Main Page

From Superdickery

Revision as of 00:44, 23 October 2007 by NigraBrotha (Talk | contribs)

Main Things

Superman Choose Your own Adventure


Superdickery Forums


The History of the Site

Principal Characters





Booster Gold

Crab People

Green Arrow

Green Lantern

Jimmy Olsen

Lex Luthor





Wonder Woman

Wiki Things

To Make a Page: Search for it. When you see "No page with this exact title exists, trying full text search." click "this exact title"

To Redirect: Make a new page, and the entire content of the page should be #REDIRECT and then a link to the page you want to redirect to.

To sign your name Cthulhu 20:18, 29 October 2006 (EST) do four of these: ~.

To make a new line in text, hit enter twice, or type

While uploading, if you see the message "This file is over the size limit, do you want to continue?" DO NOT CONTINUE. Resize the image in a photo editing software, so that it is small enough to fit here.

To link to something on the wiki, but make the text say something else, write the link as DarkGob|douchebag, with the word you want displayed being where douchebag is, and the word you want to link to being where DarkGob is. Like this. If you don't know where the vertical bar is, it's right above the keyboard, on the same key as backslash, just shift+backslash to type it. Apparently, you can't do that to where it'd link to the same page it is on.

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