
From Abnormalia

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  • Fantasy/Science Fiction
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ADU Gimshi

The name Gimshi comes from two Old Drahek words meaning child/descendent/heir (gim) and spirit/soul (shi). The Gimshi people, known also as the Children of the Dragons, were prophesied to come into existence at a time when the Dracounus would begin to face a threat that the Dragons and the allied races of the Dracounus alone could not defend against.

The Gimshi were brought into existence by Muerva, a Siren highly skilled in spiritwelder crossbreeding. Bent on conquest, she sought to create the ultimate warriors, ones strong enough to challenge the Dragons themselves. She would extend her senses out in the universe, using spells and enchantments to steal and kidnap individuals of many races for her experiments. One day she was able to push her consciouness through the Gap itself, and into the Alvarunus beyond it. There she found the humans, beings that seemed so simple and basic compared to the diversity of races in the universe around them. They were the perfect blank slates that she needed. From Earth she pulled three young women and three young men, and all she needed now was a Dragon.

Shiden, High Dragon Eldest and Immortal Matriarch of the Clan of the Spirit, had been one of the first of all the Dragons to forsee the coming of the Gimshi. She also forsaw how it was that she would meet her death, and so surrendered herself to Muerva. The Siren knew none of this, and believed herself powerful enough to have kidnapped Shiden. She then proceeded to transfer the Dragon's very essence into the six humans, and the first Gimshi were born. Shiden died shortly thereafter.

The average Gimshi is around seven feet tall, with wide Dragon-esque wings and long, smooth tails. Their hind legs are joined similary to a Dragon, as they walk up on their toes. Their hands and feet are clawed and their knee caps and ulnas have short protrusions that make their knees and elbows appear spiked. Their skin is thick and leathery, though surprisingly soft to the touch, and varies widely in coloration. Like the High Dragons they have a soulstone, are spiritwelders, and their length of life is also highly variable. The Gimshi have inherited more of the Dragons' abilities and powers than any existing Dragon crossbred race or hybrid, and as such are the only race that can be said to truly rival the Dragons in magical/telepathical power. They are closely allied to the Dragons, and the two races share a very parent-child type of relationship, especially considering that the first generation of Gimshi were born from surrogate Eldest Dragon mothers. They carry on the inbred Dragon lifestyle of mediation and guardianship, and are instinctually protective of life in all its forms.


(section under construction)

  • Races of the Alvarunus (will contain brief descriptions and necessary information; done with the permission of K. Anderson)
  • Ihreakin (will contain brief descriptions and necessary information; done with the permissin of K. Anderson)

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