
From Anon Vn

Revision as of 01:09, 1 August 2009 by (Talk)
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This edition of 0.txt uploaded on July 15 '09, 12:20 EST. Edit of TLH's edit of eosq's edit of TLH's 0.txt. That was quite a mouthful.

For a detailed look at the changes, please go to the Dandelion Girl subforum on the /jp/ Project Forum.


; Dandy Girl ;


mode_wave_demo ;This command allows .wav files to play to play during skip text mode, supposedly.

caption "Dandy Girl beta2.0010" ;Modified version of the beta by TLH, by eosq, modified by TLH, modified AGAIN by eosq
versionstr "Dandygirl" , "beta2.0010"

savename `Save`,`Load`,`File `
savenumber 20 ;amount of saves
effectblank 0
mp3fadeout 1500 ;fadeout time for mp3 playback
transmode alpha 
selectcolor #ffffff,#cccccc
menuselectcolor #ffffff,#aaaaaa,#999999
menuselectvoice "","","","","","",""
humanz 10
rmenu `Save game`,save,`Load game`,load,`Remove window`,windowerase,`Quit`,end ;rclick menu
menusetwindow 20,20,0,2,0,0,#333333
defaultfont "Arial"
killmenu 1
killmenu 1
killmenu 4
killmenu 4
killmenu 3
defaultspeed 12,6,0 ;msg speed
underline 599
effect 2,10,1500  ;Pixelwise crossfade
effect 3,11,200   ;Left-sided scroll
effect 4,10,3000  ;Pixelwise crossfade, long
effect 5,10,50    ;Pixelwise crossfade, very short
effect 6,10,400   ;Pixelwise crossfade
effect 7,10,6000  ;Pixelwise crossfade
effect 8,10,4000  ;Pixelwise crossfade
effect 9,10,500   ;Pixelwise crossfade
effect 10,10,500  ;Pixelwise crossfade for 500 milliseconds, by far the most-used effect in this novel
effect 11,10,800  ;Pixelwise crossfade
effect 12,8,1000  ;Upwards curtain
effect 13,9,1000  ;Downwards curtain
windoweffect 10,50



setwindow 15,17,28,23,26,26,0,2,20,1,1,#999999,0,0,800,700


bg "cg/jpproject.png",10 ;/jp/ project splash screen
delay 3000
bg black,10
`This is a beta version. The script, art and music aren't finished yet.\\
!d 3000
bg black,10
`           The Curtain Falls\\

mp3loop "bgm/curtainFallAlt.mp3"

!d 500
`When Mark saw that girl with golden hair, he thought of Edna St. Vincent Millay.@
!d 300
`Why was that?@
`......Maybe it was the way she was standing in the sun with her dandelion-hued hair dancing in the wind, reflecting the rays of the mid-noon sun.@ 

Maybe it was the way her white dress was swirling around her long and slender legs.@
!d 300
`"....Where's she from?"\\

`Whatever the reason MIGHT have been, Mark got the impression that she had somehow stepped out of the past and into the present.@
`.....But that wasn't right.\\

!d 1000
`Because, in reality the girl had stepped out of the future.@
`Could things like that really happen...?\\
!d 3000

bg "cg/frame01.png",8
!d 1000

`He paused a little ways behind her, breathing hard from the climb.@ Initially, he hadn't even noticed her.@
`"Ha...@ augh...@ haaa..."\\
`She hadn't seen him yet, even now....@ and he wondered how he could make her notice him without scaring her off.@ Or would she take to the sky and 

fly away,@ like a frail, beautiful bird just out of his reach?\\

`He hung his head and took a deep breath.\\
bg "cg/frame02.png",10
`....When he looked at her again,@ she had turned around and begun looking right back,@ like some kind of curious animal.\\

bg "cg/panel1.png",10
!d 3000

mp3loop "bgm/moodyprincess.mp3"
bg "bg/bg04.jpg",3

!d 800
`The two weeks I'd saved up in Summer vacation from work went to waste--maybe.@ When my wife had been unexpectedly summoned for jury duty, I'd been 

forced to spend them alone.@
`I spent days sitting inside, or climbing the rocky walls, or just lounging about waiting for time to pass.\\

bg black,10
`I was pretty lonely.@
`Up till now I'd been leading a lonely existence,@ fishing off the pier in the day and reading the cool evenings away.@ It was nice, but very dismal 

at the same time.\\

`.... After two days the routine had caught up with me, and I'd taken off into the woods without purpose or direction and eventually climbed up to 

the place where I met this strange girl.\\

bg "bg/bg01.png",10
quakey 5,800
`"Haaa.... haaaa."@
`I was wheezing really badly, and I could hear my own ragged breath.@ My lungs were on fire, and my legs felt like wooden blocks hooked to my 

`The girl in front of me, like a mirage, was even more breathtaking.@ Maybe that was the real reason my breathing was so intense...?\\


`She finally noticed me?\\

wave "sfx/footsteps.wav"
ld c "char/julie/sprite_stare_1.png",10
`Exhausted or not,@ I could tell that her eyes were really blue--@about as blue as the sky surrounding her.@ ....It was an embarrassing thing I kept 

to myself.@
cl c,11
ld c "char/julie/sprite_innocent.png",11
`It brought on a bad case of deja vu so strong I almost embarrassed myself and reached out to touch her.\\

`...... Better keep my hands to myself.\\

cl a,11
ld c "char/julie/sprite_talk5.png",11

`@.... What the hell am I thinking?@ I'm forty-four, and this girl can't be much older than twenty....@
`Anyway,@ talk, talk, talk, you idiot.\\

`"Aha...@ ha...@ hi, there...@ nice view here, isn't it...?"@
`The girl blinked, then her face broke out into a grin.\\

ld c "char/julie/sprite_spaced_1.png",11
`"Ah! So, I'm not the only one who thinks so, am I~!"@
bg "cg/frame03.png",3
`The strange girl spun around and swept her arm in an enthusiastic semicircle, as if motioning upward.\\

quakex 3,300
`"Aha....@ no, it really is..."\\

`I nodded dumbly.@
`Well.... she was right, I guess.@ The meadows underneath us were pretty, colored like autumn leaves,@ and there were some nice "suburban structures" 

that I could see from up here.@
`Of course, those were in Cove City,@ which was a pretty nice sight from up here, too.@ It looked like a sort of medieval castle place, if you looked 

at it at the right angle.@
`I could see why a young girl would like this view.\\

`"Huh...so.... I take it you're from the city too, huh?"\\

bg "bg/bg01.png",6
ld c "char/julie/sprite_moe_2.png",10
`"Fufufu.... I guess you could say that."@
cl a,10
`She smiled really coyly, like she knew some kind of important secret that I didn't.@
`.... What did she mean 'I guess you could say that'?@
ld c "char/julie/sprite_smile_1.png",10
`"I'm from the Cove City of two hundred and forty years from now, you see."\\

cl a,10
!d 1200
`Oh, so that's all is it?@
!w 2000
wave "sfx/Wham.wav"
`......... Wait, WHAAAAT?!\\

mp3loop "bgm/maltshopbop.mp3"
quakex 6,800
ld c "char/julie/sprite_emo.png",10

`The dandelion girl sighed and slumped her shoulders.@
`"Fuu....@ It's all right,@ it's not like I expect you to believe something so strange so easily.@ Still, it'd be nice if you could pretend...."@
`Her "hinting" expression told me that this was more of an order than a request.\\
cl a,10

`Maybe she was delusional.@
`.... Or maybe she was just playing a child's game.@ But either way, I did play along for my own ambiguous reasons.@
`"..... That would be the year twenty-two hundred and two, A.D., right?@ I guess, uh...@ it must've, you know... changed quite a bit."@
`"Oh, it has!"\\
ld r "char/julie/sprite_talk_9.png",10

`She'd perked right up.@ She said that, sounding like she was excited and frustrated at the same time.@
`"It's part of a megalopolis now and extends all the way to there, don't you know!"@
bg "cg/sprite_point_2.png",10
`She pointed to the fringe of the forest near us.\\

`"Two Thousand and Fortieth Street runs straight through that grove of sugar maples,@ and do you see that stand of locusts over there?!"@
`I was....@ starting to get a little creeped out by this girl's game, now.@
`"Y@....yeah, I see them...."\\

`"Well, that's where the new plaza is!@ Its supermarket is so big that it takes a whole half day to go through it.@ Although, you can buy almost 

anything in it, from aspirins to aerocars.@ You know?"@
`She stopped just for a second, to take a deep breath.@
!d 1000
`.... And went right along, after that.\\

`"Oh! And right next to the supermarket, where that grove of beeches is,@ is a big dress shop just BURSTING with the latest creations of the leading 

couturiers.@ I bought this dress I'm wearing there this morning! Isn't it just beautiful~?"\\

bg "bg/bg01.png",10
ld c "char/julie/sprite_dance_3.png",10
`Uh....@ Uh....@ Umm....@
`..... How was I supposed to answer this one?@
`"Ah... yes, it's nice."\\

`"Fufufu...@ Won't you feel how soft it is~?"@
`.... Well, it WAS a pretty dress,@ and for this girl to be asking me to feel it...@
`I'll just give it a quick inspection.\\

bg "char/julie/sprite_clothes.png",10
!w 2000
`Huh.... ?@ What's this supposed to be?@
`It was cut out of a material I didn't recognize at all, something like cotton candy, sea foam, and snow fused into one.@
`This was the first time I'd seen anything like it.\\

`Uh... Well, there's no limit any more to the syntheses that could be created by the miracle-fiber manufacturers, I guess...@
`.... And that was true, apparently, to the fibs of cute little girls too.@
bg "bg/bg01.png",10
`".... So, did you travel here by time machine, or something, young lady?"@
`She opened her mouth in shock and covered it with her hand.\\

ld c "char/julie/sprite_talk_3.png",10
`"Oh~! How did you guess!@ I did, I did travel here with a time machine!@ My father made it, in fact~!"@

`What the... ?@
`I looked at her closely.@
ld c "char/julie/sprite_talk_7.png",10
`"....... What is it?"\\

`I'd never seen such a guileless look.@ What was up with this? Was she a very good liar or just genuinely crazy?@ Or maybe she was one of those 

people that could train their brains to believe real nonsense........\\

`"Umm ......@ You come here often, then?"@
ld c "char/julie/sprite_smile_1.png",10
`"You must be a mind-reader, Mark!@ This is my absolute favorite favorite favorite space-time coordinate!@ I stand here for hours, sometimes, and 

look and look and look.@ You know, the day before yesterday I saw a rabbit, and yesterday a deer, and today, you."\\

`"... Okay, that's all fine and well....@ but how can there be a yesterday if you always return to the same point in time?"@
`The girl took a minute to consider this.\\

ld c "char/julie/sprite_talk_9.png",10
`"Ah.... I see what you mean.@ Well, the reason is because the machine is affected by the passage of time the same as anything else, you know?@ And 

you have to set it back every twenty-four hours if you want to maintain exactly the same co-ordinate.@ I never do that, because I much prefer a 

different day each time I come back. You know what I mean?"@
`I didn't, exactly.@
`"Okay.... So, does your father ever come with you?"\\

cl a,10
!w 1800
ld c "char/julie/sprite_farewell_1.png",4
!w 3000
!w 1000
`The girl looked up into the sky,@ where a flock of geese was flying in a V shape, and scrunched her face up into a difficult expression.@
`And she kept staring at them, blankly.\\

`Where had that warm, affectionate atmosphere that I'd been enjoying suddenly gone?@ The sparkle in her eyes faded,@ and she suddenly looked much 

older to me.....@
`Was she struggling for words...?@
mp3loop "bgm/dissappointment.mp3"
!w 3000
`".... My father is an invalid."\\

`"He'd love to come, if he really could....@ But, I do tell him all about what I see, really I do.....@
ld c "char/julie/sprite_talk_10.png",10
`And, uh, it's almost the same as if he really came. Wouldn't you say it was?"@
`"Sure thing."\\

`There was a weird eagerness and genuine tenderness in what she said.@ I couldn't help but be just a little charmed by it, really. @
`.... You idiot.@
`"I'm sure it is......@ It must be nice, you know, owning a time machine."\\

`The girl nodded seriously, then frowned.@
mp3loop "bgm/coldfunk.mp3"
ld c "char/julie/sprite_emo.png",10
`"Well, they're a boon to people who like to stand on pleasant meadows.@ In the twenty-third century there aren't very many left, you know...."\\

`.......... That was a quick recovery.\\

`"Heh. There aren't very many of them left in the twentieth, either.@ I guess you could say that this one is sort of a collector's item.@ I'll have 

to visit it more often."@
ld c "char/julie/sprite_innocent.png",10
`"Oh... ? Do you live near here or something, mister?"\\

` "Oh, sort of. I'm staying in a cabin a little ways back.@ I'm supposed to be on vacation, but it's not much of one.@ My wife was called to jury 

duty and couldn't come with me.@ Since I couldn't postpone it,@ I've ended up as a sort of.... reluctant Thoreau, I guess."@
`The girl nodded, leaning forward.\\

ld c "char/julie/sprite_stare_3.png",10
!d 1000
`".... Oh, and also, I'm Mark Randolph. Mark is fine."@
ld c "char/julie/sprite_smile_1.png",10
`"Mark? Is it?@ 
ld c "char/julie/sprite_moe_2.png",10
`Fufufu... Julie Danvers is mine.@ It's almost as pretty as the dandelions, here, don't you think so?@ Since I can call you Mark, you're free to call 

me Julie if you want."@
`.... Eh? Where did that sudden queen-like aura come from?\\

`"Okay, then."@
ld c "char/julie/sprite_smile_1.png",10
`Even if she wasn't a queen, I did think the name was beautiful.@ And it was equally suiting for her. Like the dandelions, and like the clear sky.@
`Not to mention she had a really mysterious air about her.\\

`Heh.@ Do you really think you're fooling me, though... ?@
`She probably lived in that little cottage somewhere in the woods.@ If that was the case, this was just a farce she was putting up for giggles.@ 

Well, assuming there wasn't something mentally at odds with her.@
`Well, I wasn't even sure how old she was, so I couldn't rule out the delusions of a hyperactive teenager.@
`But, in any case, that was still all right.@ I'd humor her, kind of like the way parents witness and chide on their children's belief in Santa 

Clause, or the Easter Bunny, or the tooth fairy or something like that.\\

`Since it wasn't causing any harm.@
`I just did my best to keep that smile on her face.\\

`"So, Julie, what kind of work do you do? Or are you still a student?"@
!d 2000
ld c "char/julie/sprite_innocent.png",10
!d 400
ld c "char/julie/sprite_moe_2.png",10
`"Hmmm.... ?@ I look young enough to be a student, do I? That's so flattering, Mark."@
`......... What a difficult person.@
ld c "char/julie/sprite_talk_9.png",10
`"To be serious, I'm in training-to be a secretary, you know~"@
`Julie got on her tip-toe, spun around and did a full pirouette, stopping in her original position and clapping her hands together.@
cl a,10
bg "cg/frame04.png",3
`"It'll be a lot of fun, don't you think so, Mark?~@ Being big and important and taking down what people are saying in a real serious kind of way.@ 


`"Oh...@ Um, I guess so."@
`And then, Julie's face lit up like a candle.@
`"Oh, Mark! Say, what's say you make me your secretary!@ Wouldn't that be great~? That's a great idea, isn't it~?"\\

bg "bg/bg01.png",10
`"Oh.... Sure. That'd be nice, I guess. My wife was a secretary, once.@ You know, before the war.@ That's how we met and all that, and....."@
`So why did...@ why did I 
`say that.... ?\\

ld c "char/julie/sprite_talk_7.png",10
`"Was she a good secretary?"@
`"That's.... oh, yes. She was a good secretary.@ I mean, in the end I lost her, but just as a secretary.@ Although, I mean I gained her in another 

way.@ So, that is to say, I never really LOST her, I guess.@ Uh..."@
ld c "char/julie/sprite_innocent.png",10
`Julie was responding with a blank look.@
`"Well, anyway...."\\

ld c "char/julie/sprite_smile_1.png",10
`The girl who looked and smelled like dandelions, Julie, nodded her head enthusiastically....@ But then looked as if she'd remembered something 

greatly important.@
ld c "char/julie/sprite_talk_10.png",10
`"Ah....@ I almost forgot, I have to get home right away.@ I'm sure Father's home, and I have to tell him about everything that I saw today.@ Plus, I 

have to make his supper for him."\\

`That left me feeling a little disappointed.@
`"I see.... Well, Julie, will you be here tomorrow?"@
ld c "char/julie/sprite_innocent.png",10
`"Tomorrow... ?"@
`"Twenty-four hours from now, that is."\\

cl a,10
ld r "char/julie/sprite_dance_3.png",10
`"..... Sure. I've been coming here every day, so coming again tomorrow is no big deal."@
`Julie nodded slowly, then her face twisted with a big smile.@
cl a,10
`"Ah... Good, then. Guess I'll see you around, then."\\

bg "cg/frame06.png",10
`As if seriously hurrying to her own little time machine, Julie hurried down the hill,@ off into the grove of sugar maple trees where would 

supposedly be Two-thousand-fourtieth street two-hundred years from now.@ Her beautiful white dress fluttered along with her.@

bg "bg/black.png",4
wait 1000
mp3loop "bgm/onThePassingOfTime-Fix.mp3"
!d 5000
`What a charming girl.@ It must be nice to have such a young, child-like innocence,@ in which simple lies are nothing more than playful delusions.@
`She had such an enthusiasm for life.......@ and a fascinating sense of wonder.\\

`These were two things that I lacked, and which I appreciated greatly for that reason.\\

`That being,@ because I'd been a serious guy for most of my life.@ I spent enough time in law school studying my way to the top,@ and when I finally 

formed my own practice I spent even more time working on sustaining it.@
`.... I never really got a break from it all, I guess.\\

`Anyway, I married Anne shortly after I began that practice, when she was my secretary. @
`Not only was the dedication I had to my work a factor in keeping me a serious man,@ there was a bout of difficulty surrounding the war.@ Times when 

I struggled, and even harder, later, when I had a wife to support on top of that.\\

`.... Come to think of it, I was still struggling.@ Even now, I was struggling against my conscience after having watched that girl.@ And there was 

my practice, my job, my wife...@
`Never a break for me.\\

`It was ironic, that these few weeks of vacation I was having were quite forced,@ and my wife wasn't even around to help me enjoy them.@ The 

"vacation" had turned into more of an imprisonment.\\

`"...... ?"@
bg "bg/bg06.jpg",4
`Before I'd even realized it, it had apparently begun to change to night.@ The breeze of the evening,@ rolling off of the waves of the ocean, was 

beginning to blow and make me shiver.\\

!d 2000

`"..... I guess I should head home, now."@
`The dandelion girl (Julie?) was gone now,@ and the chirping of birds and sounds of the day that had surrounded her disappeared promptly, too.\\

`I hung my head, sighed, and headed down the gravel path toward my cozy but lonely little cabin by the lake.\\

!d 1000
bg "bg/bg02.png",4
`I'd spent the last two weeks, alone, now that I thought of it.@ They were a combination of sulking and sight-seeing,@ and something I couldn't 

genuinely enjoy.@
`....... Well, maybe I wasn't entirely alone.\\

`I returned to the cabin,@ and got cozy the way I usually did at this time.@
bg "bg/bg04.jpg",4
`I had a pretty simple supper.@ I went and read.@ I watched the lightningbugs which flew around and flickered like tiny lightbulbs, outside of the 


!d 1500

`"..... Ah, right. I should remember to lock up before I go to bed."@
`Mental note: taken.\\

`Well, it wasn't that I'd forget anyway.@ I just felt a subconscious need to hear myself talk out loud.@
`I wondered...@ was it that girl's companionship that made me begin to crave more for the first time in a while?\\

`"............ Stupid."@
`I picked up the novel I'd begun reading the day I started coming here, and thumbed through it.\\
`So... @ Where had I left off, again.... ?@
`It was about a chance meeting between a young boy and a young girl,@ two people who fell in love in a Romeo-and-Juliet-esque manner,@ but with 

(thankfully) different results.@
`That was....\\

!d 1500
`Rustle.@ Rustle.@ Rustle.@
`The sound of the pages moving, alone,@ was distracting enough for me.@ I couldn't focus on this, anyway.\\

bg "bg/bg05.jpg",4
`Ah...@ why was I thinking of that person?@
`Heheh....@ there must be something wrong with my head, huh?@
`I'm thinking of a young girl, not of my wife,@ and I'm on the verge of having some kind of twisted fantasy.@ 

bg "bg/black.png",4
`Well, did that really mean I was being unfaithful?@ Maybe I was just lonely....@ I'd been in this cabin, all by my lonesome, for a little while 

`And all of a sudden, a cute girl comes out of nowhere and she...\\

!d 2000

`"....... That's right.@ Anybody would feel happy to see her, and think about her for a while."@
`So there was nothing lowly about my thoughts.@ And, even, I'd never thought anything intimate about her, had I?@ Of course not.@ Aha... ha...@
`Just a little,@ I felt the tenseness in my shoulders ease.\\

bg "bg/bg05.jpg",4 

`"....... I wonder what you're doing right now, Anne?@ Tell me....@ What would you think of that young girl, who looks like the color of dandelions 

and wears dresses made of things I've never seen in my life.... ?"\\

!d 4000
`I reached and took a cigarette from my pocket.@
`.... When was the last time I smoked?@
`".... Hmph."@
`I should probably quit, huh?@ I know it's a disgusting habit.@ It's not like I'm proud to be forced to do something like this to relax, you know.\\

`I lit it, and smoked it slowly.@ It was weird...@ a guilty sort of feeling like you'd reached your hand into the cookie jar without having done so 

in such a long time.\\

`What was it that she said?\\

bg "bg/black.png",10
`"The day before yesterday I saw a rabbit,@ and yesterday a deer,@ and today, you."\\

bg "bg/bg05.jpg",4
`It seemed comfortable, and sort of.... familiar, I guess.@
`That night I thought of the strange girl,@ Julie Danvers, and fell asleep with a lot of questions about her that would be never and easily 


bg black,7
bg "bg/bg01.png",4
mp3loop "bgm/coldfunk.mp3"
`"La dee da~... la dee da~...."@
`When I approached the dandelion-colored girl for the second time, she was wearing a blue dress.@ Not only that, she had a ribbon of a similar color 

tied neatly up in her hair.@
`.... Cute.\\

`She was pretty captivating, today, too.@ She had a slender body, and white skin like porcelain.@
`Some people might think that pale skin is sickly-looking, but....@
`Well, whatever.\\

`She danced around like some kind of butterfly,@ letting the hem of her dress blow right along with her movements.@ If she were a butterfly, for 

real, the force of the whirlwind she was making, herself, would be enough to send her flying away.@ 
`Maybe she was that kind of person,@ the type of girl who could live with nothing short of soaring in the sky@... like a butterfly, or a majestic 

bird or something....\\


`"....... Eh?"\\

`".... Ah."@
`When had she noticed me, how long had I blanked out, and how exactly did my expression look?@ The Julie in the blue dress was leaning close and 

peering at my now red face, curiously.@
ld c "char/julie/sprite_blue_smile_1.png",10
`"....... ?"\\

`Augh... say something.@
bg "cg/panel17.png",5
`Funny.@ As if she could hear me say that in my head, Julie stood upright and clasped her hands together in a sort of prayer look.@ As if to say 

"Please, sir, have the first word, won't you?"\\

`"........ Hey. Didn't think you'd be around, today."@
bg "cg/panel6.png",5
`She grinned at my throaty voice.@
`"Fufu... well, I am. And so are you, obviously."\\

`"Uh huh, well..."@
`"...... I'm glad."\\

`.... More silence.\\

bg "cg/panel10.png",5
`While Julie was silent and staring up at the open sky, so full of possibilities,@ she didn't look particularly tense.@ I, myself, however, was 

wordless and utterly full of anxiety.\\
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