Culture/The Lindist Religion

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The Lindist religion, or Lindism, is practiced all throughout the world of Vanaheim. Lindism today includes three factions: pure Lindism, the oriental Amaterasu faction and the widespread Terramagi faction. Approximately 70% of the population of Vanaheim is pure Lindist (about 42% of which practicing), 9% is Terramagi and 7% (slightly more than half of the eastern peoples) is Amaterasu. The remaining 14% are members of diverse cults who worship demigods/lesser entities, nature worshippers or atheists.

Pure Lindism

This religion places the god Lindis at the top of the pantheon as master of all that is. He is not honored as a creator, nor as the first force in the universe, but is concidered the current leader of both the mundane and the spirit world. He is the god that rules the gods and the keeper of the sacred cosmic balance and is often depicted with scales. There are over 200 lesser gods with varying importance. These gods are not classified in a family hierearchy but rather divided in couples. The core tenet of the Lindist faith is the principle of duality. It is assumed that all that exists needs an opposite to hold a place in the mundane world. As such, the water god Mir is coupled to the fire goddess Sinrah. Temples are always dedicated to couples, never to a single god.

It is accepted that each of these gods can manifest themselves as a variety of human, animal and/or etherical beings. This belief is the basis of the main sacred text in Lindism, the Inrinal Lindis Nezah (500 Incarnations of Lindis), usually called the Inrinal (Incarnations) for short. Of the five sacred texts in Lindism, the Inrinal is the most important one because it was supposedly written by the god himself during his 500th and final incarnation. It is a massive work of 100 volumes, each of these volumes containing five stories about a particular incarnation of the god. Each of these stories contains clear moral guidelines detailing how to live a virtuous life with lesson on how to treat those around you, the world and the gods. The original copies of these books are kept in the one temple dedicated to Lindis.

The second and third most important texts are the Navarine Dunmer and the Navarine Altmer, believed to be written around the same time as the Inrinal.

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