Aleph Zadik Aleph

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AZA Menorah

The International Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) is the men's Order of BBYO, an international youth-led high school fraternity for Jewish teens. BBYO has over eighteen thousand members in chapters worldwide, including chapters in the United States, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Israel, France, and Canada. Each member of the Order is called an 'Aleph.'



Aleph Zadik Aleph began in 1923 as a high school fraternity in Omaha, Nebraska, and was founded originally as primarily a social group. A local group of 14 young men in Omaha began the group. According to the organization, the group was founded as a protest against the local Greek high school fraternity which did not allow Jews to become members. However, the last known surviving founder disputed this claim in a taped interview with the Southwestern Region Aleph Godol. The young men who organized it began their own high school fraternity and decided to name it Aleph Zadik Aleph, or AZA, the Hebrew letter equivalent. The boys elected Abe Baboir as their first president and Nathan Mnookin as the advisor to the group. They named their chapter "Mother Chapter AZA #1", which is still alive and thriving to this day.

A few months later, Mnookin, a local chemist, moved to Kansas City, Kansas and founded a similar social group. This chapter was named "Two's/2's AZA #2", which is still alive to this day. The Omaha chapter approached Sam Beber to be their next advisor. Beber accepted under the condition that they continue the expansion of the order, with the goal of creating an organization of Jewish Fraternities that would stretch even beyond the United States.

On May 3, 1924, Beber called the first meeting of the International Order of the Aleph Zadik Aleph. This first meeting consisted of the Omaha and Kansas City chapters. A constitution was drawn up and the Supreme Advisory Council was created.

By April 1925, the order had expanded to include seven groups around Omaha. Sam Beber went to the national convention of B'nai B'rith, to see if they would sponsor the organization. Although there was strong opposition to the proposal at first, Henry Monsky delivered a stirring speech which led to the approval and adoption of AZA to become a part of B'nai B'rith.

The Seven Cardinal Principles

These are The Seven Cardinal Principles that were laid out by the founding members of AZA to define the ideals of the Aleph Zadik Aleph

  1. Patriotism- Loyalty to my homeland, to its laws, to its principles, to its ethics. To die for it if need be, but primarily to live for it.
  2. Judaism- Always to observe the tenets of my faith; ever to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord my God.
  3. Filial love- Ever to honor and love my parents. To be considerate of my elders and to respect age.
  4. Charity- To give of myself and my subtance for all worthy causes; to be kind and generous to all in need, regardless of race or color.
  5. Conduct- Never too bold, never too forward, ever humble, ever observing the principles of gentlemen.
  6. Purity- To keep my soul pure, my mind active, and my body healthy.
  7. Fraternity- A spirit of sociability, of cooperation, and of friendship toward all AZA's that shall make of us one fellowship; a love of and a loyalty to AZA and its ideals.

The Five Folds of Programming

The Five Folds are used as the basis for all event planning. In 1928, a man by the name of Boris D. Bogen presented his ideas for a Five-Fold-and-Full Program to the Supreme Advisory Council of AZA. This program has proven to be a major part of AZA. It basically requires that chapters include the Five Folds, which are like general topics or classifications for programs. Boris D. Bogen’s original Five-Fold-and-Full Program has been modified over the years. Recently, at International Convention, the Five Folds were changed. Most successful events contain three or more of the folds, but an event can also concentrate in depth on a single fold. Here are the new Five Folds:.

  1. Social - The most common type of event, it includes any type of socializing within an event. Just about any event falls under this fold.
  2. Athletic - Any Sport, whether existent or a product of one’s mind. Includes trips to professional sports games or any physical program.
  3. Community Service/Social Action - Beautifying parks, raising money for Tzedakah, recyclable object scavenger hunts etc. are expamples of Community Service. Also includes participation in rallies or protests with positive causes as Social Action.
  4. Education - Any program or event in which you learn something. Includes events having to do with different cultures, religions, and holidays; these events include guest speakers, art museums, fairs and festivals, etc.
  5. Judaic - A regular part of programming that is inherent of the organization. Includes services during events, discussions, chapter Seders, leading synagogue services, etc.

Board Positions

Each level of AZA is governed by a democratically elected board.

Universal Positions

  • Aleph Godol: President. The International Aleph Godol, called the Grand Aleph Godol, visits different regions, councils, and chapters each year that are in need of guidance.
  • Aleph S'gan: Programming Vice-President. The International Aleph S'gan, called the Grand Aleph S'gan, is in charge of implementiing the each of the Five Folds.
  • Aleph Moreh: Membership - Recruitment/Retention. The Grand Aleph Moreh is in charge of the education of Alephs in Training (AIT) and membership recruitment.
  • Aleph Mazkir: Secretary. The Grand Aleph Mazkir is in charge of communication, written correspondance, and taking minutes at meetings. In some chapters, it is split into Corresponding Mazkir (Communications), and Recording Mazkir (Written Correspondance and Minutes).
  • Alpeh Gizbor: The Aleph Gizbor is responsible for anything money related, including chapter funds, fundraisers, and reimbursements.
  • Aleph Shaliach/Aleph Dover: Community Service/Social Action/Judaic. The Grand Aleph Shaliach promotes community service and social action programs and is in charge of the education of Alephs about Israel and Jewish heritage.
  • Aleph Kohen Godol: Immediate Past-President. This member may act as a counselor, and help the guidance of the chapter, as they were past president.

Optional Positions

  • Aleph Sopher: Board member in charge publishing newspaper.
  • Aleph Shotare Godol: Sergeant-at-Arms. Guards door from intruders.
  • Aleph Shotare Kotone: Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms. Assits Aleph Shotare Godol.

====Current Grand Board==== (2005-2006)

  • Grand Aleph Godol- Brandon Rattiner
  • Grand Aleph S'gan- Bennet Marcus
  • Grand Aleph Moreh- Jason Rosen
  • Grand Aleph Mazkir- Jeremy Gelman
  • Grand Aleph Shaliach- Jonathan Sadow
  • Grand Aleph Kohen Godol- Stephen Glatter

====Grand Board Elect==== (2006-2007)

  • Grand Aleph Godol- Jeremy Gelman
  • Grand Aleph S'gan- Ben Arnstein
  • Grand Aleph Moreh- Jeff Dreifus
  • Grand Aleph Mazkir- Matt Storch
  • Grand Aleph Shaliach- Aron Rosenberg
  • Grand Aleph Kohen Godol- Brandon Rattiner

Past Grand Boards


  • Grand Aleph Godol- Stephen Glatter
  • Grand Aleph S'gan- Steven Blustein
  • Grand Aleph Moreh- Brandon Rattiner
  • Grand Aleph Mazkir- Mickey Kandel
  • Grand Aleph Shaliach- Benjamin Becker
  • Grand Aleph Kohen Godol- Robbie Sadow


  • Grand Aleph Godol- Robbie Sadow
  • Grand Aleph S'gan- Greg Ross
  • Grand Aleph Moreh- Mark Nagrodzki
  • Grand Aleph Mazkir- Stephen Glatter
  • Grand Aleph Shaliach- Ari Dropkin
  • Grand Aleph Kohen Godol- Daniel Sacks


  • Grand Aleph Godol- Daniel Sacks
  • Grand Aleph S'gan- Zach Silverman
  • Grand Aleph Moreh- Adam Horowitz
  • Grand Aleph Mazkir- Robbie Sadow
  • Grand Aleph Shaliach- Yoni Macagon
  • Grand Aleph Kohen Godol- Josh Garfinkel

Geographic Structure

The Chapter

The smallest, most specialized group is the chapter. Each Aleph is a member of a single chapter--a place where he can feel welcome and socialize without fear of persecution.


Several chapters that are in the same geographic area make up the next level of AZA: the council. Since they are usually used to break up large, incohesive regions, some areas have them while others do not. Councils serve to bring chapters together so that they can exchange ideas, socialize, compete, and work together on projects that require many people.

File:NWC logo.jpg
The NorthWest Canada Region Logo


Several chapters and/or councils that are in the same geographic area make up the region. The purpose of the region is the same as that of the council. For each region there is a regional board, who's job is to assist the chapters, plan regional conventions, and serve to represent the region to the international body, and communicate the needs of the region to the Grand Board.


The International level of AZA consists of every region, council, chapter, and member throughout the world. The major purpose of this level is much like that of the region, but on a larger scale. It serves to bring every Aleph from every chapter and from every region together under one banner.

Incomplete List of Chapters

By Region:

Big Apple Region:

Central Region West:

Gold Coast Region:

Greater Jersey Hudson River Region:

Greater Miami Region:

Michigan Region:

Northwest Canada Region #87:

Ohio Northern Region "ONR" #23:

Southern Region:


Songs and Cheers

  • "Up You Men"

<Chorus> Up, you men, and sing to AZA, Time will pass, and we'll be on our way, As they years go by there will be, Happiest of memories, ra ra ra Stand, and then, we'll sing this song again, All you loyal Men, Sing the praises of our order, Sing Up You Men of AZA Up You Men of AZA

Brothers we'll be as we share our cares each day, Happy and free though the years go on their way, Starting anew, face to face with destiny, Hearts beating true for our friends and loves to be So,


  • "For Tomorrow and Today"

For tomorrow and today, We believe in the AZA, With voices loud we'll say we're proud Of the A Z, Aleph Zadik Aleph

We all know that Jewish life, {Jewish life!} Has had its share of trouble, {And Strife!} So we'll never cease To work for peace In the A Z, Aleph Zadik Aleph

Brotherly Love, and Charity, We cherish and promote {Promote} Harmony and Democracy, To these our lives devote, {Devote!} Bnai Brith will never stray, {Never Stray!} Jewish youth is on its way! {On its way!}

And it all began With the Beber Plan For the A Z, Aleph Zadik Aleph.

  • "Come and Join Us in Our Song"
  • "Stand Together"
  • "Sweetheart Song"
  • "This is Our Order"
  • "No Man is an Island"
  • "Gentlemen"

External links

Regional Links

Chapter Links

Personal tools