Satoru Kamui

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Revision as of 01:13, 28 March 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Name: Satoru Kamui
Gender: male
Age: 15
Grade: 9th
School: PJ Gilroy
Homeroom: Mr Hallam's homeroom 232.
Hobbies and Interests: singing, playing guitar & piano, studying.

Appearance: Satoru has long, light brown hair that falls to his shoulderblades and blue eyes who's shade seems different everyday, ranging from a light baby blue to an almost purple dark blue. His defined cheekbones and pouty lips give his face an androgynous, almost girlish appearence.

Around 5'10" tall he's slightly skinny for a male his height. Outside of school, being the "Gothic Prince" type he usually wears jeans or leather trousers with a baggy top, whilst in uniform his Visual Kei style is confined to his jewlerry, an onyx bracelet, cheap ornamental cross necklace given to him by an ex-girlfriend and a bracelet of multicoloured plastic beads given to him by a priest in his hometown of Okinawa that he refuses to ever remove.

Biography: Born the middle child of a martial arts instructor and a dancer and classical musician, he led a pretty normal life until the age of 3, when his Mother forced him to begin learning to play piano, which he quit later after developing a rebellious streak. His parents were kind in thier own semi-neglectful way, buying him everything he wanted as long as he studied hard and stayed out of thier way.

At the age of 6 he almost drowned in the sea at Okinawa. After being resuscitated he believed that he had developed psychic powers, upon noticing this his parents sent him to a mental institution for a year, the stress of being forced to live alone in such a terrifying place made Satoru's problems worse and he isolated himself, refusing to try and make friends or speak to anyone who came to visit him.

Eventually he learned to stop seeing things that weren‘t there, released from the mental institution at the age of 8, he no longer sees “ghosts” unless he is under stress, the experience left him with a distrust of his unintentionally cold parents and he continued to isolate himself, deciding that being lonely was better then having the illusion of friendship.

At school he was usually a loner and always getting into fights to prove his skill, beating others became his sole purpose, wether it was in a test or in a fight, until he met a rather shy boy who handed him a stuffed bunny rabbit one day in the corridor, saying he always seemed so troubled, maybe he needed a Tsuki Usagi to cheer him up, Satoru laughed for the first time in months and he and the boy-Yuu, soon became best friends.

At 13 he began to play the drums and returned to playing piano he'd quit earlier, joining an amateur rock band he soon learnt drums and guitar, when the lead singer of the band left, Yuu encouraged him to try out for vocals, the other band members were amazed by his singing potential, he took voice lessons and became the lead singer of his band, after a couple of months his parents, horrified at the idea of their son becoming a 'vulgar' rock musician, moved to America to get him away from the influences of gender-bending Visual Kei rock.

He hates being second best at anything and as such will go to extreme measures to be seen as better at something then someone else, even if it endangers his health and mental state, he‘s been heard to say "it's not that I want to win, it's that I don't want to lose" . Since moving to America he has attempted to look and sound more Caucasian, although he still follows and participates in Shinto rituals.

Advantages: He has the ability to learn and adapt quickly and refuses to be second best.

Disadvantages: Stress causes his mental stability to waver, he also has no close friends at PJ Gilroy and has fought with many of the male students. Due to his near-drowning experience he has a phobia of the sea.

Number: B03


Designated Weapon: Cat Claws
Conclusions: Hey! It's like that kid from the Sixth Sense! You know, "I see dead people" and all that jazz. B03 is going to be seeing a lot of dead people in the days to come, I'm afraid. I wonder what effect that'll have on his mental state. He'll be fun to watch snap, for sure.

The above biography is as written by Sephy. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.



Kills: None

Killed by: Technically Alexander Bee, although Alexander did not receive credit for his death. Satoru was killed when Alexander's collar was set off and detonated the claymore mine he'd been carrying in his daypack, incinerating Alexander, Satoru, and Gigi Sinclaire in the process.

Collected Weapons: Cat Claws (issued weapons, disguarded in the forest)

Allies: He temporarily aligned himself with Alexander Bee and Gigi Sinclaire in hopes of escape.

Enemies: Venus Gwendolyn, Zed Foreman, and Nich Finlayson

Mid-game Evaluation:

End-game Evaluation:

Memorable Quotes:


  • Satoru is based heavily off of Japanese popstar Gackt.
  • Satoru originally belonged to V1 participant Sephy. After Sephy quit SOTF for personal reasons, Satoru sat on the roster as an inactive for a long while before Megami eventually killed him, along with two other characters, on Day Three.


The various threads that contained Satoru. In order from first to finish.

Version II:

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