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Flock Around The Dock

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Flock Around The Dock
Game TS1
Section 2
Map Docks
Character Mr. Big
Enemies Encountered Duckman Drake x6
Rewards Duckman Drake bot
Medal Requirements 100

Flock Around The Dock is a TimeSplitters 1 Challenge. It involves shooting ducks at the Docks.


Hurray! Duck hunting season opens today. Seems there's plenty of action going on down by the waterfront. See if you can bag 100 in 5 minutes.


The best thing to run after the ducks and not wait for them. You're likely not to reach 100 if you stay in one place unless your in luck. The ducks fall easily so shoot towards them, with auto-aim on accuracy isn't needed as much. Just grab the Shotgun, M16 or the Uzi (x2). The rest don't work well. The Ducks don't take off much health so don't bother chasing it, it wastes time.

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