Sean O'Cann

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Name: Sean “Lucky” O’Cann
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12th
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Baseball is his number one sport, but he also dabbles in football (soccer) and basketball. Sean is also a keen study of literature, dance, and mathematics.

Appearance: Sean has unruly blond hair, which hangs just above his eyes (which are brown) untamed, though he usually gels it into even more untidy spikes. Sean’s face is smooth and lightly freckled, though he takes pains to reduce their appearance as much as possible. He has a very slight tan, which has been carefully cultivated so as to be completely uniform. Sean looks generally well formed and proportioned, though his nose tilts slightly to one side (he once took a baseball in the face whilst practicing without a helmet) Sean also wears a stud in his left ear, the stud is circular in shape with intricate patterns carved into it, though Sean hasn’t told where he got it from. Sean stands at 5ft 9, and has an athletic physique, as well as a strong arm, Sean weighs 179 pounds, and moves gracefully. Sean usually wears a long sleeved shirt and smart trousers, he always carries a cap around, though he does not wear it all of the time.

Biography: Sean was born in Dublin, Ireland, and was on the move almost immediately thereafter. Much of his life was spent travelling to various places and seeing various sights. His father (a keen biologist) his mother (a researcher, and a follower of art and music) and his much older brother (a novelist and sportsman) all taught Sean a great deal in his early life. This was almost exclusively lived on the family boat, which Sean grew to love. Perhaps due to his isolated origins, Sean isn’t an especially social person, and he finds it difficult to get on with most people.

By the age of seven, Sean had been to more than twenty different countries, and survived three brushes with death. (This, along with his Irish roots, eventually gave rise to his nickname of “Lucky”) All three were dangerous, but Sean, strangely, had loved every minute of it. When he was eight, the O’Canns took a break from their somewhat extreme lifestyle and lived in England for a while. This, of course, being where Sean met lifelong friend Tyson Neills.

It was three years later that Sean stopped courting danger altogether. In an incident involving a harpoon gun and hammerhead shark, Sean very nearly got his brother killed. His idol lost most of his arm and was badly ill for over half a year. Sean, badly shaken by this, began to avoid anything dangerous altogether. At the same time, his parents decided it was time to settle down for good (especially as Sean’s brother, John, wasn’t going to be going anywhere for the time being).

Sean, at the age of eleven, then realised this would mean he could have far more time to play baseball, basketball, soccer, and do just about anything that he couldn’t do trapped on the confines of a small boat.

It was around this moment in time that Sean started to become increasingly fussy about his appearance (even a little vain at times) this seemingly inexplicable occurrence might have been explained by the aforementioned occasion when he broke his nose. However, it is also known that Sean took a swing at the cause of his injury with his baseball bat (a boy a deal older than he), resulting in a serious head injury. This also led to Sean being cautioned strongly by the police, and it is strongly suspected that this injury has caused lasting damage.

More recently, Sean's life went through another major turning point.

The baseballer always did have reservations about certain aspects of his life, more specifically, his sexuality. Simply put, Sean never felt the slightest bit attracted to girls, much as he would have liked for it to have been otherwise. Amidst his close-knit group of friends, Sean never really had the courage to bring the subject up, not even with his best friend Tyson Neills. A persistance source of aggravation, one which would simply not allow him to forget the whole thing, was Anderson Walker.

Andy had figured out Sean's sexuality for himself, and every so often, pestered him to admit to it. Sean, though, always denied it, simply because he was afraid of how other people would see him if they knew, for a fact that he was gay. At length, however, Andy convinced him (not entirely verbally) that coming out of the closet was the best option.

Since then, Sean and Andy have become very close, at the cost of other friends of the baseballer. Just as he had feared, Sean lost some respect and some friendship when he came out, which hurt him, since he holds his friends dear. An especially deep wound came with Tyson Neills, who had refused to even talk to Sean even before he admittted his sexuality.

Despite these problems, Sean has become a rather better person for admitting the truth. Although he is still slightly vain about his appearence, his arrogance has nigh on disappeared, and he is now rather more friendly in general to others, losing some of his brusque nature and becoming more relaxed.

Advantages: Sean is a sportsman, which should help in overall terms of fitness. He’ll do almost anything to win (he is incredibly competitive) however, this is unlikely to be the case in a game like SOTF, due to the simple nature of the program. Sean is also pretty perceptive, although he has been known to completely misread the situation on occasion.

Disadvantages: Sean lost some popularity after coming out, and obviously there are those who dislike homosexuals on principle. Whilst having previously been a lover of dangerous situations, Sean has an almost paralyzing fear of being killed or injured, so he is prone to freezing up in a tight spot. In addition, Sean is also the source of some resentment, as he had lied about himself for several years, which disinclines people to be friendly.

Designated Number: Male Student No. 42 ==

Designated Weapon: 35 Clips for AK-47
Conclusion: What is it that they call this type? Nerd-a-lingers? Losers? It's hard to say, American culture is so fickle for computer-saavy types. If B41's emotions get the better of him this time, he'll fall apart like a house of cards. I don't see a lot of potential in this one.


Game Evaluations


Killed by:

Collected Weapons: 35 Clips for AK-47 (issued weapon)



Mid-Game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quotes:


Coming soon...


Below is a list of threads that contain Sean, in chronological order.



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