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From Bloggerhacks

Revision as of 23:14, 22 March 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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This Wiki contains an ever-growing collection of hacks and modifications for Google's Blogger blogging service. The goal is to develop an open, current and comprehensive set of hacks, and to make them available to all blogger users.


The BloggerHacks Wiki was developed because the list of hacks on Freshblog became too difficult to navigate, and because the post, although a comprehensive list, doesn't provide in-depth information about the hacks.


You are invited to contribute your hacks for Google's Blogger.

The New Hacks page is an open page. Please add your new hacks to a new section at the end of the page & the Wiki Admin team will "file" your hack in the appropriate section of the site. (Feel free to tell us where you'd like it to go!)

First Steps

The username and password for the administrative account is admin, admin.

  1. Important: Log in as admin and go to Preferences to change your password!
  2. On this page: image_logo_url put just the url for the logo.
  3. Add the url for your wiki to the Categorized wiki list. Simply edit that page and put your wiki under the appropriate category.
  4. To increase the amount of space you have for uploads, add links to from external sites, and go to the Link Quota Page to increase your uploads quota.

Other optional things to do

  • Edit MediaWiki:Sidebar to change the navigation menu
  • Add this wiki to some external wiki indexes:
  1. Wikipedia list of wikis
  2. WikiIndex
  • If you are feeling adventurous and know a little about web design you can edit the javascript and css to the Header to change the look of your wiki.
    • You must log as admin to do this
    • Whatever you enter in this page will be added to the html in the header after the standard style sheet, so you can override styles.
  • Read the User's Guide for other usage and configuration help.
  • Add your wiki to the map of wikis
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