
From Superdickery

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Yar! is a sentient meme. It's first known victim was Jack Cain, from whom we derived the primary progression. Yar! nominally passes through five distinct phases. It has since been observed by Starke in members of the Misfile community, not associated with Superdickery.



Phase I: Infection

During this period of time the subject becomes increasingly irritable and despondent. It is the longest phase, but, due to the nature of the forums, the hardest to diagnose.

Phase II: Dispersal

During the second phase, Yar! forces its victim to divulge personal traumatic experiences, often to complete strangers. The dispersal phase can continue during other active phases, but this is somewhat uncommon.

Phase III: Anger

Often due to the Dispersal phase, but before the Contagious phase, the subject will feel increased agitation, anxiety and aggression.

Phase IV: Aphasia

Although this Phase can occur as early as Infection, it usually manifests shortly after the Anger Phase. During this phase the victim suffers an acute form of Aphasia where the word "Yar!" replaces other common phrases, or emerges as an involuntary response to a random stimuli.

Phase V: YAR!


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