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Arcade Awards

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 18:54, 30 November 2007 by HuDaFuK (Talk | contribs)
icon_confused.gif The original author of Arcade Awards does not have any further information on this article. The author may return to finish the article when information has been gathered, however they welcome anyone to expand on this article.

Arcade Awards are awards given for various things in Arcade Custom mode.


Arcade Awards

Most Lethal

  • Kill more people than anyone else.

Most Losses

  • Get killed the most.

Most Professional

  • Don't shoot people in the back or run away; play 'professionally'.

Multi Kill

  • Kill many enemies at once often.

Longest Spree

  • Kill the most enemies between deaths.

Most Effective

Pathetic Shot

I Hit Dead People

  • Shoot the bots bodies when they have no health.

Brain Surgeon

  • Frequently headshot the enemy.

Fists Of Fury

  • Kill enemies with only your fists.

Glass Jaw

  • Take a lot of damage from other people's fists.


Fists Of Steel

  • Punch enemies when playing as a robot.


  • Shoot members of your own team in a team-based mode.

AC-10 Award

  • Run over the armour with full armour.

Where's The Health?

  • Run over the spawn point for the Health Pack when it's not there.

Where's The Armour?

  • Run over the spawn point for armor when it's not there


  • Collect weapons but don't use them.


  • Move slowly (walk)

Most Frantic

Most Sneaky

  • Kill enemies by taking their back.

Most Cowardly

  • Run away from fights.


  • Dodge opponents bullets by strafing or crouching.

Most Out Gunned

Best Equipped

  • Having the map's best weapon.

Unlucky To Lose

  • Lose the match by a narrow margin

Weapons Expert

  • Use all of your weapons.

Ricochet King

Under Equipped


  • Attack characters with weaker weapons or less health often.

Most Peaceful

  • Fire off the least shots.

Most Dishonourable

  • Shoot enemies in the back.

Most Manic

Shortest Innings

  • Get killed quickly and often.

Longest Innings

  • Stay alive for a very long time.



  • Have high accuracy, killing opponents with the least possible amount of shots often.


  • Snipe enemies.

Most Flammable

  • Be caught on fire often.

Most Damaging

Persistence Award

  • Go after the same enemy.

Beheader Award

Smasher Award

Golden Oldie Award

  • Play as characters from previous games often.

Lemming Award

  • Commit suicide often

Insomniac Award

Traveller award


  • Destroy destructible objects often.

Bag Man

  • Hold the bag for long periods of time.


  • Run backwards.


  • Run sideways (strafe).



  • Be preyed on by another player frequently.


Jumping off the edge of cliffs e.g. Chasm


Trigger Happy

  • Shoot often.


  • Run over the health when your health bar is full.


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