George Villa

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George Villa is the current Duke of AHSCA and is married to Duchess Shino Villa, formerly known as Shino Nano


Early Life

George was born in St. Alvido during the summer of 1984 to parents George(22) and Marcella(19) Villa. His early years were spent working on the Villa Estate Family farm, rebuild only years after the last political wars. Once the farm was reconstructed it should of gone to Nicolas, Charles' older brother, but he allowed his younger brother to run it after accepting an offer to work as Minister of State for the new Government of Mokastana.

However at age 5 George's father was called to war when the remaining three factions from the last civil war went to war again. The fascists had blitz to the Socialist Capital of St. Alvido and destroyed many socialist records and farms. The Villa family barely escaped alive. This battle left George with one of his earliest memories of watching his house burned to the ground with artillery fire.

He spent the next 6 years of his life on the run with other refugees until in 1995 The Peace Treaty of La Paz is formed, creating two separate nations, the Northern Republic of Mokostan and the Southern Republic of Mokastana. Under the Southern Republic he helped to rebuild the Family Farm and at age 16 was drafted into the People's Army of Mokastana.

Military Life

After joining the People's Army George quickly moved up the ranks, soon becoming a Sargent Minor in for the Lucky 13th Infantry Division. Once his two standard years were over he was sent to the St. Alvido Military Acadmy to study military tactics under the Legendary Generalissimo Zapata. However after only two years of studying the reunification wars broke out when the Northern Republic invaded Mokastana, resulting in the death of his master, Generalissimo Zapata.

Immediately after the start of the war George Villa, a mere 20 years old, is reinstated to the Lucky 13th as a Captain over a 1,000 man Battalion, known as the 1st Recon Battalion, aka Aces and Eights.

Battle of Central Valley

Perhaps the bloodiest and longest battle the Lucky 13th participated in occurred August 12-December 21 2006. In this battle George lead his Recon unit into the valley to scout enemy artillery positions. However a flanking maneuver by Northern forces had resulted in the 1st Recon trapped in the bottom of the valley without artillery or mechanized support. For five weeks his battalion suffered artillery strikes, tank blitzes and infantry charges. Being lightly equipped and without long term supplies they survived by stealing from enemy supply catches, stripping dead bodies, and eventually escaped using captured supply trucks, only to be ambushed by socialist forces on the outside of the valley.

Total casualty rate was determined to be 71% for the Aces and Eights.

To this day George does not speak of this battle.

Post-military Life

After the end of the Reunification wars George was elected to take Jaguar training due to meeting the requirements during the Battle of Central Valley by taking three lives and his men recommended him for it as an honor. After Jaguar training George was offered a position to run the Jaguar Corps but turned it down for a simpler life.

He took a job in the recently established foreign ministry under his uncle, Nicolas Villa and upon working for them came across a personal ad for Shino, his future wife. Upon answering it he quickly fell in love, and moved to AHSCA.

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