
From Superdickery

Revision as of 15:42, 23 May 2007 by Wonderfish (Talk | contribs)

Can usually be found wherever someone is discussing a Blue Beetle. Any of them, really. You could paint a ladybug blue and she'd show up. She has a problem.

HotAndCold's good twin, and fellow Booster Gold fan.

Rarely stops talking, but has good intentions.

At least partly responsible for Justice League Internet and Cult of Blue Beetle. Is not terribly sorry about either of these, as she did, in fact, warn you that she was a bad influence.

Officially OTP with Linkara after an elaborate geek-handfasting in the ASBAR thread (now the WonderfishXLinkara thread), despite the fact that they are not, in fact, dating. Yet. The bride wore the Green Ranger's costume, the groom the White Ranger's.

Knight and warrior of Rainbowland.

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