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Feedback Page

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 01:02, 10 June 2007 by Nevar00 (Talk | contribs)


Feed Us Information!

On this page, you can tell us, the Sysyops, what we can improve. You can also file a complaint and we'll try to do something about it. Remember, you only need to post on this page if you find something only Admin's can fix.

Past Fixes!

  • Fixed: Timeline of Main Page was incorrect about Zombie Inhabitance.
  • Fixed: Duplicate page "Mr. Giggles" was deleted.
  • Fixed: Possible duplicate situation fixed.
  • Fixed: Corrected Electrotool and ElectroTool separate-article scenario.
  • Fixed: Lt. Chill duplicate problem.
  • Fixed: Remote Mines duplicate page


There are duplicates of the following articles:

Don't worry though, all of the info from the duplicate pages of the above has been moved over to the correctly spelled articles of slightly the same names. So go ahead and erase the already listed duplicate pages (they've been linked). Provided by Koopa64

Page Improvement


  • Arcade League/Challenge Scenario Infobox would be handy. Things included should be Name, Game, Mode, Medal Requirements, Awards, and Briefing.
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