
From Superdickery

Revision as of 17:10, 29 May 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Was bunnyofdoom, and several people still refer to him as that anyways because no one gives a damn.

Is in love with HotAndCold even though she doesn't love him....yet.

Goes by Jim on the Chat

Supposedly, he is atractive except for his haircut. This is news to him.

He also eats a shitload, and is the only male in his group of friends.

[[1]] Threepwood and older brother

Superhero Info

Superhero Name: Captain Awesome

Secret Identity: Threepwood AKA James R Cano

Age: 19

Superpowers:Lame puns and human shielding. Also requisite speedster and often has Mr. T. Delusions


-Schooling with morons leads him to think outside the box to protect himself. Good at hiding in the crowd.

-Years of getting in fights with older brother has taught the best way to retreat, defend himself, and get cheap shots in

Significant Work Experience

- Founding member, and self-declared leader of the A-men squad, a squad of super powered assistant managers at a grocery store

Other positive personality traits:

-Wierd outlook, leads to inovative tactics

-Desperately seeking attention and acceptance and consequencly willing to do anything for the group

Plot development: Self-esteem problems rendering me useless

Numerous female friends leads to numerous romantic subplots

Attractiveness being used to seduce female villians, leading to love hate relationship

Blood condition plus battle= Blood loss induced coma and chance for everyone to act Angsty.

His one-sided flirted at H&C pisses off Booster, and love triangle! Well, more of Love one way line.

Something like this


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