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(Created page with '<pre> ;-------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------- !d 1000 setwi…')

Current revision as of 08:57, 25 December 2009


!d 1000

setwindow 15,17,23,23,25,25,0,2,18,1,1,#ffffff,0,0,800,700
bg "cg/inbetween.png",4
!d 3500
bg black,10
setwindow 15,17,23,23,25,25,0,2,18,1,1,#999999,0,0,800,700
dwaveloop 1, "sfx/raininside.ogg"

!d 2000

`As I suspected........ @ Julie did not appear in that field, again.@ The next day when I climbed up that rocky slope to see her... I just saw a field littered with dandelions and butterflies.@ The next... was also the same.\

!d 3000

`It.... shouldn't be possible for a human being to vanish from thin air, or to disappear that quickly. That's what my common sense told me.@


`But Julie had up and left, after those sad words, and was nowhere to be seen.\

`"....... Keh....."\

`That small, beautiful girl with hair the color of dandelions and a sweet smile like honey didn't appear in that field anymore, let alone anywhere else.\

;bg "bg/postoffice.png",18,2000,"sys/left.jpg"

`There were no records of a "Julie Danvers" anywhere in the town.@ I continued to search, through and through,@ and found no records of such a girl ever existing.@


!d 2000

`......... An alias?@ No, they didn't see a girl that looked anything like what I described......\

`I searched and searched, despite knowing deep down that Julie was gone....... and found absolutely nothing, as you would think.@


`The girl that smelled and shimmered the color of golden-headed dandelions in the Summer had disappeared from the world, and I knew exactly where she'd gone to.@


`But I ignored that, and denied her story, because if it weren't true then there might still be a chance for us to meet again.\

`You... idiot.@


`That's right, I was an idiot.@ I brought on everything that happened to me, and I still complained about it after.@ Everything was... definitely my fault.@ And I refused to let any of it go.@


!d 3000

`Julie... isn't coming back, Mark...\

!d 4000

`I spent a lot of time sulking around the house after returning from my "vacation," and Anne went on about her usual business.@ Or so it had been in the beginning.@


`What... did she think when she saw me?@ When she saw that cold, unfulfilled feeling in my eyes she looked scared.@ .... And everytime thereafter she avoided my eyes, and stayed so tense and rigid.@


`Did she know, somehow, that I'd fallen for that girl....?\

`I was disgusted with myself.@ Being unfaithful is bad enough, but with such a young girl and while my wife is away working on something she doesn't want to do...@ and, to make it worse, I compared the two of them even now.@


`I wondered whether it would've been better to have never met Julie in the first place.\

!d 4000

`"....... Hey, Julie.@ Can you hear me...?@ Tell me... where did you go...?"@


`The storm outside, as if to answer my rhetorical question, began to pound harder against the window pane.@

`".............. What attracts me to you, and why do I miss you so much......?@ What about Anne....?"\

!d 3000

`..... Where was Anne, now that I thought about it?@ I'd been moping for so long that I hadn't even notice she'd disappeared."\

`"I see.@ .... I don't really blame her.@ What with how disappointed I've been, she probably thinks I'm being disloyal or something.@ .... Was I?"@


`A debatable issue, I guess.\

!d 3000



`The cold air and the noisy rain outside felt oppressive.@


!d 3000

`".... I should go and find something to do."\

;bg black,18,700,"sys/left.jpg"
!d 200
bg "bg/attic.png",4

!d 3000

`Anne went up to the attic now and then to rummage for things, but I hadn't been up here, myself, in ages.@ I assumed there were trinkets lying around, photo albums and all that.@ Before now I hadn't had much reason to come up here.@ 
`I thought maybe some of these ancient and nostalgiac things would keep my mind occupied for a bit.\

'Hmmmm.@ Wasn't there one in particular....?@


`I pushed aside a couple of boxes, lifted and moved one bin and knocked aside a couple of suitcases.@ I guess you say I was like a bull in a china shop, so to speak.@


!d 1000
quakex 5,1000
quakey 5,1000
quakex 5,1000


dwave 0,"sfx/object fall.ogg"	;This sfx is pretty bad. If you can find a better substitute, please use it.
bg black,1
!d 3000

`Everything had come tumbling down.@


`"A...@ ack....@ *cough**cough*....."\

dwavestop 0

`"Ow, ow....."@
bg "bg/attic.png",10
`I guess I deserved it.@ Without being particularly graceful, I'd knocked a box or two over, and a bunch of trash had come piling down.\

quakex 7,400
quakey 7,400
quakex 7,400
quakey 7,400

`Well, it wasn't exactly "junk."@ It was just a bunch of items we'd left up in the attic and forgot about, like a lot of other couples do.@ It's funny how after a while the new, wonderful things you received as gifts for Christmas just end up in the attic packed up in dusty boxes.@ And kind of sad, at the same time.

!d 500



`One thing in particular had caught my eye. Not a box, but a suitcase that had been sitting on top of one.\

bg black,1

` It had tumbled down along with everything else.\

`I recognized it. It was a suitcase Anne had gotten a while back, wasn't it.....?\

`".......... Hm."@


`I remembered.@ These were some "personal pre-marriage items" Anne had locked away the day before we got married.@ She said she was "tying up some loose strings and throwing the past away"..... and told me I wasn't allowed to open this suitcase, NO-MA-TTER-WHAT!\

`"There are some secrets that even lovers keep from one another.@ Please, let me be selfish just this one time. Okay.....?"\


`The lock... had broken.@ By the looks of it, the suitcase was already old to begin with.@ The tumble had probably knocked it against the ground hard enough to make it crack.\

`It was so old, though, that I thought it might crack just by sitting in that spot long enough.\

`Temptation... got the better of me.@


`I had violated my contract with Anne, the vows we'd made when we were married, and...... I figured I had nothing to left to lose.@ So I......... opened the lock...........\

!d 800

bg "cg/insuitcase.jpg",10

!d 1000

;dwaveloop 0, "bgm/calm.ogg"
mp3loop "bgm/calm.ogg"


`In the suitcase...... were not the things I expected--@not the intimate posessions or articles of clothing I thought a woman might really want to lock away forever.@

`Instead........ papers..........\

`"This is, let's see........"\

!d 3000



`I was looking.... at the page in front of me.........@ but I couldn't see.... the words.......\

`There was a birth certificate...........@ a grayed and worn photo........@ a few documents...........@ and a......@ dress.\



`........... The birth certificate.\

`"This is........ Anne's birthday."\

`I could clearly remember my own wife's birthday, and it was right here, written on the piece of paper.@ And yet.........@

`The name........ was not hers.\

`"Ju.... li..... anne.......?"\






`"B.... bullshit....!"\

quakex 5, 800
!d 4500

;`"All this time.........?@/
;!d 1500
;` No, it's all screwed up.@ I'm imagining this, this isn't....@ really it......?@

`"All this time.........?@ No, it's all screwed up.@ I'm imagining this, this isn't....@ really it......?@

`It felt as if--someone had put a bicycle pump in one ear--and begun to press--as hard and rapidly--as they could.....\


`It hurt. Ow, it hurts.....\

`Person X.@


`............ She said it, didn't she.\

`"The book of time is already written, Mark."\

`Person X is meant to marry Person Y and create Person Z.@


`However... something bumps the timeline, and Y is killed in an accident.@ Someone...... steps forward, to become the new Person Y.@ Person Z will still be created, and all other conditions..... will bind this new person.........\

bg "bg/attic.png",10

!d 2000



`All along.\

`I'd been... being fooled all along.@



`"If they were the same person.... .... Why did she hide it from me....?"\

!d 2000

`Deep down, I did know the answer. That was a ridiculous, petty, stupid response.@ But that was, without a doubt...........\

`"I have to........ go...... to where Anne is.....!"\

quakex 4,500
bg black,1
dwavestop 1
dwaveloop 1, "sfx/raincity.ogg"

bg "cg/CG_rain_1.png",18,800, "sys/up.jpg"
!d 2000
bg "cg/CG_rain_3.png",18,800,"sys/down.jpg"

!d 2000
bg "cg/CG_rain_4.png",18,800,"sys/down.jpg"

!d 2000

`........... Humans will, without a doubt, die.@ The burden of mortality, which binds us all, can only be prolonged.@ Like everything else in nature, humans break down, crumble... and disappear from the world.\

`......... Our looks gradually change over time--@sure, some quicker than others--@but ultimately everyone ages.@ And at the end of that aging, not everyone is just as beautiful as they once were.\

`But still.@

`That's so..... @ Stupid.@ I can't believe.... she'd do something like that.\

!d 3000



`After waiting in the rain, forgetting to hold my umbrella over my head and letting myself get soaked........ an hour passed............\

dwavestop 1
bg black,10

!d 800

`"U... ummm....."@


`There was a knocking at my door.\

`"Yes? Please, come in."@


dwave 0,"sfx/door open.ogg"

bg "cg/CG_anna_1.png",18,700,"sys/up.jpg"
dwavestop 0

`........ The woman who'd walked into my office was beautiful.@


`I hadn't settled in to my practice too long, but already I'd gotten accustomed to dealing with older folks and having "accident" cases pushed onto me.@ To be honest, I thought that was all I might deal with.@ So, the golden-haired girl who walked into my office was a startling change of pace.\

`She had a very warm and gentle look about her.@ For some reason I thought she seemed... familiar, somehow.@ But I laughed off that weird feeling of deja vu and asked her to have a seat.\

!d 500

bg black,1

`And she did.@


`Her name was Anne, she said.@ She was looking for a job that would make good use of her typist skills, and she recently heard someone had opened up an office, here.........@


`So, she smiled brilliantly and asked if I might need a secretary.\

`"Eh......@ To be honest, I'm just getting started.@ I won't be able to pay much in terms of wages.@ So..."@


!d 1000

`"Oh, that's okay."\



`"........ Yes.@ I don't need you to pay me much.@ I assure you that I'm worth it, though.@ I've worked with computers most of my life, and my father... well, he used to do the same.@ Anyway, I don't need much.@ As long as I can work close to you, that is.@ Is that okay....?"\

`I felt flattered.@ I never thought such a beautiful girl would walk into my life, become my secretary and later my wife.@ It was all so strange, but at the time I was so lovestruck that I didn't think of how strangely perfect the pieces had fallen into place.@ It was.........\

!d 4000

dwaveloop 1,"sfx/raincity.ogg"
`And a bus pulled up, and the memory dissipated like an old dream.\

bg "cg/CG_rain_2.png",18,1200,"sys/up.jpg"

!d 3000

`A few people got off, pushing and shoving and laughing.@ ....... They were not the person I was waiting for.@

`A little girl got off next, tugging at the skirt of an elderly woman, complaining about how slow and boring bingo was.@ The woman she was badgering..... was not her.\

!d 2000



!d 2000


ld c, "char/anne/sprite_anna_final_1.png",18,1200,"sys/up.jpg"


`Anne dropped her own umbrella, seeing me.\

!d 500

`"What....are you doing here, Mark....?"\

;dwaveloop 0, "bgm/mary.ogg"
mp3loop "bgm/mary.ogg"
!d 1000

`".......... Why?"@

`"I lived...... all of these years, without really knowing who you were.@ It didn't... cross my mind, until this morning."\

!d 2000
ld c "char/anne/sprite_anna_final_2.png",10

`A look of dread crossed Anne's face.@



`"You said that you could only make one more trip, and that you would make it count.@ Right?@ ....... If there really wasn't anyone waiting for you back in your own time, you returned to the past."\

!d 1000


`"You... went back and asked for a job as my secretary.@ That was "Julie."@ But this is all still...."\


`"Did you really think I'd feel that way, Anne?"@


`"......... I......."\

`"Anne.... No.... Juli... anne...."\

!d 3000

`"You thought that I'd stop loving the Anne of 2004 because I saw the young you, again.@ That it would be better if you were a different person, entirely."\

!d 1400

`".... Yes."\

!d 3000

`"I'm sorry.... Mr. Mark."@



cl a,10

!d 2000

`"I'm sorry... that I lied to you, Mark."\




`"Nothing's changed at all.... Julianne. You're such an idiot."@


`"M.... ark....."\

!d 3000

bg "cg/CG_rain_5.png",10

bg black,1

`She ran.@

bg "cg/CG_rain_5.png",18,700,"sys/left.jpg"
`Who.........are you...........?@


`I wonder if, considering the context, "Julie" and "Anne" had been different people.@ That may have very well been the case.@ But, deep down, I could tell that I hadn't been separated from either in the end.@ The warm familiar feeling I received from both of them, which now made sense... hadn't left, whether it be all those years ago or now.\

`But I didn't care, regardless.\

`I loved Julie.@


`I loved Anne.@


`I love them both--Julianne.\

`I wonder if, one day, I'll be a completely different "Mark" from the year 2004.@ Maybe enough will change about me.@
`The thought seemed depressing, but only for a minute, while Julianne buried her wet and cold head into my chest.\


`The person I wanted, more than anything, sobbed.@


`Was it out of joy?@ Relief?@ Sadness?@


`I didn't ask.@ Instead I stroked her soft, wet head that was trembling with the rest of her.@ And she let herself be stroked.@ And she cried, and cried, and cried, until her tears mixed with the rain and there was nothing left to run down her cheeks but the water pouring from the sky.\

!d 4000
mp3loop "bgm/anne.mp3"		;Considering how long this song is, and how the story is just about
				;over at this point, omitting it might be better, but I wanted to
				;fit it in somewhere.

`That was the end of that chapter of my life.@


`I love you... Julianne.@


`Now that I have you, again....... I promise, I'll never, ever let you go.\

`We hugged, beginning to cry together, and moments later after the bus had departed..... the sun began to shine from beneath the black clouds.@ And slowly, little by little, the rain began to lift.....\

bg black,3

;!d 2000

;!d 2000

!d 4000
bg "cg/flashback_CG_1.png",18,2000,"sys/left.jpg"

!d 3000

bg "cg/flashback_CG_2.png",18,2000,"sys/left.jpg"

!d 3000

bg "cg/CG_white_9.png",18,2000,"sys/left.jpg"
!d 3000

;bg "cg/CG_blue_1.png",18,2000,"sys/right.jpg"
 ;there isn't a sys/right.jpg mask
bg "cg/CG_blue_1.png", 18,2000,"sys/msk11.jpg"
!d 3000

bg "cg/CG_anna_3.png",18,2000,"sys/up.jpg"

!d 3000

bg "cg/CG_rain_1.png",18,2000,"sys/down.jpg"

!d 3000


;Was there supposed to be something after this, or just credits roll? As is, definitely incomplete.

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