From Anon Vn

Revision as of 01:49, 17 April 2010 by (Talk)

Notes: All information here was found from http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=981313&topic=52713323


Job Descriptions

Their sacred noble blood has special power to boost abilities.

This is a job specialized in defeating the enemies with their well trained bodies. Disliking protection, they fight by using huge swords and blunt weapons.

Metal armor and extreme defensive power are their charaeteristics. use spears well.

Uses swords and guns. Loves to attack with friends together.....

can easily hide themselves. Know tons of skills about dungeon-exploring.

Fight with bare hands, and use "ki" to heal.

By collecting the element of "Ether" that exists in the sky from the stars to use as a catalyst, they are astrologists that fight by invoking the star techniques.

Beast King
They are the king of the beasts, communicating with every beasts and intentions. By freely manipulating at will beasts, from the birds flying in the sky to the moles of the underground, and even the king of beasts, they possess the ability to make them participate in battle.

They are projectile experts possessing the nickname of archer. By defeating enemies with huge bows and guns, this is a job that specializes in the offensive.

They are farmers that particularly look into the sea of trees to dream of quickly gaining a fortune. While they possess abilities that are extremely helpful for the exploration of the sea of trees, their battle capabilities are weak on the surface.

(Unlockable Classes)



Common Skills

Note: CUSTOM -> Skill -> Press Y to switch skill tabs.

Name: HP Boost
Max Lv: /10
Effect: Raises one's max HP
Requirements: No requirements

Name: TP Boost
Max Lv: /10
Effect: Raises one's max TP
Requirements: No requirements

Name: First Aid
Max Lv: /10
Effect: A skill that recovers one ally's HP that is only useable at the camp menu
Requirements: No requirements
Lv 1 TP cost: 2

Name: Basic Experience
Max Lv: /10
Effect: One listens to the experiences of comrades who have entered the labyrinth to [reduce that part of one's own experience points?].
Requirements: No requirements

Name: Chop
Max Lv: /10

Name: Mine
Max Lv: /10

Name: Take
Max Lv: /10


Name: Royal Bloodline
Max Lv: 10
Effect: When an enhancement is applied to them, TP recovers; a skill exclusive to the princess

Name: Royal Veil
Max Lv: 10
Effect: At the end of a turn, in the case HP is MAX, recovers every ally's HP

Name: King's Victory Song
Max Lv: 10
Effect: When victorious from battle with oneself alive, recovers every ally's HP
Requirements: Royal Veil Lv5

Name: King's March
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Sings and heroic war song and marches; recovers HP at each step
Requirements: King's Victory Song Lv5

Name: Reinforce
Max Lv: 10
Effect: When an enhancement skill is applied, recovers the ally's HP by a fixed value
Requirements: Order of Defense Lv1

Name: King's Proof
Max Lv: 10
Effect: When an enhancement applied to them vanishes, recovers their TP

Name: Attack Order
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Raises the physical offensive power of a row of allies during 3 turns
Lv 1 TP: 8

Name: Defense Order
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Raises the physical defensive power of a row of allies during 3 turns
Lv 1 TP: 8

Name: Fire Arms
Max LV: 5
Effect: During 3 turns, reduces the flame damage one ally takes; grants the flame attribute to their normal attacks
Requirements: Order of Attack Lv1
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Freeze Arms
Max LV: 5
Effect: During 3 turns, reduces the ice damage one ally takes; grants the ice attribute to their normal attacks
Requirements: Order of Attack Lv1
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Shock Arms
Max LV: 5
Effect: During 3 turns, reduces the thunder damage one ally takes; grants the shock attribute to their normal attacks
Requirements: Order of Attack Lv1
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Emit Weapon
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Releases attribute granted to a weapon; with that attribute, inflicts damage to every enemy
Requirements: Order of Attack LV3
Lv 1 TP: 12

Name: Reset Weapon
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Cancels every enhacement of one enemy; inflicts non-attributive damage to that enemy
Requirements: Order of Attack Lv5, Order of Defense Lv5
Lv 1 TP: 12

Name: Prevention Order
Max Lv: 5
Effect: Grants an enhancement to one row of allies that will prevent status abnormalities once during 3 turns
Requirements: Order of Defense Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 12

Name: Ambition Order
Max Lv: 10
Effect: During 3 turns, raises the max HP of one row of allies
Requirements: Order of Defense Lv5
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Protection Order
Max Lv: 10
Effect: During 3 turns, recovers the HP of one row of allies at the end of a turn
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Exchange
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Cancels all enhancement effects of one ally; recovers the HP of that ally
Requirements: King's Proof Lv1
Lv 1 TP: 4

Name: Renew Life
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Cancels all weakening effects of one ally; recovers the TP of that ally
Requirements: King's Proof Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 8

Name: Quick Order
Max Lv: 5
Effect: Causes the designated ally to take action at the beginning of this turn
Requirements: King's Proof Lv5
Lv 1 TP: 12


Name: Resident of the Battlefield
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Physical offensive power rises; a skill exclusive to the warrior

Name: Sword Mastery
Max Lv: 10
Effect: A mastery necessary for the acquisition of sword skills; normal attack damage with a sword rises

Name: Hammer Mastery
Max Lv: 10
Effect: A mastery necessary for the acquisition of hammer skills; normal attack damage with a hammer rises スタンアタック
Name: Stun Attack
Max Lv: 10
Effect: When using normal attacks, causes stun to the attacked enemy with a fixed probability
Requirements: State of Selflessness Lv3

Name: Wide Effect
Max Lv: 10
Effect: When using an offensive skill against one enemy, inflicts damage to the enemies on both sides too with a fixed probability
Requirements: Sword Mastery Lv5, Hammer Mastery Lv5

Name: Avenger
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Strongly transforms a vengeful heart towards the enemy; HP recovers when allies become battle incapacitated
Requirements: Berserker's Vow Lv1

Name: Break
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Sword: Aims at one enemy and swings downward; cut attack
Requirements: Sword Mastery Lv1
Lv 1 TP: 4

Name: Rush
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Sword: Rushes towards enemy formation; quickly cuts up every enemy randomly; cut attack
Requirements: Sword Mastery Lv1
Lv 1 TP: 7

Name: Bind Cut
Max Lv: 10
Effect: A powerful cut attack at one enemy; power rises if the enemy has a bind condition
Requirements: Sword Mastery Lv3, Break Lv5
Lv 1 TP: 8

Name: Rampage
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Sword: Swings a sword in a rampage at every enemy; a cut attack that cuts every enemy
Requirements: Sword Mastery Lv7
Lv 1 TP: 12

Name: Blade Rave
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Sword: Swings a sword at high speeds; a cut attack that randomly cuts every enemy in succession
Requirements: Sword Mastery Lv10, Rush Lv5
Lv 1 TP: 13

Name: Crash Blow
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Hammer: A blunt attack that smashes the crown of the head of one enemy; inflicts a confusion effect with a fixed probability
Requirements: Hammer Mastery Lv1
Lv 1 TP: 4

Name: Arm Breaker
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Hammer: A blunt attack aimed at the arms of one enemy; inflicts an arm bind effect with a fixed probability
Requirements: Hammer Mastery Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Freezing Blow
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Hammer: Strikes one enemy with a hammer clad in cold air; a skill that combines blunt/ice attack
Requirements: Hammer Mastery Lv3, Crash Blow Lv5
Lv 1 TP: 8

Name: Nine Smash
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Hammer: A blunt attack that strikes many times at one enemy at speeds the eye can not see
Requirements: Hammer Mastery Lv10, Arm Breaker Lv5
Lv 1 TP: 10

Name: Berserker's Vow
Max Lv: 10
Effect: During 3 turns, raises the physical offensive power of oneself at the expense of HP
Lv 1 TP: 2

Name: State of Selflessness
Max Lv: 5
Effect: Raises concentration in battle until extreme limits; during 3 turns, negates status abnormalities directed at them
Requirements: Berserker's Vow Lv5
Lv 1 TP: 12

Name: Charge
Max Lv: 5
Effect: Accumulates power and stands by; a skill that raises the physical attack damage of the next turn
Requirements: Avenger LV3, Wolf Howl Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 2

Name: Wolf Howl
Max Lv: 10
Effect: During 4 turns, lowers the defensive power of every enemy; if an enemy is under status abnormalities, the effects become greater
Lv 1 TP: 7


Name: Guardian
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Reduces physical attacks directed at them; a skill exclusive to the phalanx

Name: Shield Mastery
Max Lv: 10
Effect: A mastery necessary for the acquisition of shield skills; when equipping a shield, physical damage received is reduced

Name: Spear Mastery
Max Lv: 10
Effect: A mastery necessary for the acquisition of spear skills; normal attack damage with a spear rises

Name: Guard Heal
Max Lv: 10
Effect: when defending, their HP recovers
Requirements: Revive Lv3

Name: Parry
Max Lv: 5
Effect: When physical attacks are received, negates damage with a fixed probability
Requirements: Provoke Lv5

Name: Material Parry
Max Lv 5: When attributive attacks are received, negates damage with a fixed probability
Requirements: Provoke Lv5

Name: Line Guard
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Shield: Reduces physical damage for one row of allies; if they are themselves on the same row, reduces even more
Requirements: Shield Mastery Lv1
Lv 1 TP: 3

Name: Fire Guard
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Shield: Reduces flame damage for every ally
Requirements: Shield Mastery Lv5
Lv 1 TP: 4

Name: Freeze Guard
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Shield: Reduces ice damage for every ally
Requirements: Shield Mastery Lv5
Lv 1 TP: 4

Name: Shock Guard
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Shield: Reduces thunder damage for every ally
Requirements: Shield Mastery Lv5
Lv 1 TP: 4

Name: Divide Guard
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Shield: Shoulders the damage received by an ally; only on the turn it is used
Requirements: Shield Mastery Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 4

Name: Over Guard
Max Lv: 5
Effect: Shield: During that turn, negates attacks directed at the designated ally if one's own HP is not less than theirs
Requirements: Shield Mastery Lv8, Desperate Barrier Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 18

Name: Change Step
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Spear: Performs a thrust attack at one enemy and moves to the other row
Requirements: Spear Mastery Lv1
Lv 1 TP: 5

Name: Blitz Ritter
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Spear: Attacks one enemy with a lightning thrust at high speeds; combines thrust/thunder attack
Requirements: Spear Mastery Lv4
Lv 1 TP: 7

Name: Long Stride
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Spear: Greatly rushes in and goes through every enemy; if self is in the back row, power rises; thrust attack
Requirements: Spear Mastery Lv7, Change Step Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 12

Name: Revive
Max Lv: 5
Effect: Recovers from binds and status abnormalities afflicted upon them
Lv 1 TP: 12

Name: Desperate Barrier
Max Lv: 10
Effect: During 3 turns, reduces physical attacks directed at them at the expense HP
Lv 1 TP: 5

Name: Provoke
Max Lv: 10
Effect: During 3 turns, attracts the attacks of the enemies; becomes the party's shield
Lv 1 TP: 3

Name: Vigilance March
Max Lv: 5
Effect: Watches the surroundings; during a fixed amount of steps, lowers the encounter rate with enemies
Lv 1 TP: 6


Name: Trickster
Max Lv: 10
Effect: During battle, TP recovers when using offensive skills; a skill exclusive to the pirate

Name: Saber Mastery
Max Lv: 10
Effect: A mastery necessary for the acquisition of saber skills; normal attack damage with a saber rises

Name: Gun Mastery
Max Lv: 10
Effect: A mastery necessary for the acquisition of gun skills; normal attack damage with a gun rises

Name: Self-Taught Fencing
Max Lv: 10
Effect: When using a normal attack, it becomes multiple attacks with a fixed probability
Requirements: Sword Mastery Lv8, Gun Mastery Lv8

Name: Goddess of Luck
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Ascertains the weak points of enemies; raises the critical rate when using normal attacks

Name: Limit Boost
Max Lv: 5
Effect: Collects one's own limit gauge more easily
Requirements: Goddess of Luck Lv3, Eagle Eye Lv3

Name: In the Dark
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Saber: A thrust attack aimed at the eyes of one enemy; inflicts a blindness effect with a fixed probability
Requirements: Sword Mastery Lv1
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Chase Saber
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Saber: Matches with allies' cut attacks; performs a chase with a saber
Requirements: Saber Mastery Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Chase Blow
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Saber: Matches with allies' blunt attacks; performs a chase with a saber
Requirements: Saber Mastery Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Chase Thrust
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Saber: Matches with allies; thrust attacks; performs a chase with a saber
Requirements: Saber Mastery Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Hanging
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Saber: A thrust attack aimed at the head of one enemy; inflicts a head bind effect with a fixed probability
Requirements: Saber Mastery Lv5
Lv 1 TP: 8

Name: Quick Draw
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Gun: Quickly draws out a gun; thrust attacks randomly fired at every enemy at the beginning of the turn
Requirements: Gun Mastery LV1
Lv 1 TP: 4

Name: Chase Flame
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Gun: Matches with allies' flame attacks; performs a chase with a gun
Requirements: Gun Mastery Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Chase Ice
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Gun: Matches with allies' ice attacks; performs a chase with a gun
Requirements: Gun Mastery Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Chase Thunder
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Gun: Matches with allies' thunder attacks; performs a chase with a gun
Requirements: Gun Mastery Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Rapid Fire
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Gun: A thrust attack that drives 3 rapid shots into the enemy at once
Requirements: Gun Mastery Lv5
Lv 1 TP: 10

Name: Million Thrust
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Sword/Gun: Thrust attacks at every enemy randomly; if self is faster, offensive power rises
Requirements: Sword Mastery Lv10, Gun Mastery Lv10
Lv 1 TP: 19

Name: Eagle Eye
Max Lv: 5
Effect: During 3 turns, lowers the physical defensive power of one enemy
Lv 1 TP: 5

Name: Trouble Make
Max Lv: During a fixed number of steps, raises the encounter rate with enemies
Lv 1 TP: 3


Name: Smoke's Tip [?]
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Decreases TP consumption and offensive power from the back row does not lower; a skill exclusive to the shinobi

Name: Dagger Mastery
Max Lv: 10
Effect: A mastery necessary for the acquisition of dagger skills; normal attack damage with a dagger rises

Name: Concealment
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Base evasion rate rises

Name: Acrobatics
Max Lv: 10
Effect: TP recovers when evading attacks
Requirements: Ninja Arts - Flying Monkey Lv3, Ninja Arts - Cloud Cover Lv3

Name: Decapitation
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Causes instant death with a fixed probability when using normal attacks
Requirements: Ninja Arts - Water Mirror Lv3, Ninja Arts - Caltrop Lv5

Name: Flesh Bullet
Max Lv: 10
Effect: A flame attack at the enemy who attacked when self has become battle incapable; only once per battle
Requirements: Ninja Arts - Summon Bird Lv3, Ninja Arts - Clone Lv1

Name: Shadow Stitch
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Dagger: A cut attack at one enemy that stitches a shadow; inflicts a leg bind effect with a fixed probability
Requirements: Dagger Mastery Lv1
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Idzuna [apparently a "type of fox spirit"?]
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Dagger: A cut attack at one enemy; inflicts a petrification effect with a fixed probability
Requirements: Dagger Mastery Lv3, Shadow Stitch Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 6

Name: Hawk's Wings
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Dagger: A cut attack that randomly cuts up every enemy many times at high speeds
Requirements: Dagger Mastery Lv5
LV 1 TP: 7

Name: Multiple Drawn Blades
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Cooperates with a clone and randomly performs a cut attack at every enemy; the clone expires after usage
Requirements: Dagger Mastery Lv10, Flesh Bullet Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 18

忍法 含針
Name: Ninja Arts - Held Needle
Max Lv: 10
Effect: A thrust attack at 3 enemies with a needle held in the mouth; inflicts a sleep effect with a fixed probability
Lv 1 TP: 4

忍法 水鏡
Name: Ninja Arts - Water Mirror
Max Lv: 10
Effect: Causes a contagion of status abnormalities afflicting one enemy to every enemy with a fixed probability
Requirements: Ninja Arts - Held Needle Lv1
Lv 1 TP: 3

忍法 撒菱
Name: Ninja Arts - Caltrop
Max Lv: 10
Effect: A cut attack to enemies that have attacked the designated row; inflicts a poison effect with a fixed probability
Requirements: Ninja Arts - Held Needle Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 4

忍法 陽炎
Name: Ninja Arts - Heat Haze [?]
Max Lv: 5
Effect: Reveals a shadow in the shape of one's self in a space that is open; it is used as a decoy
Lv 1 TP: 10

忍法 招鳥
Name: Ninja Arts - Summon Bird [?]
Max Lv: 10
Effect: During 3 turns, causes one ally to be the target of allies more easily
Requirements: Ninja Arts - Heat Haze Lv1
LV 1 TP: 5

忍法 分身
Name: Ninja Arts - Clone
Max Lv: 1
Effect: Halves one's own HP and TP and reveals a clone in a space that is open
Requirements: Ninja Arts - Heat Haze Lv3
Lv 1 TP: 10

忍法 猿飛
Name: Ninja Arts - Flying Monkey [?]
Max Lv: 5
Effect: During that turn, negates the physical attacks of enemies with a high probability
Requirements: Concealment Lv1
Lv 1 TP: 3

忍法 雲隠
Name: Ninja Arts - Cloud Cover [?]
Max Lv: 10
Effect: During 3 turns, raises one's own evasion rate at the expense of HP
Requirements: Concealment Lv5
Lv 1 TP: 5

Name: Escape Arts
Max Lv: 5
Effect: Escapes from battle and returns to the staircase or the forest geomagnetic field that was used last
Lv 1 TP: 5

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