The longest post ever

From Superdickery

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[ The longest post ever.]
It all started in the Batgirl thread. [[PepperSpray]] started an argument with [[shanealt]] over something not really important but it quickly turned out Pepperspray complaining about the current Batman storyline while indicating that he hadn't really read it. It was pretty hard to follow since PepperSpray has a habit of changing the argument. [[Draghignazzo]] summed up the arguments and adressed them - it had to be split in three posts because it was too long. Pepperspray didn't want to continue arguing in the Cass Cain thread after that.
''It's like tl;dnr fucking cubed.''-[[Drink]]
[[category:Superdickery Related]]

Revision as of 04:34, 16 November 2008

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