
From Abnormalia

< Geography
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when editing this page, keep in mind that it's theme is worldviews, whith each world representing a different way of seeing the world. All have an more normal center and more bizare edge regions, seeming to decay at the edges, but none actualy reach an end

the purposeworlds are a univese of 5 worlds, each of which can (and usualy is by it's inhabitants) seen as the original world, which creates and sustains the others as eminations of itself


the purposeworlds

The comunication world

the comunication world is full of capsules which cloat together like bubles in a froth. The environment whithin the bubles differs dramatically.

the trade world

most see this word as a market in which to buy goods, and on the lower levels it is. They do not realise, however, that on the higher levels, warlords use the profits to fight for cosmic power

the habitation world

the habitation world is a network of girders and houses

the science world

the arival point of the science world seems quite ordinary, but the farther you go from this point the stranger it seems. In its depths, it seems to be a mass of strange patterns which shift according to mathamatical formula. It is always predictable

the philosophy world

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