Rocky Mountain Region

From Wikibbyo

Revision as of 01:34, 3 December 2012 by (Talk)

+ - Rocky Mountain Region BBYO is a division of BBYO inc. located in Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming. RMR is home to 12 total chapters, including 6 AZA, 6 BBG, and 1 BBYO chapters. + -

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AZA Chapters

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BBG Chapters

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BBYO Chapters

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2012 Regional Board

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+ - AMAZING- finally a sexy woman with BUSH. There is still WOMEN out there. Thank you for snhairg!!!!!!!!!WHat is her name and where can i find more of that bush?????????? + -

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2011 Regional Board

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  • Godol - Benjamin Sanders (6)

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  • S'gan - Adam Zall (705)

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  • Moreh - Gabriel Sanders (6)

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  • Mazkir - Jonathan Ansell (380)

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2010 Regional Board

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  • Godol - Ezra Sackett (6)

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  • S'gan - Jonathan Katz (6)

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  • Moreh - Tucker Robinson (734)

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  • Mazkir - Benjamin Tillis (705)

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  • Chaver - Joseph Brachfeld (734)

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  • Gizbor - Alex Borenstein (705)

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  • Ozer - Matthew Klasco (275)

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  • N'siah - Rebekah Lackner (165)

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  • Ozeret - Robin Altman (5179)

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2009 Regional Board

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+ - Really astonadishing. But even according to your aocucnt it is someadthing to d0 with latest and sophadistadicadated techadnoadlogy. More and more care is needed. These things are possible only in richest counadtries like you and other western powers that are dicadtating the world according to their needs.We are seeing how North Korea and Iran are being preadvented to start nuclear program for energy purposes. We have seen how Iraq was invaded and totally desadtroyed even after IAEA ceradtiadfied it had no WMD.Even if India signed agreeadment with the USA and NSG nations, so many sancadtions, that too hidden, are in place. It should not possess recycadling techadnoadlogy. Every nuclear site to be under constant suradveiladlance of IAEA. (IAEA is none but the US and other West. Let us accept facts at least when we are talking about facts.) So India or any other country should not be sovaderadeign enough even after buying techadnoadlogy.How could these problems be addressed?No matter 3rd world counadtries have vast reserves of Uranium or Thorium. They should not develop indiadgenous techadnoadlogy of their own! How dare they? What if they develop nuclear bombs or WMD? How could superpower-ship and hegemony be susadtained?When these are the real things that matter to the US, England, Germany, France, Japan and so on…, can susadtainadable energy resources reach hundred above poor counadtries of thea0world? + -

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2008 Regional Board

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  • Godol - Samuel Dragul (705)

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  • S'gan - Elliot Reaven (6)

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  • Moreh - Alex Beatty (275)

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  • Mazkir - Zach Silverman (705)

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  • Chaver - Matthew Eckstein (380)

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  • Gizbor - Gus Efroymson (Alby)

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  • Ozer - Joshua Siegel (734)

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  • N'siah - Danielle Goss (165)

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  • Ozeret - Rebecca Goodside (2310)

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+ - Dr. Perez-Fernandez-Thank you for the blog. I really enjoy reaindg your posts. We just found out our daughter is highly gifted. She is 4 almost 5. Can you give me any ideas on how to teach her math. She loves numbers and keeps writing/talking about them. I am just not sure where to start. Thank you,Lisa + -

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  • Regional Programing Director: Nate "grumpy" Fox

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  • Regional Programing Director: Rachel Heilbronner

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  • Teen Connections Director: Jason Stone

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  • Albuquerque City Director: Eric Maxon

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Regional Events

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+ - These are night or weekends that are chances for the whole region to gather together and do whatever the events purpose is: + -

  • BoulderCon (kickoff convention at the end of August. Held in Boulder but subject to change and become a "traveling convention")

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  • RLTC (Regional Leadership Training Conference during mid-october. A Convention based on building up leadership skills. Also the event where regional inductions happen)

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  • Beau Dance (Dance where regional BBG chapter announce their elected Beaus. Held in November or December)

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  • AZAA Tournament (AZA basketball tournament held the night before Winter Convention)

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  • Winter Convention (Held near the end of December. This is where the Regional Aleph Godol and N'siah give their States of the Region, members are awarded life membership, spirit competitions are held as well as a story and oratory competition and most importantly, Regional elections and installations take place)

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  • Final Night Dance (A dance held the last night of Winter Convention after installations)

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  • AIT/MIT Conclave (First convention for the new AITs and MITs of RMR. This is an introduction to how BBYO works and a welcome to the new members)

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  • Intake Dance (A dance held on the last night of AIT/MIT Conclave where we announce which chapters each new member will join. Held in March)

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  • Kallah (Regional convention solely based on Judaism. We also hold senior circle, a ritual for seniors to give their stories and pass whatever they wish to down to other members. Held in April or May)

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  • Sweetheart Dance (A dance where regional AZA chapters announce their elected Sweethearts. Held in May)


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