The Terrorists

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After losing three out of four henchmen during the last game to the island's murderous population, Mr. Danya was in desperate need of a few new lackies. Through methods unknown, sometime in the year span between the first and second successful ACTs, Danya recruited four new terrorists to assist him in the running of the second program. These terrorists, unlike those from the previous game, Danya finds quite trustworthy. So much so, in fact, that he allowed them to orchestrate the kidnappings of the four schools. This is where we got our first look at Danya's new lackies. So far, not much information has been released about them, save for their appearances, which are as follows.

  • Jim Greynolds: Jim Greynolds could be described by many to be simply a geeky kid, who looks like they should be more familiar with the college band scheme than any terrorist one, but make no mistake Jim Greynolds is nobody to mess with. He is a fit man, although not really muscular, he’s built more like a runner than anything else, his brown hair is kept a little bit longer than the standard crew cut, but somehow he manages to shrug off all orders to cut it. He is almost always seen with thin wire-framed glasses, said glasses some say are used to bring attention to the innocent blue eyes that are under them. His face is round and he always seems to be smiling, whether that is good or creepy is something to be interpreted by the students themselves, but Jim insists that it is not meant to be sadistic in nature.

On his choice of dress you’d be surprised to see the lack of care he puts into looking intimidating, choosing to go everywhere in various hoodies and a pair of faded jeans, in fact to those who weren’t experienced at spotting them the bullet proof vest under the hoody and the Kevlar covers on his lower legs would be completely ignored. To complete this freakishly lax attire Jim is usually seen in a pair of black converse.

  • Sonia Nguyen: Short and petite in every aspect of the world, Sonia isn't a very intimidating figure physically. Her features are distinctly asian, moreso Vietnamese in appearance. Sonia possesses straight black hair, extending roughly past her shoulder-blades in length. Her eyes are a deep, dark brown in color, so dark that they appear almost black outwardly. They're almond-shaped and slightly slanted and are usually accentuated with dark black eyeliner. Thin, square, wire-frammed glasses sit atop her nose, providing a more distinguishing look to her face. Her nose is small and narrow and her lips are thin yet full. She holds an overall professional look, aside from the slight casualness her generally let-down hair brings to her features.

Sonia's standard attire consists of a form-fitting long-sleeved white blouse, a black skirt extending to a few inches above her knee, and a pair of plain black high-heeled pumps. Her petite and delicate frame belies the sheer strength Sonia contains. Her body may resemble that of a doll, but Sonia is a warrior to the core. From a very young age onward, she was trained in martial arts like Vo Binh Dinh and Quan Khi Dao, and every inch of her physique is sheer lean muscle.

  • Melvin Carter: Melvin is a heavy-set black man, loads of muscle on his tall frame sets him apart as a physically imposing giant. His head is shaved, and has no facial hair as he is very meticulate. His eyes are an interesting green, very light and almost seeming gray. His outfit for the game is all black, firm fitting black shirt with dark camoflauge pants, and military boots. Not to mention the many weapons he has on him hidden from plain sight.

For some reason, despite his very large body and striking looks, Melvin is not noticed well out of a crowd. It is this reason he has an outstanding record in stealth operations and the like.

  • Steven Wilson: He is a tall, well built man with brown-blonde hair shaved into a buzzcut that he maintains with almost religious vigor and Caucasian skin. He wears steel toe Marine-issue boots, Fatigue pants, and a Black T-Shirt. He is always seen with a pair of sunglasses, which hide a pair of dark brown eyes. His eyes look like those of a seasoned veteran, betraying that he has been through things he shouldn’t have. He walks like a great cat, each movement calm and measured but ready to explode into action at a moments notice. A 7th Marines tattoo is visible on his right arm, as are several scars. He almost always has a neutral look on his face. When he was acting as Bathurst's principal, he wore a suit, but removed it as soon as the abduction was underway, muttering "I hate suits.".
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