
Revision as of 07:10, 19 August 2024 by Anonymous Central 12 (Talk | contribs)
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  • The MediaWiki software used is outdated and has bugs.

Here on the Main Wiki

  • The need to categorize pages (I'm working on this task).
  • Many useful pages were poorly written (I'm reviewing and rewriting these pages).
  • Certain useful content, such as Special:AllPages, is inaccessible here on the main wiki.
  • The error message that appears when trying to access this content is inadequate and needs to be revised.
  • External links cannot be added.
  • The main page requires a revamp, focusing on the following maintenance tasks:


  • Promote the most prominent wikis.
  • Create a complete list of all wikis.
  • Identify wikis that have no administrators.
  • Assign administrators to wikis that lack management.

Anonymous Central 12 07:00, 19 August 2024 (UTC)

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