V1 Locations

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Since the island isn't just a bare, large plot of land, it's expected for it to have specific locations.

  • School Building - A relatively ordinary one-room school building located in the center of the island. A few desks are off to the side, due to the fact that they were hacked to peices by some sort of weapon in the last SOTF ACT. Other than that, everything is nice and orderly.
  • The Lighthouse - A lighthouse, very reminiscent to the one used on the island for one of the BR ACTs. If used well, this could be quite the grand place to barricade one's self in, or gather a large group in.
    • Notice: As of Day 8/9 of the SOTF Program, the Lighthouse no longer exists in the strictest sense of the word, blown up in an encounter between Peri Barclay, Stevan Hyde and Dorian Graywood.
  • The Woods - Some woods overcrowded with trees. Watch yourself here...who knows who will be hiding behind a tree, prepared to kill?
  • Makeshift Hospital - A rather makeshift hospital. It's small, and has only one room to it, much like the school building. The hospital's white tiled walls seem to scream for some color...maybe you can provide? Inside, the hospital has many first aid kits, many of which are empty. If you're lucky enough, you can find something helpful in this building.
  • Helicopter Crash Site - Formerly an Open Field. The crashed remains of the terrorists' helicopter lay in the middle of the field, providing some shelter to whomever prefers to use it. Fair warning, though, of all the lurkers around the area looking for the baddies. (Description before of the "Open Field": A simple, yet dangerous open field. Be weary here...this is a definate "hey, kill me, I'm right here" area, since just about everyone sticks out like a sore thumb in the open field.)
  • Small House - An old and tiny house. If not for the many cobwebs, and the slightly bloodstained floor, the house would look rather out of place. This is the perfect place for the folk that would much rather hide under a table than partake in such a terrible game.
  • Bamboo Coppice - A thicket of bamboo stalks shooting up out of the ground. Be careful, one could lose themself in all the bamboo. If one was crafty enough, they could easily turn one of the bamboo stalks into a weapon of somesort.
  • Hillside Cliff - A hillside cliff. The drop isn't that far down. In fact, the most injury you can sustain from sliding down this cliff are just some bruises. The cliff is a good lookout point for anybody that plans on sniping out the competition.
  • Dirt Path - A dirt path that seems to lead everywhere and nowhere. It branches outwards and all sorts of directions, leading this way and that.
  • The Well - A well full of precious, clean water. Be careful, though...it might just all be some sort of clever trap.
  • The River - A simple river which offers so much, such as a place to bath, a food source, and a fresh water source. Be careful...someone could easily sneak up on you while you are bathing, or gathering food and water.
  • Gazebo - A gazebo sitting on the center of a tall hill. This would be a very good place to call people over to, and form some sort of plan. Be careful...this place is somewhat of a dead giveaway to your whereabouts, since it sticks out so much.
  • Waterfall - A breathtaking view of a waterfall. Your breath might be taken away - literally - if someone catches you off guard and decides to drown you in the waterfall's sparkling waters.
  • Lookout Point - A lookout point which provides a look at the whole island. Be weary of the fact that with one push, you could go tumbling down the lookout point and fall to your death.
  • Bathroom Facility - The bathroom facility...for the dignified folks who would rather not go to the bathroom in such a dirty place as outside. Watch out...crafty folks might hide within one of the bathroom stalls, waiting for potential victims.
  • Eastern Shore - A beautiful shore. An over turned canoe sits upon the white, sparkling sands. If the SOTF ACT wasn't going on, this shore might just be considered beautiful. But, because it's on this particular island, the shore's white sands seem to beg to be painted with red.
  • The Ravine - A large, deep, and dangerous crack in the earth. Watch your step while travelling close to the ravine...who knows who may sneak up on you and shove you down into it?
  • Old Warehouse - A large, and old warehouse. The corners are covered with cobwebs, and there are a few cracks in the flooring showing its old age. This would make a great meeting place for any group, because of the table, chairs, random nicknacks, and all the tools.
  • Dark Caves - Your typical dark and danky caverns, located conveniently at the side of a tree-covered mountain. They'd certainly provide some sort of shelter, although the caves are so dark that without some sort of light, you can't see your hand infront of you. Be careful...who knows who may be hiding in the shadows of the caves?
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