
From Superdickery

Revision as of 12:25, 14 October 2007 by MsConception (Talk | contribs)

When things are out of order. It is also the name of a somewhat hot, Dutch forum member. He clearly lacks any sense of humor because he doesn't like Mitch Hedberg, much like many other people, who find him to be a lame version of Steven Wright. He also runs a webcomic, which can be found at, but currently it is only in Dutch.

Mess was once bitten hard in the arm by a rainbow goth for no real reason. The scar is gone now, though. But since he gave her his permission to bite him, we can safely assume he is into this kind of stuff.

He was banned for posting a picture of a vagina, but nothing can hold down Jaap, he returned with a new name during Superdickery civil war, and was mistaken by bdsproductions for SJ Whatley, the confrontation was in some respects "The Final Battle" of the Superdickery civil war. It went on with childish named calling, usually involving the word "Dick" until Kris pointed out to bds he was Jaap, not SJ Whatley.

He has recently ranked number 3 on Virgil's 4.

He was unjustly permabanned by Drink, who believed him to have mocked the death of a board members friend through a puppet account despite the fact that the IP's didn't match. Nice detective work.

He is not really missed.

He is also featured in bdsproductions Les Dickery as the primary antagonist.

Naughty Bits

Come Summer, Mess will show his naughty bits. This will be a highly anticipated event. The peoples who are waiting for his naughty bits include but are not limited to:

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