Cass thread
From Superdickery
For no logical reason whatsoever, I just read through the entire Cass thread. Former members we miss! New members we've already forgotten! Casstoons! Sugartoons! Drama! coolmvm's hall of smileys! Chuck Dixon fired from DC! Adam Beechen writes Batgirl! More drama! PepperSpray leaves in a huff! Space! Didio's fired, oh no wait he isn't that was just a rumor! Short attention spans! [url=]MY SINGLE OFFICIAL CONTRIBUTION TO CASSTOONS![/url] Sexism! In! Comics! Nevermore declares war on Fabian Nicieza! Hot dogs! The longest post ever! Calm down! Holy butt I like Chaltab again! Mamma Mia, here I go my, how could I resist ya? Neverlin! Caitmore! I'm helping! Making looooooooove! Hissy fits! WONDER DOG! I like you! I hate you! Yay! IT ISN'T TALENT IT'S SKILL! Shirkie is Newton!? Cass gets a sex change, you heard it here first! You got politics in my Casstoons! michealdark's mile-long overviews! Linkara's comic that was never finished! Jann JonesxNevermore, OTP! JaapxNevermore, OTP! The Graysons! Wonder Woman is a sales horror! HEY GUYS DID YOU KNOW RUTHBORN HAS A CASS WIKI? So you wanna be a writer of COMIC BOOKS?! [color=#FF40FF][blink]make out with Jaap![/blink][/color] I am Barack Obama, and I approve this message. Stephie's mom has got it goin' on; she's all he wants and he waited for so long; stephie can't you see, you're just not the girl for tim; he knows it might be wrong but he's in love with stephie's mom. Naturally, I regret nothing. Dan Didio's pimp hat! [sp]Some other person[/sp] is deaaaaaaaaad :gonk:! "I think I like this new poster" <--TO BE REGRETTED. Jaap is the best poster there is. JESUS H. SHITCHRIST YOUR SIG!!!! You were warned. BITCH FIGHT! BITCH FIGHT! BITCH FIGHT! Flibbertigibbet. And so Shanealt hath spoken. And so it shall be! She's a troll. I liked most of the people in this thread once. Pull list, or spankbank? Chuck Dixon wouldn't sleep with Dan Didio, so they cancelled Nightwing, Robin and Birds of Prey. True story! I assume that means she [sp]diddles[/sp] her [sp]doodle[/sp]? Wazzup, my brotha from a different motha. BLACK POWER! We have a generator, black-outs are for poor people. Oh right, here's when I started to find Chaltab annoying. Huh, I'm a bit of a prick, though! You can trade your points for a fax machine! STOP USING EMOTES WRONG. Ooh, I can't wait to get married and become a housewife! Sugarsluts is the antichrist, she confessed! Cass does not sell enough to support her own series, we've got hard numbers to prove it, stop complaining. Sugar's moon tan! REMEMBER: RUTHBORN'S WIKI! Thank you, Zechs, for killing the joke, you're why we can't have nice things. SSNN POSTING PROTECT YOUR EYES! RadxSugarSugarNoNo, OTP! ALSPO EVERYBODY NIN COMIC FORUM NEED S TO TAKE A LEAF OUT OF EEBS ANMD LINKARAS BOOK ATLEAST THEYU DONT ACT LIKE TREMENDOS FAGGOT WHENEVER SOMEONE SMAKE A JHOKE! Everything is about me! Meeeeee! mrjlee, go away come again another...wait, no, don't come again tia~ I love Cass Cail! This is Terrorvision - hello! SugarSugarNoNo, meet SugarSugarManMan. t('_' t ) I'll remember you said that. Niggerdicks is the 11000th post! Gay love hurts the most! Is it because it's forbidden? No, it's because there's no lube. *giggle* michealdark, here's how you write a Casstoon...[img][/img] Superman vs. Batman vs. Wonder Woman! It has nothing to do with Cass, but WHO CARES! CASS DOES! AHH! SATAN! [i]Fuck sake, man...[/i]Do you understand? My mind is not in the scene if you're doing that. You're unbelievable, man. Number of times you strolling a-fucking-round in the background. shaanhe"" shannne is wise wiiiiisw wISSE shnae shane is wise wise wise wISE shznnnw"" FUN COMICS DO NOT SELL. It's raining men! Hallelujah, it's raining men... Pepperspray: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I GOT A WIKI ENTRY WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *leaves forum* GIFFEN IS WRITING DOOM PATROL FUCK YES! The hole should be lower. Way lower! We are apparently to blame for Spider-Girl being canceled, so in revenge, coolmvm destroyed Scans_Daily. It all fits together! I am now a moderator, your fates are in my hands! Mwa-ha-ha! Holy hell, hot pink? That's awesome and horrific at the same time. Everyone will die! That brings of the whole concept this again. And yes it looks of none with. Steph is the new Black Mask! I'm secretly SO GAY for L! So, so gay. Gay as a San Francisco rainbow parade of naked men having sex with each other. Like, really gay. Anime Cass: Latex-y Lilith! Upgrade to Pro today! BATBADE THE DAR[b]K N[/b]IGHTIE meets THE INSATIABLE IRON-BABE! newtwon, our adorable mascot! COOLMVM KILLED SCANS_DAILY!!!! :o :huh: ;) :hayguys: We are officially the best comic site initialed SD! Peter Allen David (often abbreviated PAD) (born September 23, 1956[1]) is an American writer, best known for killing the scans_daily community on LiveJournal. EspanolBot tries new art styles, Casstoons get much better. RUTHBORN'S. WIKI. DON'T FORGET. HE WON'T LET YOU. shane CUTS LOOSE! Grease has great respect for casstoon history. THE JOKESTER (RIP ;-;) Guy nipples don't get hard! Wait, yes they do.
I think that's enough of me reading the Cass thread.
And, from what is possibly my favorite post of the whole Cass-thread, courtesy of Pivitor:
The last daughter of Krypton from a planet nearby Krypton, Kara In-Zor-Ni-El-Chan was sent to Earth in a rocket with flaming wings from the future where she was raised by a planet-bound angel in the shape of a horse. Secretly the hypertime daughter of Red-Son Superman, she masquerades as his inbred cousin Linda Lee Danvers Kent during the day, and also during the day as Supergirl! As Supergirl she spends her time fighting injustice, spreading sexually transmitted crystal rashes, and insulting tabloid reporters!
AND my favorite exchange:
[quote="shananagin"][quote="SugarSugarNoNo"]Darn-it people! I dropped my Blackberry in the sand; it's hard enough to spell on that thing as it is; let alone, with tiny grains stuck between the buttons.
I'm night tanning right now...I guess...? (There's a hot tub on the veranda outside my room)
It's instructions were in French for some random reason, & it took me, like, 3 hours to figure out how to turn it on jet mode. Then I realized those little bottles of hotel soaps were also in French, so I ended up pouring a bottle of shaving gel into the hottub. Then I slipped.
4 days to go! (Next time, I'm picking Disneyland. SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE Mountain > Cannibals living on Volcano mountain w/ Pink sand)[/quote] Poor you, Sugar. Your life is so hard.[/quote]