SiteDoc:Uploading to the Generators

From Charas Project

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Charas is a site that runs on the fuel of its users: without them, the generators have no resources, and thus cannot make anything. Contributing something to the generators is a great way to give back to the community, but there are guidelines and rules in place to ensure that the submission process is as clean as possible.


General Rules

Each generator subscribes to similar rules: You must make sure that what you submit is what you want to appear - generator uploaders will edit a resource in case it is not compatible with the generators, but only to a certain extent - if you made little effort to check if your resource is compatible with the generators, odds are it will be rejected. Do not fret! You can clean up your resource and submit it again if you think this has happened. Don't go overboard though - sometimes resources are not up to the generator standards, but this is a rare occasion.

Do not submit complete charasets, battlecharas, or faces!

Whether it be out of confusion with Complete Resources or simply ignorance, many people will create a full charaset and submit it as a part for the generators. These resources are rejected outright - even if the hair, clothes, and face are all custom, we will not take the time to split up your work and possibly have to edit it ourselves for the generator. It's that simple: Only submit bodies to the bodies section, hair to the hair section, clothes to the clothes section, etc. That's what the Complete Resources are for.

Make sure your background is pure white!

This one is a little less obvious. The Charas Generators detect transparency by setting the color pure white, hex color #FFFFFF. as transparent. Thus, the background and any other transparent parts of your resource must be pure white, NOT green like the generator produces. If a part of your resource needs to be white, use a shade of white that is not quite pure white; we suggest the color #FEFEFE. It is so light that it is perceived as white, but the generators will not cut it out from the final product.

Submit to the right section and do not submit the same resource!

Unless you have made a major mistake and believe it is necessary, please refrain from submitting the same resource multiple times. We get it every time, and although it's not a dire problem, it is annoying regardless. One larger problem, however, is people submitting parts to the wrong section. Again, this is fixable, but it speeds up the acceptance time by making sure what you submit is in the right section.

Keep resource filenames short!

The five most current resources are shown on the main page of the website. If you upload a file with a huge filename, it may stretch and skew the main page. Be brief yet specific - your image name should be unique. Try a format such as: "Username_Resource_#.PNG" It is relatively small and yet highly unique.

PNGs Only!

Charas will only accept 8-bit (256 color) PNG files. If you cannot create a PNG file with your current software, try an alternative, such as Ultimate Paint.

Battlechara Generator

Battlechara Template

The Battlechara generator is for creating battle graphics for RPG Maker 2003. A few months ago it underwent a change in format as Charas upgraded to a new generator system, and as such the dimensions for battlechara resources are a little different.

Resources submitted to the Battlechara Generator must:

  • Have dimensions of 288x384 pixels.
  • Be an 8-bit PNG
  • Contain both the Battlechara 1 and 2 standard animations.

Charas generated Battlecharas must be split into two parts in order to be imported into RPG Maker, as they combine the two separate resources needed by the program for a Battlechara.

Charaset Generator

Charaset Template

Charasets are common to all RPG Makers, although RMXP uses them in a different layout that Charas does not currently export to. Charasets submitted to Charas must:

  • Have dimensions of 72x128 pixels.
  • Be an 8-bit PNG
  • Be a single charaset, not an 8-charaset image that RPG Maker normally takes.

To import a charaset into RPG Maker, you must add it into a larger image along with 7 other charasets arranged in two rows of four charasets. Charas can actually generate one of these from your saved resources.

Faceset Generator

Face Template

Facesets are another resource used in every PC-based RPG Maker. They generally use more colors than other resources and are often subject to color loss because of this. Faceset resources submitted to Charas must:

  • Have dimensions of 48x48 pixels.
  • Be an 8-bit PNG.
  • Be a single face, as opposed to a 16-face set.

RPG Maker accepts faces in a larger image containing 16 faces arrange in 4 rows of 4 faces each. Charas, however, cannot currently make one of these automatically - you have to handle it yourself.

See Also

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