines that should be followed when Making, or selecting music to be used in Rm2k/3/XP.

    RULE 1: Make sure the song actually sounds like the theme you are going for. (This actually should be a rule)
    Common sense; but remember to consider Genre, what type of game you are trying to make
    will help with the music selecting also. Futuristic games would sound good with Synths and drums,
    however, A long, Epic Futurisic game should have Epic Symphonies. 
    Fantasy and Mid-evil games probably shouldn't have Beeps and synths. (Remember there is always exceptions)
    (Black Mage's Village [FF9] off the top of my head)
    RULE 2: Not necessarily a rule, but: Movie and Game composers (If Hired to do the entire soundtrack)
    Will usually make one song with an amazing Chorus or arrangment, then modify it to make
    as many more songs as needed. Examples: Final Fantasy 9 (Game), Xenosaga I (Game), Hollow Man (Movie)
    RULE 3: Ever try making a battle theme with just Strings? Didn't think so...
    Instruments are also important... You would be amazed how many time I've heard: "Well, I used the
    Glass harmonica because", or "I wanted a glass harmonica solo here so that..." 
    Apparently the sound of the instrument is A very important Decision. 
    Examples that use the F###ing annoying Glass harmonica are: Three Colors: Blue (Movie), and Final Fantasy: TSW (Movie)
    Also Wild Arms uses Acoustics and whistles alot to shape the mood of the wasteland.
    Final Fantasy 12 Uses massive orchestras to get across thier Massive Epic Feel.
    You Feel like your at a party with FFX-2's amazing soundtrack

Sounds Relating Specifically to RM2K/3

Rm2k will accept the following: Under Music: Midis and WAVE (Wave files are huge... Best just not to use them for music.) Under Sound: WAVE (Sound effects, Mainly used in Battle animations, but can be used for a variety of things)

RM2K3 Will Accept the following Under Music: Midi (Standard Music File), WAVE (Same as RM2K), and Most versions play MP3 (Which is much better than WAVE, but you still shouldn't Clog you Project with these, Im sure a few Important songs could be MP3 Especially the Ending.) The only problem with this is finding people to make original MP3 Music. Under Sound: WAVE (SFX) (I May have heard of a few patches that allow MP3s as sound files for rm2k3 but I dunno where they are.)

One Last Note: Music is Great..... ..... ..... ..... But sometimes a lot can be said with some Silence...

Thats All for now, There are a few more things to consider, But most of it is up to you. It is your game after all.

~~Vidian~~ Link title

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