
From Abnormalia

Revision as of 06:01, 8 December 2006 by Rory Judith (Talk | contribs)

What articles to put here

Geography is a deliberatly broad term meant to encompass most things natural that have no place in the other sections. A new planet you invented can be put here, as well as new fauna and flora, natural forces, minerals, energy sources and pretty much all things that have to do with the natural world. Be aware that while this may be fantasy, you can't get too creative with science. For example, a horse-like creature would not be able to survive in a sulfer-based environment, unless it's biology was especially tailored to do so. This kind of creature would need to exist in a carbon-based world. It is perfectly okay to create a world with three suns, but be aware of the environmental implications of such a thing.

List of Articles

[The Dinad Empire]

[The Alvarunus-Dracounus Universe]

[The Enchanted Realm]

[the Purposeworlds]

[sloag] and [spiral tower] (two convergent universes I thought of)

my idea of [heaven]

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