
From Abnormalia

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  • Fantasy/Science Fiction
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ADU Ilix

The Ilix are a genial, friendly people, and are most well knwon for their impressive digestive systems. Ilix possess a triple stomach and thousands of digestive enzymes that enable them to literally eat anything - and they do exactly that. With the help of a simple vitamin supplement for any nutrients they might be lacking, many Ilix happily subsist on the garbage waste of other races. A healthy Ilix appetite outmatches those of many other races, and is the reason why Ilix are sometimes referred to as black holes with legs.

Originally evolved as a nocturnal species, the Ilix are bipeds of a wiry build, ranging in height anywhere between five and a half and seven feet, with short, coarse, jet black fur. They have three digits on each hand and foot, long thing tails with a tuft of white fur at the tip, and coarse white manes. Their eyes are very large and bulging, and are highly reflective; so much so that for the most part, Ilix eyes appear completely white. Their heads and necks resemble those of horses, with larger, very articulate ears, and shorter, more pointed snouts. Ilix do not have very mobile faces and lack the range of expression that most other races have. The best way to read an Ilix is by the position of their ample and surprisingly mobile ears, and the angle at which they hold their heads.

Ilix are by nature very limber and acrobatic. They specialize in fighting with weapons called guantlets, of which there are many various bladed forms, and attach to the hand and arm. This works best for the Ilix as their three fingers do not allow them much dexterity with other types of weaponry. Their magical/telepathical ability is limited to telepathic communication and telekinetic manipulation of objects, but they are able to use these abilities with very great skill and strength, and have a range that far exceeds that of most other Dracounus races.

Though Ilix practice and train with their telekinesis and telepathy daily, they almost never use these abilities for day to day activity. A fair degree of physical strength serves them well enough for everyday life. They have a great respect for their physical bodies, and believe it just as important to exercise and use the body as it is the mind. They honor and respect the body as the receptacle of the mind.


(section under construction)

  • Races of the Alvarunus (will contain brief descriptions and necessary information; done with the permission of K. Anderson)
  • Ihreakin (will contain brief descriptions and necessary information; done with the permissin of K. Anderson)

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