Geography/The Alvarunus-Dracounus Universe

From Abnormalia

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The dominant race of the Dracounus are the [ Dragons]; as in the Alvarunus, they technically rule no one but themselves, but are the most magically/telepathically powerful of all the races in the Dracounus. All races respect them for their wisdom and power, and the Dragons are often considered to be the ultimate arbiters and authority when it comes to dispute and unrest of any kind.
The dominant race of the Dracounus are the [ Dragons]; as in the Alvarunus, they technically rule no one but themselves, but are the most magically/telepathically powerful of all the races in the Dracounus. All races respect them for their wisdom and power, and the Dragons are often considered to be the ultimate arbiters and authority when it comes to dispute and unrest of any kind.
Some races of the Dracounus are classified as [[spiritwelders]], and races of this nature do not exist in the Alvarunus.
The Dracounus is home to ten primary races and eleven crossbred races. Some races of the Dracounus are classified as [[spiritwelders]], and races of this nature do not exist in the [ Alvarunus].
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*'''Races of the Alvarunus''' (will contain brief descriptions and necessary information; done with the permission of K. Anderson)
*'''Information about the Alvarunus'''  
**[[Alvarunus Elves]]
**[ Overview of the Alvarunus]
**[ Alvarunus Elves]
*'''Ihreakin''' (will contain brief descriptions and necessary information; done with the permissin of K. Anderson)
**[ Ihreakin]
**[[Basic Ihreakin Description]]

Current revision as of 13:02, 17 January 2007

  • Fantasy/Science Fiction
  • DOES NOT contain adult material
  • You MAY NOT edit this article


The Alvarunus-Dracounus Universe (ADU): Overview

This universe is divided into two sides, the Alvarunus, originally created by K. Anderson, and the Dracounus, originally created by J. Cabotage. The two sides are separated by a stretch of space called the Gap. This universe is very loosely based on reality, with the planet Earth and its solar system being located within the Alvarunus. The rest of the stars and planets across the universe, however, are for the most part created by their respective authors. In addition to the physical universe there are an undetermined amount of numbered Realms; usually only the souls of those who have passed away can travel from one Realm to the next. The Alvarunus-Dracounus Universe exists in the Second Realm. The race of Alvarunus Elves alone have the ability to travel back and forth from the Second Realm to the Third Realm, where lies their home Avalon.

The Gap

The Gap is the stretch of space separating the Alvarunus and the Dracounus. It is filled with an extremely high density of black holes, and is virtually impossible to travel through. However, at certain times the black hole activity of the Gap drops exponentially, creating many safe corridors for the passage of ships. Though it is not yet known why or how this opening occurs, records of previous Gap openings have allowed astronomers to be able to predict the length of a given open period. While the Gap is open, the rate at which time travels is united across the universe. However, these rates change for each side when the Gap closes, depending on the way the black holes warp space as they grow and multiply. Never in recorded history have the time rates been the same for both sides once the Gap is closed. Though there have been migrations across the Gap in the distant past, for the most part it has served to separate the peoples of the Alvarunus and the Dracounus, and keep them unknown to each other except through story and legend. Only during the most recent Gap opening have a group of travellers from the Dracounus gone through and successfully returned home before the Gap closed.

The Alvarunus

The Alvarunus, as stated above, was originally created by K. Anderson, and so will not be discussed in great detail by this author. Any elements of it that are described by this author are done so with K. Anderson's express permission.

The Alvarunus is itself roughly split in two by the Krian Barrier, a wide asteroid belt. One side, known as the Sivitel side, is far more densely settled and civilized than the other, known as the Patril side. Earth lies in the Sivitel side.

The dominant race of the Alvarunus is the immortal Elves; they rule no one but themselves, but are the most magically/telepathically powerful of all the races in the Alvarunus. Though their true home is in Avalon, many live in the Second Realm throughout the Alvarunus, and sometimes interbreed with members of other races.

The Alvarunus is also home to demons called Ihreakin (which are also created by and used with the permission of K. Anderson). They are of very ancient origin and have plagued the people of the Alvarunus for as long as can be remembered. Though at one time restricted to the Alvarunus, they have in recent times found their way into the Dracounus, and have become just as serious a threat as they were on the other side of the Gap.

The Dracounus

The dominant race of the Dracounus are the Dragons; as in the Alvarunus, they technically rule no one but themselves, but are the most magically/telepathically powerful of all the races in the Dracounus. All races respect them for their wisdom and power, and the Dragons are often considered to be the ultimate arbiters and authority when it comes to dispute and unrest of any kind.

The Dracounus is home to ten primary races and eleven crossbred races. Some races of the Dracounus are classified as spiritwelders, and races of this nature do not exist in the Alvarunus.


(section under construction)

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