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'''Kandajha''' is a young immigrant formerly known as Subaru Akoowa of Aqua Anu.  She was Princess and Queen before moving to AHSCA to reside.  Prior to her move she made an incognito tour of the islands to get in touch with the culture. She's been offered time and time again to run for Congress, has been offered many businesses, and was also approached to be an AHSCA ambassador.  Kandajha as rejected all of these stating she just wants to live simply and humbly.  She resides on [[Corona Island]] with her partner.
'''Kandajha''' is a young immigrant formerly known as Subaru Akoowa of Aqua Anu.  She was Princess and Queen before moving to AHSCA to reside.  Prior to her move she made an incognito tour of the islands to get in touch with the culture. She's been offered time and time again to run for Congress, has been offered many businesses, and was also approached to be an AHSCA ambassador.  Kandajha as rejected all of these stating she just wants to live simply and humbly.  She resides on [[Corona Island]] with her partner.
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Having given up most of her material wealth Subaru also gave up her old Royal Dairy and pasted her famous nude photo in it.
Diary of Subaru
Diary of Subaru

Current revision as of 22:19, 17 October 2009


Kandajha is a young immigrant formerly known as Subaru Akoowa of Aqua Anu. She was Princess and Queen before moving to AHSCA to reside. Prior to her move she made an incognito tour of the islands to get in touch with the culture. She's been offered time and time again to run for Congress, has been offered many businesses, and was also approached to be an AHSCA ambassador. Kandajha as rejected all of these stating she just wants to live simply and humbly. She resides on Corona Island with her partner.

[edit] Visit to the Islands

Over the course of many weeks Subaru secretly resided on the island staying with many visitors. Having gotten a taste of all islands she fell in love with the local culture, particularly of Corona. She also meet her tour guide (pictured left) who would later become her life partner, having abandoned her old Catholic faith.

[edit] Diary

Having given up most of her material wealth Subaru also gave up her old Royal Dairy and pasted her famous nude photo in it.

Diary of Subaru


Dear Diary,

After a small debate with mother I decided to go live for five months on AHSCA. One month on each island. I will live and work like a regular islander, and I will not reveal that I am really a princess from Aqua Anu. I�m debating as to if I will act as a student studying the culture or just act like I�m an immigrant. I�m excited it�s not often I get to leave the Queendom and act like a person. I will observe and I will learn, so that we may better align our selves in the future. I�m going to arrive there like a normal person would, by sea. I asked a Kuronan shipline runner who is planning on opening a shipping lane through there from Kurona to help me. My next entry will be at sea. Now I�m going to go pack.

At Sea Entry

Dear Diary,

Due to bad weather we had a late ship out, and it�s still very rough out at sea. I�ve always loved the classic Sailing Ships it has a romantic feel. Still with out the modern stabilizers they rock and roll like nothing else! No worries, I�m a girl born and bred of the sea. I usually feel though I should have been born in Princess Dutch�s era which is why I�m so in love with big wooden ships and classical ways of living. Well this is all I need to write for now. Until tomorrow goodnight.

It�s now day two at sea, and we are in the middle of a big storm. It�s realllly rough. It�s hard for me to keep my writing able. Next time I should try my hand at being a sailor on these kinds of ships. I can�t write much because of how rough it is, I better just lie down and wait out the storm.

The storm slowed us down a day so we are still at sea. We are going in a strong wind and it seems the crew members are optimistic. Many are friendly, and I know many boys seem to think I�m cute. I�m slightly surprised about the young female ratio to males. It�s outstanding really.

On Aurora Island

Dear Diary, It�s been four days already since I last wrote. I arrived onto Aurora in the heat of the day and was greeted by several. No one seems to recognize me, which is good. A young girl named Kayxa (Kaycha) has agreed to let me stay with her. She�s a girl about my age, maybe a little older. She�s really kind and really upbeat and positive. She lost her family in the war but still maintains a positive outlook. I told her I was a stranded girl who was caught as a stowaway on a ship. I hate having to lie to her but I really don�t want her or anyone to know that I�m a princess.

Day 10 Dear Diary, We had a bit of a tough week. Me and Kayxa were accused of stealing from a merchant. As it turns out I happened to have something that was similar. It was cleared up and we were set free. But then we had a hurricane a few days later. Our hut was destroyed by the storm and it was tough for me to rebuild. Kayxa handed me some tools and a pair of overalls and put me right to work. Kayxa isn�t a lesbian or bisexual but she was not short of her compliments on my beauty. It�s apparently very common for women to compliment each other�s beauty, it�s really amazing. Most modern societies including ours only ever do competitive beauty. But here everyone sees everyone�s beauty and compliments.

Day 15 I asked Kayxa about the hot springs on these islands. She told me she didn�t go to them personally and said that the island of Corona has some of the biggest and best Hotsprings. So I will save my hot spring experience for Corona. I will be leaving soon, I wish I didn�t but I have a commitment to fill.

Month 2: Hoshino Island

Day 1 Dear Diary, Hoshino is a nice island. Many dwell in tree tops, the trees are higher than the other islands and apparently they can withstand gale winds. I won�t be staying in a tree top hut but I will be camping out on the floor under the canopy. The trees are rich and thick it�s like being in a pine forest. I don�t have a hut, I can�t afford one, I have no credits, I�m considered impoverished. So I made a canopy of palm leaves. Apparently it�s very common on this island. It doesn�t provide much in the way of shelter because the canopy already takes most of the rain and wind.

Day 3 I met a new friend. Her name is also Subaru. She�s young and single. Her parents left the island but she wanted to stay. She lives on the beach side in a full hut. She gave me a bikini to wear as a gift for good fortune. It�s a lovely white cloth bikini and I think it�s really cute. I think I�ll wear it. Anyway now I�m sitting writing in the middle of a thunderstorm. The canopy prevents much of the rain falling on me but I still can hear the thunder and see the lighting illuminate through the forest. It�s really unique and somewhat eerie. Well I�m calling it a night.

Day 10 A close call, we barely missed a hurricane but we still got dumped on by the rain. Subaru was kind enough to give me a raincoat, she said I�ll need it when I go to Corona Island, apparently it rains there often and these rain storms come in as really big storms. The month will be drawing to a close soon, so I�ll write again once again once I am upon Truce.

Month 3: Truce

It was a really stormy boat ride over to Truce. The boat captain refused to wait for calmer seas because that could take days he said. It was really quite a frightening trip a lot of people were struggling to hold on in the ferocious storm. A few fell overboard and weren�t recovered. It�s hard for these islanders to travel from island to island. Waiting can cost them more than going, so they put their lives on the line. I don�t feel anger with the boat captain, he�s out to support his family and he can�t afford long waits.

Day 1:

As I settled once again into a small quaint hut. I have no money so I chose the smallest and most inexpensive hut I could find. Truce doesn�t have many of the rich jungles as some of the other islands but it�s very sandy with long beaches as far as the eye can see. Oasis fill the center with rich fresh water and for those not wanting to travel so far, they can access the wells.

Day 2:

I decided to work for a short while as a fruit vendor, we charge pretty small prices and we try not to turn anyone away. Even the poorest have a chance to eat which I think is wonderful and noble. This job requires full service, rain or shine.

Day 12:

My apologies Diary, it�s been too long since I�ve wrote. I�ve been caught up in the local culture and on top of that another hurricane hit the islands. Hurricanes are big deals when they are as strong as the last one, many were killed and others homless. But we all pitched in and picked up the pieces. I really enjoy the community of the island, something home severely lacks. I had to quite the fruit stand, they felt the job should be with a native not a foreigner, and I agree. I have nothing more, I�m going to go dwelle on Corona for a while.

Month 4: Corona

Immediately stepping off into Corona is like stepping into a steam room. The smallest and most southerly island of the chain is hot, humid and jungle. I�m surprised they grew back so fast after the shameless napalming by the bastards of RedTide2. Corona is also the island with the most younger teens. I see many teens already married and children of there own, and they keep no count of time. In my short time I�ve already forgotton how long I�ve been here.

Dear Diary,

The AHSCA monsoon has set in; these storms are violent and downright dangerous to be out in. I will be on Corona a lot longer than predicted. My hut is plenty strong and I hope it can hold up against the powerful winds that plague the island.

Dear Diary,

I�ve grown used to the lack of time keeping. It will be hard to adjust. My hut flooded out and just about every one of my cloths are ruined. But my nearest neighbors are making me new cloths. Elizabeth a girl who sort of emigrated from LatinByzatines is very nice. She�ll be making me new cloths that are better resistant to the elements.

Dear Diary, In the dead of night a terrible storm struck and my hut was blown completely away. I found out gales and squalls are common place especially this time of year. In the meanwhile I�m with out a hut to stay in, and few natives here are willing to give their hut to a foreigner. Elizabeth and her family offered but they�re cramped enough so I don�t want to impose.

Also diary, I told you I have lost all track of time, it�s amazing the Coronas don�t keep time of any kind. They live and work by the sun and the moon. Coronans are so simple and primitive it makes me want to live her my self. Well I best find shelter, a storm�s coming in.

Dear Diary,

After a long night in the rain and wind, I finally found a hut with a girl named Mimiru. She�s a young single woman, I�m guessing about my age, she�s friendly and kind to me. She will also show me the hot springs and one of her neighbors has photographic equipment. I�m a little shy about being snapped nude but I want to remember my trip forever both visually and mentally.

Dear Diary, The hot springs were so much fun we stayed there well into the night. Even when a thunderstorm struck we stayed. Here are the photo taken of me at two different angles

Hopefully these won�t leak to the press *^_^* oh as you can see I�ve developed quite the tan staying here. I never got much time in the sun in A.A. My native name apparently would be Kandajha in Corona, it�s very pretty. I can�t help but question my own values and beliefs I�ve had for so long, these people are so simple they live day to day, they�re happy, yet they�re poor, they�re at nature�s mercy all year round. Well enough of me, tomorrow at last I move to the last island, Animalpolis, though I have to say I�m not quite ready to leave Corona, but I must.

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