Come and Join Us in Our Song

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[edit] Come and Join Us in Our Song


Come and join us in our song,

with voices loud and strong,

we're proud to fight for the Blue and White,

The colors of our throng.

AZA's our name, Five Fold and Full our aim

Fraternal love will stand above and bring our Order fame.

We're might men with spirit and fight

And AZA's our name,

We utilize the Five Fold Plan

to gain our Order fame, brave boys, to gain our Order fame.


So listen to our story men, and heed the word's we say,

We're an order on the ball and yes,

the best in ever way brave boys, the best in every way.


We have religious activities and noted speakers too,

Helping our community, a goal which we pursue,

brave boys, a goal which we pursue


Our inter-chapter tournaments have us how to play,

With friendliness and sportsmanship,

and always a fair way brave boys, and always a fair way.


And so we'll always realize no matter where we roam,

we've learned the ways of AZA,

which we have clearly shown, brave boys, which we have clearly shown.


We end our song with to say to ever teenage Jew:

"Climb aboard, climb aboard, on the ship of AZA",

United as one crew brave boys, united as one crew.


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