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  • Fantasy/Science Fiction
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ADU Griffins

Griffins are a wise, quiet people, whose magical/telepathic powers are classified as “auric influence,” meaning that their presence, or the presence of their auras, affects any and all beings within its range. The most well known of these effects is the inability of a sentient being to knowingly speak a lie in the presence of a Griffin. Less well known is that Griffins can train themselves to choose which type or types of effects their auras will impose on those around them. They almost always exude the truth-imposing effect, however, as Griffins as a people hate lie and deceit. They value knowledge, wisdom, and an open and honest mind. No Griffin eyrie is complete without a roomy speaking circle, an outdoor sitting area with a fire-pit in the center, where Griffins will sit and discuss everything from philosophy to law to science, for hours on end. Griffins are particularly sensitive to the inner feelings and emotions of anyone within their aura, and can quickly come to a very accurate conclusion about the character of a given person. They actively shun those whom they think are unworthy of a sentient being’s good opinion, and actively seek out those who are honorable and trustworthy.

Griffins have the head, wings, and front legs of an eagle, save for a set of cat-like feathered ears, and the torso, tail, and rear legs of a lion. They are about the size of a large horse (similar to the largest of the Ihszashi Suh), and generally live to the ripe age of two hundred years. They prefer to live in quiet places deep within the wilderness, and are not particularly fond of cities or ships, but often travel to such places to work in courts of law. It is said that one Griffin can find his way towards the heart of truth, and two will find and pounce upon the meat of the truth like it is their prey. One Griffin sometimes makes mistakes when it comes to pulling the truth from an unwilling suspect, but two who have reached a consensus have never in recorded history made a false conviction.

Griffins wear no clothing or ornaments of any kind, and unlike many of the other primary races of the Dracounus, Griffins never crossbreed.

A lesser subspecies of Griffins exists in the Alvarunus, which like Lower Dragons are far less intelligent and in general less powerful than the Dracounus species.


(section under construction)

  • Races of the Alvarunus (will contain brief descriptions and necessary information; done with the permission of K. Anderson)
  • Ihreakin (will contain brief descriptions and necessary information; done with the permissin of K. Anderson)

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