Heaven's High

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Heaven's High is the alias of ash2dust in S.U.T.M.



Known Aliases: ash2dust

Heaven's High has some rather unique abilities. He has the ability to use the dust in the air, and change it into something a bit more...odd. Heaven's High also has the ability to completely turn himself into dust, allowing him to gently fly in the wind, or to sneak into a base, using dust as his disguise


Heaven's High can get people fucked up beyond all belief. Seriously, he can create drugs from the dust in the air. If he needs to, he can turn himself into dust, but it isn't of the drug kind. If he plans things out right, by turning into dust on a windy night, he can gently fly in the wind.


Heaven's High was out one night at a killer party, and people were passing things around, and no one really knew what was going on, and suddenly, the place burned down. Heaven's High was the only survivor, but he was left with some rather odd talents. People loved him. He was recruited by an Agent during some weird Rave. She probably had no idea what she was doing.


Well...We're not quite sure what would happen if he were to be in dust form, and then someone snorted him.

Reason for the name

Let's play Virgil word association time! Ok...



Ashes To Ashes

"Ashes to ashes, funky to funky, we know Major Tom's a junkie, strung out on heaven's high"

And there you go.

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