Corpse Lover

From Superdickery

Corpse Lover is the alias of Goddamn Psycho in the S.U.T.M. game.



Known Aliases: Goddamn Psycho, Necrophilia Lad

The name says it all.


She can detect the dead from miles away. Unfortunately, she may leave a mission in order to try and make love to them.


Corpse Lover was cursed by a gypsy to always know where the dead were, and to fear them. After seeing a corpse with a boner, she overgrew her fear, and instead developed a fetish. She was recruited by the Organization due to her following the Deathmancer home. "Aww...Can't we keep her?! Please please please?!"


If she's around the dead, she's not going to be doing the job. Not one bit.

Reason for the name

Necrophilia Lad (a girl) changed her name to Goddamn Psycho for no good reason.

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