Main Page

From Brass Goggles

Revision as of 01:16, 26 October 2008 by (Talk)

Curses! It appears Brass Goggles is down! Whatever shall we do while it's being repaired?

1. Read through the Emergency Procedures.

2. Check up on the status of threads and members.

4. Head to Spare Goggles, spare fora made by our Pheobsky.

3. Don't panic!


Come one, come all to the BrassGoggles æthernet catalog and reference lodger! Its electronic pages teem with information and grows by the second, much like a spoiled child with a carriage full of rocket pops.

Feel free to add pages for your characters, items, stories, anything! Instructions for doing so are below. The wiki 'tis but a baby.


Play WoW? Check out Brass Goggles on World of Warcraft.

Things to do: Create categories for the main sections below, and file the appropriate pages into them.

Links of note:

Brass Goggles

Brass Goggles Forums

Spare Goggles

Brass Goggles Users





Portrayal Stories





The Steampunk Archetype Fashion Guide

Glossary, Including Translations Between Various Brands of English

Creating New Pages

To create a new page, you can do one of two things:

- Link to your page from another page, by typing [[title of your page here]], then clicking upon the link.

- Type in the title of your page in the search box, click "Go", then click the text that says "this exact title" upon the resulting page.

  • Read the User's Guide for other usage and configuration help.
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