Melina Frost

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Name: Melina Frost
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: She is the leader of a group of girls in school who constantly bully and berate the other students. She also has connections with some powerful people in the Irish Mafia.

Appearance: Melina is very pale in most respects. No matter how much time she spends in the sun, she never tans well. The Irish in her keeps her from getting the “boardwalk tan” most other teens seem to radiate. Her striking red hair accentuated her evergreen eyes, and the slight freckles dancing around her small nose give her a very cutesy look. Her breasts are of normal size for a girl her age, about C-cup. She enjoys showing off for others, and is usually seen wearing something a bit too revealing. On the trip, she wears a Red skirt with a Blue low-cut blouse. She wears her White Columbian designer sandals as well.

Biography: Melina was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her family was of pureblooded Irish decent, her father an immigrant from Dublin. She lived in Cincinnati with her parents Patricia and Kevin Frost, until she turned eleven. At this time, there was a very large schism in the Irish mafia. Her Father, a well known member of their ranks, was forced to choose sides, and relocate his family in fear of retribution from the other side. Melina lived a life of closure from the world for two years in the protection of members of the mafia.

After the schism’s fighting ended, Melina and her family were allowed to move out of protection. Melina knew she’d changed straight away. She was not the same innocent girl she was before she left home. She and her family moved to Highland Beach, California, in order to try and stay as far away from the Mafia’s influence as possible. When Melina turned fourteen, a year after the move, her father was forced to return to Dublin, in order to protect his wife and daughter.

When Melina was Fifteen, she became involved with a boy by the name of William Solei. Will was Melina’s first boyfriend and convinced her that they could go farther with their relationship. This was not done however, as Melina’s mother walked in on the scene as it was in progress. Patricia immediately kicked Will out of the house and set up an appointment for her daughter at the gynecologist’s office. This would end up being the worst thing for Melina.

At the office, Melina was seduced and raped by the doctor and nurse. Melina quickly told the authorities after, not because she was scarred, but for the fun of seeing the looks on their faces when it was all over. Melina began to change after the trial. She began to wear much more revealing clothing to school, and began to hit on most every guy she met. She became violent and petty. Her mother no longer knew her own daughter. Melina was known throughout the town and school as being extremely promiscuous, willing to have sex with just about anyone.

Melina felt as if she were alone in the world, and at the moment, she was right.

Advantages: She’s an evil and vindictive girl; she cares nothing for any of the other students, even her own “friends”. She’ll be looking out for number one.

Disadvantages: She’s not well liked by her fellow students, and it’s doubtful even the members of her group would stand by her. She’ll most likely be alone, and possibly vulnerable, depending on the weapon she draws.

Designated Number: Female Student no. 02

The above biography is as written by Mitsuko2. No edits or alterations to the author's original work have been made.


Designated Weapon: Iron Chain (4 ft.)
Conclusions: The sexually promiscuous type, eh? These types of girls always seem to fair pretty well in our little competition, especially ones like her who have no qualms doing anything and everything to win. Something tells me she'll find a way to put that chain to good use.


Game Evaluations


Killed by:

Collected Weapons: Iron Chain (issued weapon)



Mid-Game Evaluation:

Post-Game Evaluation:

Memorable Quotes:


Coming soon...


Below is a list of threads that contain Melina, in chronological order.

The Past:

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