Australian Wrestling Grand Prix

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Australian Wrestling Grand Prix
Promoter AV Dangerously
Original Esablishment June 2007
Other Names New World of Disorder
Associated with Global Backyard Wrestling Nation
Location Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

The Australian Wrestling Grand Prix was a Backyard / Underground Wrestling Federation based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia running from 2007 to 2010.


History Josh_Ives_AWL.JPG
Josh Ives later went on to become IPW Champion, a position he holds because his mum has sex with the owner.

nWd Era

The nWd was a true example of a dream come true and a nightmare all at the same time. It started with a thought and started a legacy that impacted all Queensland Pro Wrestling Federations.

nWd started as BPW, Brisbane Pro Wrestling as an idea in mid-2003. Jaxon Hart and AV Dangerously met a a Bayside Café at Sandgate, Brisbane, to discuss the transformation of Total Nonstop Teenage Wrestling (TNTW), a backyard federation run from Shorncliffe. TNTW had a few skilled guys, a little deluded about just how good they were but their hearts were in the right place and had the potential to go far. Jack was designated Chairman of BPW with AV the second in charge (as BPW was a re-branded TNTW and AV agreed since Jack “owned” the wrestlers he would be in charge). We began to plan and but items needed but nothing ever happened on Jack’s end. BPW became a federation with no wrestlers. TNTW continued to promote on the side with all TNTW wrestlers refusing to change over to the BPW name.

In response AV began searching for brand new wrestlers not associated with TNTW and discovered there was a federation in Algester that was going well and expanding. The Australian Wrestling League (AWL) was the brain child of Jason West and featured his brother and best friends. With interesting concepts like the Chicken Coop Match and the Pool Match, AV contacted AWL and soon joined with them as a camera operator and adviser. AWL agreed to join BPW in 2007 and became the flagship brand producing a monthly online show using BPW as distributor and eventually was game enough to transform their monthly show into a bulk weekly taping. AWL BattleZone! Was a hit on YouTube and MySpace TV and BPW was finally born while TNTW still promoted separate.

Ryan Stacey contacted late 2007 AV from Bribie Island andintroduced the Full Throttle Wrestling Academy (FTWA) which was a re-branded Jacaranda Drive Wrestling Alliance and featured Ryan and his family and friends. AV travelled to Bribie Island and started to produce a weekly 1 match show for FTWA under the BPW Cyberized name. Ryan performing as Ryan Lawless brought a more Hardcore element to the BPW name and attrracted it’s own unique viewers again on YouTube. FTWA officially joined BPW and formed a second brand for the federation while TNTW continued to promote seperatly.

As 2008 began, BPW promoted the very strong AWL and FTWA on YouTube and BPW was finally up and running sucessfully. More and more people started joining thru BPW and the new wrestlers were assigned to their brands depending on what side of the Brisbane River they lived on (AWL Southside, FTWA Northside). Meanwhile Jack and TNTW were struggling internally. Jack and his best friend Andrew James (Kid Courage) booked themselves to win everything. Jack (as Kid Vicious) and Kid Courage were invincible creating new titles just so they were adorned with championships. The frustration within TNTW finally reared its ugly head when Jack realised that BPW has skyrocketed without him ad now featured more superstars than TNTW meaning Jack had lost his grip on BPW. In February 2008 Jack secretly tried to assume control of FTWA and AWL, threatened to sue for the name and rights and ‘fired’ AS as his second in charge and proclaimed himself the sole leader of BPW. However Jack did not relies that AWL and FTWA had no interested in working under Jacks leadership as they feared their brands would end up like FTWA with Jack and Kid Courage holding all the titles.

As a result FTWA and AWL with the guidance of AV left BPW leaving Jack with the federation but only again the TNTW side of things. TNTW continued to promote almost no shows yet Jack still promoted himself as Undisputed Champion. AWL and FTWA formed **Wrestling Entertainment Queensland**, a new federation without the influence or participation of Jack or TNTW and once again WEQ dominated Backyard Wrestling on YouTube. Even with a promotional agreement with In Your House Wrestling Alliance, WEQ became bigger than BPW was producing 4 small weekly shows (AWL BattleZone, FTWA Thunder, FTWA Carnage and AWL Weekend Slam later Sunday Slam). AWL began taping once a month on a Saturday and FTWA the next Sunday in their respective territories even featuring cross promotional matches with wresters from each brand through AV as transport participating on the other brands shows.

nWd Tapes at the nWd Arena

Meanwhile Jack and TNTW were all but doomed. TNTW had split down the middle. Those that were fed of Jacks Dictatorship style booking left TNTW taking top superstars as Superstar Jacobs and Wade Mitchells and formed the World Wrestling Corporation (WWC) and started performing in Bracken Ridge. WWC and WEQ soon signed a promotional deal, in which WWC would do the wrestling whilst WEQ would host, produce and distribute their shows on DVD and online. 2 WWC shows were produced before they decided to go on hiatis to contrate on senior school exams. TNTW was left in shambles.

AWL in the meantime had struck a deal with the Logan City Council. Through wrestler Josh Ives and his mum Susan, AWL began to promote backyard style shows in community halls around the Logan Council District. This allowed the greater freedom of equipment and days we could use as weather was no longer a factor and gave AWL a different feel to the viewer. However the cost facto became extraordinary and it was decided to return to the yard and AWL started producing shows from the Ives’ Frontyard.

With 2 strong brands and 1 ‘little brother’, WEQ began to dominate the scene again. WEQ attracted the attention of Chris Kenny of Extreme Neighbourhood Wrestling (ENW) and struck a deal with Andrew and WEQ to produce a cross promotional storyline featuring FTWA’s Ryan Lawless and ENW’s Ted Desus. The kayfabed rivalry crisscrossed both ENW and WEQ Shows causeing a lot of intrested from the Australian Wrestling Fraternity as most of the Lawless/Desus matches were realistic enough that people began thinking the two were really fighting each other.

As WEQ, WWC and ENW jointly took over YouTube viewership Jack and what was left of TNTW began to take notice and realised that they were missing out on the action and quietly begged WEQ to re-join. WEQ agreed on the condition that WEQ Rules were followed which meant Jack could not book himself to hold every title. As the second annaul Championship Challenge (WEQ’s Wrestlemania) came close, TNTW quietly remerged with WWC and became the third brand of WEQ. For the first time TNTW, AWL and FTWA promoted as one group and WEQ became the biggest Backyard Federation in Brisbane history.

Whilst WEQ grew, AV was quietly gaining the resources of 18 other smaller backyard federations which had decided to close down. One of these resources was the talented Chris Goode who wrestled under the name Atticus Floyd. The newly unified WEQ now had a wide range of wresters and plenty of talent turning up to the monthly bulk-weekly tapings. Titles from all three former brands were unified to allow a new look and feel to the federations and there was harmony between the federations. Before long, Andrew approached Jack about reforming TNTW as Total Nonstop Turmoil Wrestling and turning it into a new weekly show on YouTube in order to capitalise on the name recognition that TNTW claimed to have.

In September 2008, Chris Goode promoted WEQ; Wrestlefest which was going to serve as the relaunch of TNTW as a WEQ Show. However Jack had other ideas. Unknowing to the majority of the roster, Jack came out for his match, destroyed the WEQ set, destroyed the nWd Title belt and declared himself TNTW Undisputed World Champion and offended the majority of the roster. The AWL Alumni walked out of the show immediately and AV shut the show down and ordered everyone to go home. For the second time Jack had screwed WEQ. Andrew fed up wit the lies and betrayal of Jack shut WEQ down handing respective ownership of AWL and FTWA back to the original owners. Again TNTW split and WWC re-emerged however this was just a ploy to give TNTW two shows.

The alliance destroyed AV was happy to leave WEQ die in the shadows whilst fulfilling his commitment to release previously recorded footage. However WEQ would not stay dead for long. The remainders of FTWA and AWL, and the newcomers not aligned to TNTW or WWC agreed to stay together and form the **New World of Disorder** (nWd) with Andrew had lead-booker. Andrew agreed and just as WEQ had done before nWd regained the respect lost by Jack and his TNTW/WWC Alliance (which really only featured the original TNTW Wrestlers). However Jack could not control himself in his new TNTW and again all the titles began filtering towards Jack and again TNTW split with the majority of guys heading back to WWC.

In a talent exchange, nWd again promoted with ENW with the very first nWd matches occuring at an ENW Event. The main evernters, Chris Goode, Peter Oliverini (PJ Twisted) and Ryan McShane (Ryan Phoenix) went toe to toe with the ENW again launching nWd into the spotlight. Meanwhile several AWL Alumni and AV joined Impact Pro Wrestling (IPW) Formally Major Impact Wrestling, a professional federation on the Gold Coast. nWd was now learning from the pros who hosted training sessions. It was a hope of Andrew that nWd would join IPW as a second brand in some form and help achieve the dream that nWd would go pro.

As relations between nWd and WWC disintegrated (WWC tried to illegally tried to unify the nWd NewWorld Championship with their WWC Title) nWd excelled in skill as the main eventers trained with IPW and AV worked closely with IPW Promoter Peter Ball (aka Hawk). AV payed close attention to what Peter Ball did to promote IPW and slowly Andrew took what he had learnt back to nWd. As a referee and announcer for IPW AV kept his ears and eyes open for the day that he would be promoting on the professional level. However Andrew did not know that the seeds of deception were being sewn for the ultimate downfall.

AV actively encouraged the nWd roster to join a pro federation and gain as much training as possible. Many saw nWd as the stepping stone into the big time of Australian Wrestling. Peter Ball was even confident enough to offer several nWd superstars spots on the full time IPW Roster which Andrew in no way discouraged any of them from taking them however all pretty much refused preferring to remain with nWd. With the help of Peter Ball’s soon to be Girlfriend and long time nWd supporter Susan Ives, nWd bought a low lever boxing ring to continue their rehearsals and soon the IPW Ring was made available to nWd for shows.

Seeing this as the big break, nWd gladly accepted the offer of IPW Ring usages and hired the ring to perform the shows. It is now apparent that this was an attempt to ruin the reputation of nWd which was averaging 500 to 600 views per part per week on YouTube. IPW encouraged and almost forced nWd to make their very first pro ring show open to the public. Whilst AV was reluctant at first due to the fact that the guys had no or extremely limited experience in te ring, he agreed to open the show to the public as a potential way to help finance the hire fees charged by IPW. A good crowd turned out for the debut pro nWd Show which featured the most people ever to perform in a single show.

With the use of the pro ring Jack and the majority of WWC and TNTW returned to the nWd Federation and all signed behaviour contracts written by AV and Peter Ball. The first show was considered a huge success. Everyone behaved, the matches went to plan and IPW were generally pleased with the overall day. Peter Ball approached AV after the show and asked whether he could talk to the boys from the perspective of 35 years in the business. Andrew agreed thinking that Peter was going to give them tips on where to improve, however this was not the case and Peter ripped the nWd roster a new one telling them that they had no hope of ever making it pro. AV was extremely offended by the actions of Peter Ball and many on the nWd roster saw this as a betrayal on Andrew’s part but Andrew was determined to make nWd a success and reluctantly booked a second show at the IPW facility however this time refused to charge public entry. Whilst people were encouraged to come along no entry fee was to be charged. The nWd roster agreed to pay $20 each to cover the rental fees.

nWd heavily promoted the in-ring shows and sought new talent to fill I the gap and expand the quality of wrestling. Two backyarders from Noosa came down and joined nWd for the day to fill out numbers for the second IPW hosted show cause the 2 days before the show nearly everyone pulled out. When questioned why they were breaking their commitment, the majority of the roster stated they were told the day had been cancelled by a certain member of the roster and had made other commitments in its place which they could not break. Andrew, just 12 hours before they were due to arrive at the venue cancelled the show and moved it back to a yard where they would save all the rental fees.

Ryan McShane was determined not to have the show cancelled and he and his ‘West Side Alliance’ were able to gather just enough money so that the show would go on. The second pro show went ahead and was almost a failure. 2 hours of footage was filmed over 6 hours as everyone who did show up decided that they wanted to muck around. AV’s one rule that he really enforced is when it’s time to wrestle you wrestle, time left over is yours. The show’s main event was ruined when Callum Phoenix / Konvict decided to change his storyline mid match leaving the AV red-faced and lost. AV after the show announced to nWd that he intended to leave the federation to concentrate on IPW. Ryan McShane and Chris Goode were placed as the bookers (as Andrew trusted them the most ) with AV assuming overall ownership.

As Andrew travelled to Warwick with IPW, nWd slowly crumbled. Andrew saw that nWd was going to die so stepped back in to organise and run the shows, but kept out of the storyline development. But things started to fall apart when an nWd/AWL Alumni that was wrestling for IPW informed Andrew that Peter Ball was going to throw him out of IPW for taking photos. Andrew and Peter had a brief confrontation, which Andrew mistakenly took as the throw out and left Warwick. Andrew returned to Brisbane and dedicated himself to the running of nWd. nWd was able to do one more smaller show before Ryan McShane announced the recreation of his original backyard fed which was to run side by side (almost as a separate brand) with nWd. However McShane took over the debut duel tapings and after he had what he wanted McShane encouraged a sit down so that the nWd footage would not be filmed. Fearing a repeat in history (WrestleFest) and decided it was time to end the day and reconvene when more time was available. McShane led an insurrection that afternoon declaring he would end nWd.

nWd ceased promoting after an individual calling himself "The Mastermind", "Kirsty Kleen", "Matt Falkner" grew jealous of he success of nWd, with nWd taking the place of his federation as Australia's Biggest, and decided to destroy the reputation of nWd and promoter AV. At first is stories and lies were beleived by the roster however his continuous 'attacks' have become so comical (including badly photoshopped 'nude photos') that his posts are now the topic of humourous conversations. HOWEVER The Mastermind was successful in creating mistrust between several nWd members as his hacks and attacks coincided with a 'Truth Gathering Session' from two senior nWd performers. Hacker made the hacks look like it was done by the two senior Superstars but failed to take into account that nWd was more than just wrestling, it was the one thing that brought 7 groups together, become best friends and it will take a lot more then a jealous yarder from Sydney to break that up. If anything it has inspired EVERYONE to succeed more than nWd did whether as a group or individually. On November 2 2009 It was revealed that the Matt Falkner character was released nWd member Konvict / Callum Gallway. Konvict was arrested for Fraud, Theft, Entering Property Without Permission and Sending Death Threats by the Queensland Police and is still facing disiplinary actions in the Queensland Judicial System


AWGP returned to it's former glory when the superstars reunited to produce all new matches and featurettes. Several traditional concepts would remain however with the injection of new blood and new attitude, AWGP is set to bring the best in Aussie Underground Wrestling. On the February 23, 2010 edition of Backyard Wrestling Weekly, AWGP was inducted into Global Backyard Wrestling Nation.

The roster was originally made up of several yarding veterens but at the second set of tapings, the biggest debut of rookies since 2007 occured making the roster the biggest in size since 2008.

In late October 2010, AWGP-Online announced that AWGP would close so that the roster could focus on their professional careers and training. The final show is scheduled to be uploaded from December 1 2010 with a Triple Title Unification Match. After AWGP closed, AV Dangerously bought a pro federation and now promotes Pro Wrestling in Queensland.


AWGP decided to present a spread out presentation of wrestling meets instead of uploading all at once allowing for the extension of storylines. Webcasts are commonly one YouTube Video in length with occasionally extending into a second or third video for the extra special matches. Webcasts are seperated into chapters to allow easier archiving and storyline seperation.

AWGP on YouTube - AWGP's now single webcast uploaded Monday Afternoons / Evenings Australian Eastern Standard Time

Roster and Alumni


  • AV Dangerously - Owner and Announcer. AV also produces DVD presentations for the Pro Australiasian Wrestling Federation. AV has also performed for Impact Pro Wrestling Australia, Australian Championship Wrestling Alliance and trained with the Pro Wrestling Alliance Australia. AV is considered the Paul Heyman of Backyard Wrestling for his reputation of pissing off the pro's and breaking the rules of wrestling.

WWC Faction


nWd Era and Earlier

AWGP Championships

nWd Era Championships


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