Native Blog Search

From Bloggerhacks

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Revision as of 05:45, 31 December 2006





Old/New Blogger (both)


Aditya Vikram Mukherjee



Code can be modified to suit personal needs, as long as the link back to my page is not removed.

Required Skills

Nothing very technical. The codes are provided with enough guidelines to be able to help anyone include it in their template and begin using it. A little familiarity with the new template (knowing how to alter CSS, conditional tags) will help in extending the hack to be more specific and customised, but it is not required.


It provides an 'in-blog' blog search, which cuts out the Google blog search page completely. Results are loaded asynchronously, hence the searcher does not have to leave the page to get the search results. It can be styled to match the template, hence the search looks as 'native' to the blog as possible.


There are three blocks of code. One for the <head> section, which holds all the functions. One is the search form itself, and one if the container tag to hold and display the results. Each one has been explained properly as to how to include them in your template.

The <head> section part required one variable to be configured, which has been highlighted in the included instructions.

Sites Using This Hack

Extensions / Alternates

This is something like Google's AJAX Search API. Google's API is better, but harder to implement and achiever more or less the same thing.

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