
From Bywpedia

Ring names Draven, Christian Ares
Height 5'10"
Weight 145
Born February 26, 1987 (Age 22) Brooklyn, NY
Resides Detroit, MI
Debut 2003

Draven is an American backyard wrestler in XSW and WFA. He is the current WFA InterBorough Champion under the name Christian Ares.

Finishing and Signature Moves

Draven nailing the Phenomenizer on Patrick Blade.
  • Finishing Moves
    • Catastrophe (running shining wizard)
    • Phenomenizer (inverted double underhook mat slam)
  • Signature Moves
    • Superkick
    • 313
    • Christ Air
    • Eye of the Crow
    • Lock n Load
    • Reverse Russian Leg Sweep into a Knee Facebuster
    • Spinning Heel Kick
    • Rewind Hurricanrana
    • Old School

Championships and accomplishments

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