
From Superdickery

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Current revision as of 01:45, 30 October 2006

A few months ago a crazy phase sweeped across Superdickery nation, this age (or era, or phase) was known as "The Roleplaying Age", or "The Sock Puppet Age". What was this frenzy? Basically already registered members (and sometimes lurkers) would log out of their name and create a new username. This username was a name of a character. Usually people create usernames with characters out of their love for that character (or actor, etc.) and just post as themselves. But, no, our Superdickians posted as the character they registered as. Creating the illusion that the fictional comic book character Deadpool was actually posting as Superdickery.

It all started with Bizarro. Bizarro is a fan-adored, nemisis of Superman. Bizarro created an Advice Thread (seen here.), asking members to ask Bizarro questions and he'd respond in character. It was extremely popular, sporting 200+ replies, and becoming a Stickey-ed thread. Others wanted to join in on the fun.

It started with Green Arrow & Deadpool posting every now and then to offer input in a random topic. Green Arrow would always end his posts with a "Time to beat feet". Suddenly, out of nowhere, an onslaught of sock puppet usernames started posting. It was a frenzy. Some of them were rather humorous at times, posting exactly what the character would say. Some...not so much. Some sock puppets were wildly out of character, and mostly irritating (for example: Martian Manhunter, who was hated by all). It was popular, but widely out of control.

Just to clarify, though, that not all sock puppets were hero-related. For example, some members make usernames that are "mini" versions of them. Minnesota President has Minnie Presidette, which is like an X-babies version of Minnesota President. And, some sock puppets were sock puppets originally, but then starting posting as themselves (Dr. Orpheus & Ambush Bug).

Anyway, the end of the era can be marked with this thread, where Green Arrow personally killed the most active sock puppets. The roleplaying phenomenon started to make a comeback (acknowledged here) with the likes of Hal Jordan, Deadshot, The Spanish Inquisition and Batzarro. But, it slowly died down before it got into any of the extreme measures the first Sock Puppets Age went through. But, there's no denying its popularity (members have requested a roleplaying thread, but as of right now, they have been denied) and, who knows, it might just come back again.

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