
From Abnormalia

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Current revision as of 08:13, 15 April 2007

slipcrafts are a kind of vichel from the froth. they travel through the chaos, sense eachother and lach onto eachother for trade and communication. Slipcrafts try to maintain numerous links, as, once broken, it is unlikely they will ever find eachother again. Sometimes, however, a powerful slipcraft will 'slip' another, so as to show what the are capable of and thus strengten their power. As stlipcrafts will tend to link to anything they find they form into clusters and as they can find another they link to, afective anhiilation requires every craft in the network cooperating, or being slipped as well. This means the craft with the most conections has the most power, as it is hard to slip it, while one whith few is vulnerable, as fewer crafts need chose to slip it.

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