Attention Whore

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Attention Whore is the alias for Gravitroid in the S.U.T.M. game.

  1. REDIRECT Attention_Whore



Attention Whore has the unique ability to make it so that nearly anyone and everyone in his vicinity notices him, no matter what he's doing.


Attention Whore's powers started during childhood, where schoolyard bullies would often beat him up, as he sat quietly on the schoolyard bench reading a book. Eventually he figured out he had powers, and began to use them to help friends out of trouble, by drawing attention to himself, a person doing nothing more than standing there, while his friends stole stuff. The Organization found out about him, and recruited him. Well, they didn't find out about him...He kinda broadcasted it.


His very power is his very weakness. With everyone targetting him all the time, it's amazing he has survived this long

Reason for the name

During The Event of Minor-To-Little Importance, Gravitroid's name was changed to Attention Whore, due to the fact he never shut up about not having his name changed.

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