
From Brass Goggles

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Organization Type: Regulatory.

Scope: Regulation of Devices and Methods of intratemporal,intradimensional, and intraspatial travel, specifically the control and suppression of said devices when used for nefarious or pan-temporally, pan-dimensionally dangerous purposes. Dedicated to the preservation of sentient life in the Panmultiverse, whether or not it is an intelligence with Membership in The Committee; also Keeping one sentient form from destroying another, when possible and/or practicable.

Leadership: Tandem, equal-footing, cooperative effort between Sally Kemmermann (an alien blonde female being with extraordinary experience in Time Travel and the Regulation thereof and President of A.U.N.T.S.A.L.L.Y.) and The Committee, an altruistically-formed, organized, and run 'grand senate'-style organization consisting of every species, race, and denizen within the known chronosphere (past, present, future, and all other known dimensions).


  1. Investigative: Lowkey interdiction and intervention.
    1. a Customs Retiree Agency Corps.
    2. Covert Military Interdiction Squads.
    3. Pocket Device Deployment Corps.
  2. Strong Regulatory: Middle-range Interdiction (including covert elimination and strategic assassination when necessary)and Middle-strength Intervention (can include Military or Paramilitary action)
    1. a Special Customs Retiree Agency Corps.
    2. Timeship Deployment Corps.
    3. Chronojammer Mopup Corps/Brantley Initiative.
  3. Emergency Military: From Intervention to Strong Impartial Military Interdiction, and in extreme cases wholesale re-writes of history. Options exercised in past crises have included Militarily-applied and enforced annihilation of threat speecies and threat civilizations, most recently the Drene-Vah of the HMAS Badger's dimensional gyre.
    1. a Multiversal Commando Corps.
    2. Brantley Initiative.
    3. Anti-Andromeda Corps.
    4. Multiversal Task Force Grouping.

There are many other regulatory Agencies that police Time and the PanMultiverse, but when things go "Bump" in the Pandimensional Aether, More often than not it is A.U.N.T.S.A.L.L.Y. and The Committee, and their wide range of agents and forces, who are the ones who 'bump back,' so to speak. They are capable of wiping out civilizations, and/or protecting them, and have done both, impartially, for a very long time (in relative terms, of course).

Marius Wendell Brantley, and his simultaneous Doppelganger Martin Wendell Brantley, are the best and top agents of AUNTSALLY, and have a long history with the organization. They also have a somewhat nefarious reputation, since their 'fixes' for many crises have very nearly upset time and space in order to save time and space. This both endears them to, and drives a wedge between them and Miss Sally (as Miss Kemmermann is called), to whom both are engaged. No kidding...

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